Dear Devin. My name is Samantha Leon and I represent Superman actor Henry Cavill.
Henry has asked me to contact you regarding a role in an upcoming movie project he will be starring in and also directing and producing for Netflix.
Henry is overseas filming right now, but has said, if you can get back to us ASAP with a contact number, he will be happy to call you back personally.
Regards Samantha Leon for Henry Cavill
Sent from William Morris Endeavor Talent
Turns out, Superman or who I believed was British actor Henry Cavill himself calls to speak with me personally on this potential project. I put him on speaker phone so Ronn could hear the conversation. Henry began to speak of my role in the cult classic film “Society” and how much he liked it. I asked more about this role and he tells me its the role of his mother in a upcoming thriller that he will be directing and proceeds to drop names in the industry of various people he thinks I know and that we have in common. His call was from a UK number and he tells me how he’s been filming all night when I ask about the time difference.
I look over at Ronn who seems a bit perplexed and slightly jealous that Superman seems to be fawning over me working with him in places like Vancouver, London and Spain where he tells me this movie will film for over three months in 2025. Henry then proceeds to tell me other films of his to watch because of how he looks in them because I expressed how much I liked his role in the series, “The Tudors.” The conversation lasts over an hour and there were lots of laughing and glances over to Ronn as he seemed even more jealous of Superman’s constant reference to his looks and his body, especially when he offers to train me personally for this role! I see looks of disgust on my husband’s face that I’ve never seen in 20 years!
Henry asks me if he can call and speak more the next day and we set a time and finally hang up. Ronn and I begin to talk about this odd conversation that indeed seemed a bit too good to be true and I began to research more on Superman Henry because I really didn’t know much about him or follow his career other that enjoying the series, “The Tudors.” We looked at videos online of his speech pattern and thought something was a bit off in comparison to the Henry I was chatting with for over an hour. I looked on IMDB and saw that Samantha Leon was indeed his agent at William Morris Endeavor and decided to call Samantha on the phone to confirm if this was indeed Henry I was talking to the night before. I was told that the agency was getting many spams regarding Henry Cavill and to disregard this and Ronn found articles online relating to scams pertaining to major celebrities. These scammers pose as celebrities to befriend you only to then ask you to contribute to their charities.
Ronn and I got a good laugh from this one because he was indeed a tad jealous and I told him that these guys had to cook up this scam to target me and that they had to have somebody like Superman to go after Ronn Moss’ wife, so he should be flattered, which made him laugh. I proceeded to block Superman’s email and phone number and life returns back to normal, but if Superman calls you, it’s best to not take it seriously and to be cautious! I have to now be aware of anyone like Angelina Jolie wanting to talk to Ronn about a potential project.
Meanwhile, we continue to live our lives in gratitude for having followed our intuitive feelings for things in life that may seem a bit too good to be true. Don’t fall for these kinds of hoaxes pertaining to celebrities trying to personally befriend you or even work with you. Stay cautious in our world today and listen to your own intuition.
As we finish out this year and enter into 2024, I always reflect on how blessed we have been to have good health and great prospects in our future creative endeavors. We have exciting new beginnings emerging in 2024 and I can’t wait to share what they are, but I can tell you they are indeed very exciting! It does seem all our hard work is beginning to pay off and a lot of it is because of all the love and support we have gotten from you!
I can see many of you are enjoying all the new Ebay items I’ve been posting and I’m excited to announce the new line of signature t-shirts and clothing on Ronn’s website. Also you can view “Surprise Trip” movie on Amazon Prime now in Italy for Christmas! And you can get the CD of music from the movie autographed by Ronn now on his website!
Many of you have expressed wanting more photos of Ronn as Ridge Forrester and I found all of these goodies cleaning out and organizing our garage. A lot of you have expressed how much you miss Ronn as this character and how you are now watching old episodes online, and many people in various countries have told us firsthand that they have stopped watching the show due to what the writers have done to this beloved character.
As a fan of soaps, I can understand the hurt and disappointment you are feeling. It was truly disrespectful to the loyalty fans gave for decades and to the work Ronn did for two and a half decades to breath life into the character of Ridge. Personally, the producers did not have to recast such a character and shouldn’t have and they have been shoving a character that isn’t and never will be Ridge down everyone’s throats for a decade now, which only adds insult to what they did and continue to do. This makes absolutely no sense to me and I think most people who adored Ridge would agree. So for all of you that want a real collectors item, these photos are for you!
