


Our trip down under has been nothing short of an exciting adventure. Player has been on fire at every concert so far and the fans are showing the love for Ronn and the band after every show. Player and Ronn Moss T-shirts and CDs are selling like crazy and there have been some female fans that have displayed their affection for Ronn with a tattoo of his face on their thigh! And this fan was only 26 years old, which has been surprising. Seems we have been seeing younger fans gracing the shows that have been watching Ronn on B&B most of their lives! We even had a female fan who came all the way from Malaysia for the Melbourne show and told us that Player has many fans there as well.


Our tour manager Stu has been taking really great care of us backstage as you can see on the Livestream I surprised you guys with last week. We have been treated to great food and company by our promoter Enza and Roy Ortuso and each and every Aussie we have met has been so warm and friendly. Ronn’s cousin Joan and her husband David made it to the Melbourne show and it was terrific to see her. I have a few friends of my own that will catch a show while we are here that I haven’t seen in a while also. Ronn’s very own BBQ Sauce is now available for orders on our DevRonn website and it comes in a mild and medium spicy gluten free flavor that you will just love!!

RoNN's BBQ Sauce both*****web - Version 2 

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We had a blast at the Melbourne Cup and now everyone is talking about Ronn’s man bun as they like to call it when he was a guest on Rove’s show, “The Project” yesterday. Magazines “TV Weekly” and “New Idea” have talked about Ronn’s visit and Player appeared on the popular “Morning Show” with their live acoustic version of “Baby Come Back.” It seems the press can’t get enough of them and it has been a bit hectic this past week with the concerts and all the press, so these past couple of days has been nice and relaxing for all of us and much needed.

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It’s so nice to really see the beautiful country of OZ up close and personal. We even got to see some Kangaroos in the wild on our drive into Canberra. Next week we will all visit the zoo together and get to see more. Since we have been here it’s been expressed countless times that the fans are not taking to the Nu-Ridge very well and Ronn is and always will be their one and only Ridgerido and that’s never going to change for them. We love the land of OZ and we are looking forward to the rest of the tour and want to visit more often!

This past week was a hectic one as we scrambled to prepare to head down under for a month. It was crazy busy for us because Ronn was shooting late days on “The Bay” as John Blackwell up until the day before we left home. So we didn’t get much sleep and there was so much to do before we left. I was busy putting the finishing touches to our newly revised DevRonn website in preparation for the launch of Ronn’s Kickass BBQ Sauce. There is still a bit more things I need to finalize before we can start taking orders and I will let you know when that is soon!

RoNN's BBQ Sauce hot***** - Version 2

 So as we continued to prepare to hang down under for the next month, I started to get excited about how much of an adventure our Australian stay would be for all of us. There are a lot of first time things that we are all doing down under. It will be Player’s first tour and it seems fans are super excited for them to hang down under with them! Ronn and I saw our first soccer game tonight as Sydney won against Mariner. It has been such lovely weather and I could see the excitement building as the friendly Aussies welcomed us with open arms.

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 Tomorrow we head down to Melbourne for the elite Melbourne Cup as guests of Emirates Airlines. And then we will meet the band back in Sydney to kick off the tour. The Aussies have been super sweet and they seem to have missed Ronn greatly. The concert is selling out and Ronn has been doing tons of press on a daily basis.  New Idea magazine came out last week and this week Player will go on “The Morning Show” to sing “Baby Come Back” live. It’s so beautiful to see the reaction to fans here in OZ, they are just so genuine and down to earth. I have met so many amazing women and men who have a real admiration for Ronn and who seem super excited to see the concert!


 Baby Come Back is now running in a Toyota commercial and has been for the past three years, so it made sense to kick off this tour down under. There is also a horse named after Ronn running in the Melbourne Cup and as guests of the Emirates Airlines we are proud to be here and looking forward to a great day! So far hanging down under has been nothing but fun and we are having a blast! I know the tour will be a slam dunk kickass fun time for everyone and can’t wait to share lots of pics and videos with you guys! Who knows I may just surprise you with a livestream soon! In the meantime, stay tuned for the launch of Ronn’s Kickass BBQ Sauce and more amazing surprises!!

It’s been a hectic time for both Ronn and I as we are dealing with many business related things before leaving for Player’s Australian tour. Ronn has been in the throws of editing a new Ronn’s Garage and putting together a visual presentation for his solo part of the OZ tour which has gotten a tremendously positive response. It’s apparent OZ loves Ronn and he loves those Aussies! So this should be a super fun tour and the first time Player will perform overseas, so the boys are really excited!


Player’s new drummer, Jimmy Carnelli is an expert diver and is looking forward to diving the Great Barrier Reef and I’m looking forward to meeting so many of you! Of course I will be blogging and doing Livestreams to keep everyone feeling like you are right there with us! Right now I’m just grateful for life’s little blessings that have been bestowed on us recently. In spite of the setbacks that I’m sure all of you can relate to in one way or another, sometimes setbacks are indeed life’s little blessings and a way to help us stay in gratitude.

Since our world’s economy has been in the toilet for quite some time, financial times have been trying and economic setbacks make living in our society a strain for many. One has to constantly evaluate their situation and prepare for the worst, yet hope for the best. It’s all we can do and my heart goes out to all who are in economic hard times right now. I think we can all relate to the suffering that is going on in our world and how it has a trickling effect on the masses. I have a section in my book, “True Age, Timeless Beauty” on finances and how to overcome the stress to keep things in balance.


Trust me, I can relate and know what I’m talking about because I’ve been there many times in my life and it’s during these hard times that life’s little blessings appear through these hurdles in ways you may not recognize at first glance. I’m saying this because I feel the pain of our world suffering when I read tweets and postings of others who are going through hard times.

Life’s little blessings can sometimes disguise itself as an obstacle and the timing could be leading you along a path that is to your benefit. Right now Ronn and I are dealing with such obstacles in many areas of life and they are turning into pure blessings. So I have learned to welcome the obstacles and merely deal with them with positiveness.

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So in preparation for this Australian adventure we are about to embark on, we are also getting ready to do an exclusive photo shoot together for the magazine New Idea this week. We are also celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary! Geez it’s hard to believe 5 years have gone by this fast! And Ronn is doing a table reading with the cast of “The Bay” this week for their upcoming shoot! I have finally posted a Livestream chat for Tuesday and I’m working on some new surprises! Can’t tell you everything right now, but life’s little blessings are upon us in spite of all the obstacles.
