
Viki Winterton


The universe has always shown me how truly blessed I am in various ways over my entire life. If you are paying attention and are living on the right path things, people and gifts show up unexpectedly. Some may say they’re coincidences, but I know better. I have been writing a book that I’m truly passionate about for the past three years and to my surprise it’s been published by my dear friend Viki Winterton who is a best selling author and publisher to many best selling, inspirational authors of today such as, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and Neale Donald Walsh. All who have greatly inspired many many people with their words of wisdom. I’m so honored and flattered to be in their company and share this with you now.51bgXWYWhiL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-71,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_ “True Age, Timeless Beauty” is a guide to “Finding The Fountain of Youth and All That You Desire in Life. It’s a book on how to keep your life in balance and how to stay there so that you can not only turn back the clock and look your best, but truly live a life that is of prosperity and abundance in every way. True Age, Timeless Beauty  will help you achieve all the dreams that you desire in the areas of Health, Wealth, Love, Career and Home. I put my heart and soul into this book and share my own personal journey on how I’ve achieved it and how you can too. The ebook is now available on Amazon and the printed version is coming soon. It is my Christmas gift to all of you!