As disappointing as it is to let go of old things that no longer suits our growth on this planet, it is necessary. Ronn and I have been doing that with every aspect of our lives since moving to Scottsdale. We have been cleaning house and letting go of many many things to make room for new and exciting ones to take its place. And I promise you these new things that are coming will give you more of Ronn to get excited about and will be even more beautiful to share with many of you around the world in 2024!
I have also been adding autographed photos to my Ebay store from movies, “Society” as Clarissa and “Can’t Buy Me Love” as Iris the virus, along with my memoir “The Day It Snowed In April.” I plan to add many more goodies over the next few months, so please comment and let me know what else you may want? I know you want clothing items like Ronn’s scarves and trust me, I’m trying to get him to part with some of them, but he loves his scarves!
So as we say goodbye to the old and hello to new and exciting adventures ahead, it is our wish to take you along on our journey as we always have and get your feedback on what you think. Please feel free to comment and make suggestions on what you want and like because we do look at them and take them into consideration. Have a blessed and wonderful holiday season with those who you hold near and dear. Treasure your loved ones and stay in gratitude for what you have and know that we love and adore you guys!!
We are so very grateful to be home for the holidays and had a lovely Thanksgiving with our dear friend Tina Hillstrom in Scottsdale. The holiday spirit here is already in full bloom with Christmas lights, holiday parties and charity functions. Ronn has various concert gigs around Scottsdale that he’s doing for fun with our neighbor Sarah James and I am still unpacking garage boxes and trying to give fans new fun auctions on Ebay with new merchandise on our website stores and on Devronn due to many of your requests. It’s been hard to do these types of things with the amount of traveling we have been doing over the past few years, so the merchandise is indeed limited and will only be done while we are home in America. These new signature t-shirts are in limited quantity and we will also add new t-shirts with different images, such as, his new “Surprise Trip Love” album cover in limited supply later. There is also a limited supply of physical autographed CDs of his new album, so I suggest you guys get them while we are home now in time for the holidays now!
Ronn Moss Signature T-shirtRonn AutographedDevin as Clarissa “Society”
There are also lots of autographed 8×10 photos of both Ronn and I together and separately from his days as Ridge Forrester, John Blackwell and in concerts. I’m finding so many cool things to place on auction for you guys daily from collectibles to clothing and scripts. Past tour merchandise from Australian and American tours such as, t-shirts, pillowcases, tour logs and photos of course. I will add to our stores on our websites and on Devronn weekly. This also is giving me more room in our garage to make room for new cool merchandise that’s coming like Ronn Moss signature clothing in the way of sport shirts, shorts, windbreakers and jackets. And I know how much you want his scarves, so that’s coming soon also. So now is the time to collect all in the way of autographed collectibles and photos and now on all of our websites.
I had the honor of writing an article in “Lost and Found in Italy” magazine on fashion designer Jennifer Tattanelli and will be writing more articles in the future in this beautiful magazine that features art, music, fashion, travel and food. I’m becoming quite the expert now on everything Italian. Ronn is now working on a Christmas album for next year and we are preparing things for the continuation of his European summer tour for 2024. It’s been brought to my attention that “The Bold and The Beautiful” photo shopped Ronn’s face out of old photos in a recent episode and put the new Ridge character’s face over Ronn’s and that fans were highly insulted by this. As a fan of soaps, I would be also and don’t understand the ongoing disrespect for the 25 years Ronn gave to this show. It really insults the intelligence of the audience that loved this character and to the work Ronn brought to it. It’s been over 10 years since Ronn left this show and the loyalty and love we see all over the world is truly beautiful to witness. It’s too bad the producers of this show does not recognize this and seems to keep slapping its audience in the face by doing stupid things like this. So for all of you fans out there that want to collect the real history of “Ridge” I will be putting magazine covers, memorabilia and collectibles from the show up for auctions during the coming months. Wishing you all a beautiful holiday season from our family to yours!
Surprise Trip Love is our theme this summer with the album and tour!
Summertime fun in Italy has been non stop and interesting with all the concerts and traveling. Italy is now our official second casa. Ronn kicked off his tour in our hometown of Fasano. This is in the southern part of Italy, in the region of Puglia. I wanted to celebrate my 60th birthday with friends from Europe and America with an intimate kickoff of the “Surprise Trip Love” concert tour.
This was a beautiful all white birthday theme party. I had guests that flew in from Holland, Belgium, Germany, England and America. It was truly an unforgettable evening under the stars with beautiful weather, music and Italian cuisine.
Angelique de Vries came from Amsterdam and took all the beautiful photos below from the party. My beautiful friend actress/sommelier, Sandra Taylor came all the way from America. Renowned artist Michael Moebius came in from Germany, singer Maria Elena Infantino flew in from England. Belgium journalist Sylvia Van driessche and her actor/producer husband Jelle De Beule rounded out my wonderful guests, along with many Italian friends that made my birthday an extra special night to remember.
Ronn and I are brand ambassadors of Italian/American designer, Jennifer Tattanelli. She made me a surprise birthday dress that was handmade with lace from Florence and we have been wearing her stylish clothing all summer.
Going into summer and getting settled into our new trulli was very relaxing. And then the bigger concerts began in picturesque Polignano a Mare. This was where the launch party for “Lost & Found In Italy” magazine presented a 24 page color cover story on Ronn and his career.
This was held on the beach of the most iconic spot of this amazing city and we had a great time dancing under a gorgeous full moon. As we moved into August, Ronn’s concert schedule got a bit more hectic. Ronn released his first music video, “Just a Little” from his new album and more videos are in the works from this album. Traveling for the “Surprise Trip Love Tour” we saw the crowds got bigger as most of Italian concerts are held outdoors in piazzas.
They are free concerts paid for by the cities within Italy and it seems Ronn is getting more and more requests for additional concerts. So he has decided to do all other countries next summer and focus only on Italy this summer. As we are now in the middle of summer here, I will bring you more updates of how the tour is going as we move into fall. Please check Ronn’s site for additional updates. Hope you all are enjoying your summer so far!
Life is changing rapidly and we must embrace the change for a brighter future.
I know it’s been a long time since I’ve blogged and that has been for several reasons. One reason being we were traveling way too much and needed a break from constant social media that was simply taking over our lives. We were already doing “Ronn’s Garage,” “Cooking with Devin” and livestreams on our travels and concerts. You guys woke up with me and we took you along as much as possible on our past journey. As the world began to rapidly change with the lock down and the rising costs with the economy, our focus shifted to more important matters. We decided to make some major changes of own. Our kids were grown up and had moved on with their lives and we became aware that we did not need so much to deal with anymore.
We decided to downsize to a much smaller home and moved to Scottsdale, Arizona last fall. And we decided to restore a 200 year old Trulli in Puglia for the summers. These were huge moves for us since Ronn has only lived in California his entire life. However, Italy has had a love affair with Ronn like no other country for decades. He did his first movie in Sicily way before “Bold and Beautiful” was a hit, so it was only fitting we make Italy our second home. Traveling isn’t as much fun these days and we felt having a summer home in Italy now made sense. The kids can come visit us and who doesn’t love summers in beautiful Italy?
Since Ronn now has a new solo album released and a summer tour all over Italy, it has officially become our seconda casa. We fell in love with southern Italy back in 2012 when we renewed our vows in the now famous Borgo Egnazia. The food, culture, people and of course wine from this region inspired us to produce our first movie, “Surprise Trip” now on Amazon Prime, Sky TV, ITA Airlines and is currently in film festivals for International distribution by Minerva Pictures. Ronn wrote and sang all the music for the film, which inspired his new album, “Surprise Trip Love” that is currently getting rave reviews. He is thrilled to now combine his musical talents in films we can also produce and we are currently working on developing a thriller and a western with this same formula.
I am now an International editor for a new luxury magazine devoted to Italy called, “Lost and Found In Italy.” And I will have a regular column in this beautiful quarterly magazine where I will give real estate advice, along with recommendations on travel, food, fashion and wine. Together, Ronn and I are combining our love for Italy and doing all the things we both love to share all that we can with you now.
We can’t wait to share all the amazing things Italy has to offer from all of the different regions we are experiencing firsthand with you along with many surprises along the way, this will indeed be a new adventure to bring you all on.
March means spring and the anticipation of springtime represents light from the darkness we all have been endlessly enduring worldwide. There is a feeling of something that is bubbling to the surface, which is about to reveal itself. I can feel it in the air and sense it from the social media posts I’ve been seeing recently. A major change is coming and I believe it will indeed change humanity as we know it. We are heading from dark to light in my opinion.
If I sound a bit like you are feeling then I know my intuitive gift is indeed on the right track. Seems our world has gone completely mad, bonkers, beyond crazy and nothing makes any sense whatsoever anymore. What does it all mean? Are you starting to also question so many things that have been going on recently? Seems we must be careful to not say the wrong thing for fear of censorship or offending some group that may label you as spreading hate speech. So beware not to say anything, stay home and keep your masks on!
We are surely living in biblical times during this particular moment on the planet. According to the Bible, Jesus was persecuted during his time on earth while a murderer went free. It seems criminals have more freedom and rights than we do these days. Governments around the world are trying to stay in control of their citizens with ridiculous lock downs that are indeed backfiring now as many countries such as Ireland, Belgium and Italy’s citizens rise up in protest. It is because of all these questions that I have started a new online series called “Beyond The View” where I talk about the week’s current event topics in a more in depth, educational and spiritual conversation with other like minded people who just may have some answers.
Our planet is indeed evolving and seeking truth. And it’s only through communication that truth will be discovered. We cannot rely on someone to merely tell us what’s happening anymore. We want to know for ourselves and will curiously seek it out now. “Beyond The View” is my way of starting an army of angel warriors who will serve humanity in this battle between good and evil. I love to share the prophecies of the late Kim Clement who was our neighbor for many years. He truly got a lot of things totally right about what’s happening in our world today.
Whatever you believe, we all must admit that the world we knew once no longer exists today. We either must evolve or destroy ourselves. There is no rule of law that even applies to what is happening so there is no choice but to fight to the death for humanity to survive. Are you onboard? You must now choose a side and now fight for life or die in hell on earth as freedom goes away forever. I personally have faith in knowing God always wins when two or more gather in belief of that energy. We will rise together as one just as Kim Clement said and God’s plan will win this battle. Let me know your thoughts.
Since we have settled back home in America, Ronn and I have taken a much needed break from social media in regards to live chats. We wanted to spend more time with friends and family and enjoy being back home again, so that was our primary focus. I’ve been online since 1998 and I’ve seen many changes and I believe another big change is coming in terms of social media now. It was getting very sad to see so much hatred on display during these past couple months against anyone with a different view point. Censorship was at an all time high and it was nearly impossible to say anything that may put you in Facebook or Twitter jail. A lot of this just didn’t make sense to me and it surprised me that people I knew personally, but who never conversed or liked anything I posted was offended suddenly by a comment I made or something I shared. I typically share things that I feel says love, things like food, animals, travel and uplifting positive motivating quotes. I don’t like debating about politics, however, we are now at a point of no return in our world. It’s not about Democrats or Republicans, it’s about the fight for humanity and our world. The singing prophet Kim Clement was our neighbor for many years. We study his prophecies and believe our world is actually changing for a new glorious beginning to take place. Our government is being exposed for the deep corruption within it and crumbling from the illusion we have been living under.
Many of our friends from around the world are also experiencing these same feelings as they watch their governments crumble and their cities run over with violence. We are all tired of being lockdown and told to live in fear over a virus that is nothing more than this year’s flu. The lies that have been perpetuated by the mainstream media is obvious to many who are indeed awake. The mass majority get their news online straight from sources and share at a faster pace than mainstream can keep up with because we are the news now. What our world needs more than anything is love sweet love. We need to have our voices heard freely and to remain the beacon of hope for our world. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Ronn’s latest duet with Belgium artist Ella Luna, “Hallelujah” remains at number one on the charts for the second week now. I suspect we will all be singing this song soon as the chains that have been around of us fall away.
We do not need more division, we need unity. It breaks my heart to see friends, family and spouses who are still so divided and cannot see this. Fear is what drives division and love is what drives unity. So I cannot hang out on platforms that are divisive such as Facebook and Twitter anymore. I do not believe in squashing free speech and will not support these types of platforms that have frankly gotten too big for their britches! I also think it’s a good time to purge my true friends to other platforms that I have discovered such as, Telegram that has features for chatting with multiple people on topics you have in common. I have formed voice chat groups already and have had wonderful insightful conversations and there is no censorship.
Many people think they have so many followers on these platforms and are afraid to leave and that’s just an illusion because only a fraction of your followers even see your posts on those platforms. It is because of their algorithms that make you pay them to allow your posts to be seen by your audience. I find many things are not as they seem and I tend to question and research to find the truth in anything presented to me. I would never discard a valuable relationship of any kind over a difference in political views, which is stupid to me. However, I stand for freedom and I know that we are indeed in a transition period of mass awakening on our planet. So I invite you all to join me on Telegram to chat as I will soon delete messenger and what’s app. I will keep the content now on Facebook and Twitter, but not hang out there anymore to give you guys more time to follow over and see for yourselves that these platforms are indeed going to collapse. I wish you all nothing but love and light and stress to stay calm and keep the faith that we will make it out of this darkness soon.
It’s been a little over a week since we returned to America after being locked down in Europe for the past eight months. Needless to say, it’s been quite an adjustment given the current chaos from our recent elections and the jet lag. Emotions have been running high from the natural adrenaline of just making it back home. We have witnessed a lot and I have much to say about it, however my feelings and voice is censored and monitored on our current social media and so I’ve been inclined to keep most of what I feel to myself.
Many like minded friends are feeling the same these days. I know this a fact because I speak personally to many friends around the world and from my own first hand accounts of feeling cautious to express myself fully for my account could be taken down or I could offend someone by just expressing my views, opinions or concerns like many other friends I know. As the only free country in our world currently, we are looking more and more like a communist one. Being told you can’t do this and you must do that or you will be locked down without the privilege of having Thanksgiving with your family. Doesn’t this seem a bit strange to you? Especially when the government officials demanding these crazy things for us, are caught traveling, having dinner parties and not wearing their masks!
Wake the fuck up people! We are at war within our own country to usher in the global reset new world order that we have heard the elite government talking about for the past two decades. We have been under the illusion that we are free, but we are giving up more and more of our freedom to government. We are enslaving ourselves to believing everything told to us by the mainstream media. We have been sold a bunch of bullshit on Covid 19 to keep us locked down in fear and at war with each other on wearing masks to future muzzle our voice and dehumanize us into submission.
I can share how weird we felt flying home finally and how vastly different it was compared to when we flew to Europe prior to the lock down. We flew on Turkish Airlines through Istanbul on our way to Milan in late February. On our way there, we were so impressed with the food and service in business class on this airline. They couldn’t feed us enough with a chef that would come and take your order and the smiling flight attendants that couldn’t do enough to make you comfortable on this 14 hour flight. However, on our way back home we felt like we were characters in “Hunger Games” whereas, the flight attendants wore masks the entire time so you couldn’t see their faces, but the expression in their eyes seemed sad, irritable and anxious. Their main concern was that you keep your masks on at all times. We were give very little attention and had to ask for water and food. The food was a cold boxed sandwich and you could only take your mask off to eat it and then you had to put your mask back on and keep it on because they would walk through the almost empty cabin to make sure of it.
When we were boarding, I was singled out because I had Prince and had to wait until everyone else boarded the plane before we were finally allowed on and that was sketchy because I was being told they didn’t allow dogs because of Covid. Now, the travel agent that booked our flight explained to us that we had to return on Turkish Airlines because they had to honor us as Americans going back home and I could take Prince only because I went there with him. If I were to buy a new ticket on any other airline right now, I would not be allowed to bring Prince, my two pound service dog. I was literally in tears out of fear that I would not be allowed to finally get on this plane and go back home even though I had been told this by Turkish Airlines.
After nearly having a mental breakdown just before boarding and finally being allowed to go to my seat, we witnessed two women sitting in the same row of an almost empty business class cabin, however they were far away from each other. One woman was upset that the other woman was not wearing her mask. These woman started yelling at each other and the chaos was building and setting the tone of how our journey back home would be. Bewildered flight attendants moved the woman who was upset that the other woman not wearing her mask right next to us on the next row. I immediately felt like I just had to zen myself into a calm focus to get through this long flight.
After finally sleeping in our own bed and adjusting to putting sentences together from the jet lag, I am finally ready and able to speak freely and have discovered other platforms that are finally giving big tech giants competition. We have been in a habit of conversing with friends on Facebook and Twitter only. Their apparent bias and censorship has become blatantly obvious to many of us. So I have decided to move my voice, opinions and views to other platforms that are currently available. It’s time for a change as I’m tired of walking on eggshells in fear that my account could be taken down or suspended for sharing the wrong post. And I prefer to speak and converse with like minded people who believed we still live in America with free speech. If I offend you because I don’t believe in your views then its best you stay on Facebook and not follow me over to other platforms. I will not be silenced for the sake of anyone’s feelings because I understand that we are indeed at war from within and we need to let our voices be heard and be heard loudly.
I will not be enslaved to this global reset and stupid mandates by more government or the lies of the mainstream media. I will continue to speak directly to my friends and share the knowledge I’ve learned firsthand. This is how you discover the truth. The reason big tech is censoring so much is because they have lost control of so many people who are waking up and noticing that we are slowly giving up our voice and letting government control us. I will fight for our only beacon of freedom left in America, our voice and I will not bow down, kneel or be in submission to this global reset that is currently taking place. I rather die fighting than live in submission to these evil people!
America is still the land of free because of our constitution and that is what keeps us free. If we allow government to shred that document and usher us into this globalist reset, we indeed will lose our freedom and many will lose their lives as the elitist will control the world . The veil of deception that we have been under for so long is being revealed right now as we uncover the massive fraud taking place in our elections. While the mainstream bias media continues to lie to what is left of their dying audience and many like minded people like myself choose to venture to other social media platforms, the silent majority is growing worldwide and becoming louder in resistance as they fight also for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I will continue to express myself on these platforms if you wish to follow me there and be my friend then I welcome you to join me there. I wish to follow the path of what America has always stood for in having life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and I wish to continue to fight for that along with truth and transparency within our government to keep our freedom and let our voices be heard.
I think it’s safe to say 2020 has been a major turning point in our lives. We have all been under some kind of depression, anxiety and fear from all the chaos happening around us due to the riots, pandemic and lockdowns. As most you know we are still in Italy and things are starting to open up more with the airlines, but still not many international flights are available with the borders still closed in many areas around the world. We have managed to book our flight back home to in early November. It’s been like watching a movie seeing all the chaos with the riots, fires and constant violence that seems to be escalating from America. We know many of our friends and family members are at their wits end and feeling the pain of all this. These things have inspired me to create a support system online for us to discuss our stories and I will start this in a live chat weekly that I have named, “Beyond 2020, Nourishing your mind, body and spirit.”
I have personally had my share of health issues recently with a heart condition called, “Pericarditis.” This came on suddenly and at first I thought it was just heartburn as it was a strange feeling that I had never experienced before and because occurred a few times, I made the decision to get myself checked. Luckily I listened to my intuition because if I had not, I would have most certainly have ended up spending some time in the hospital. I had inflammation around my heart and was told to have complete rest so that this flu like condition around my heart would disappear and not get worst. Many of us could confuse symptoms such as what I have been having as anxiety and I knew despite all the things I was seeing happening in America, I was relatively calm and didn’t feel I was experiencing anxiety. So it was a good thing I was aware of my body and got this checked.
Many of us have been depressed due to the lockdowns and the economic uncertainty that looms thoughout our world. We have had friends commit suicide, become reclusive and afraid to venture from their homes to see anyone and live in a state of fear and anger from feeling helpless. These are the reasons I want to take the time to help because we are indeed all connected as energetic beings. I am willing to share my own personal stories in hopes of helping others push through this crisis. I truly feel the only way to heal our world is by honestly sharing our stories because many people need to get these feelings out and see that no one is immune to what is happening currently in our world.
We must come together as one and get beyond 2020 and nourish not only our bodies, but also our minds and spirits with healthy thoughts and feelings to stay in balance. I have written about this in my book, “True Age, Timeless Beauty.” Many of you have told me how much that little book helped you get your lives in balance. I plan to follow this book up with “True Wisdom, Timeless Spirit,” that I will give to you for FREE once I complete it. Just sign up for my newsletters on my website if you are interested in receiving it. Balance in the key to surviving and thriving beyond 2020 and I want to do what I can to help in that area.
Moving beyond 2020 creatively has been the only way we have stayed focused. Ronn has been doing with music and his latest album, “Lockdown Lover.” Together we are producing our first movie, “Surprise Trip.” It’s been a miracle that we have managed to get this vision achieved during a pandemic year. We are now in the final week of shooting this romantic comedy and it is turning into something that we are extremely proud of. There is still much to do as producers once this movie is completed. Ronn is also doing the music for it and will be working on that along with monitoring the editing of it. I am in charge of sales and distribution, as well as, social media and will make a cameo in it. We are already working on the sequel that we hope to shoot in America because that is how good we think it is and can’t wait to share this labor of love with you all.
It is because of you that I also created “Devin’s Kitchen” for Youtube. This a live cooking show with emphasis on quick, easy and healthy recipes that I shared during the pandemic. I can see how much you seem to be enjoying this and hope to bring you more inspirational guests from around the world to share their recipes as soon as I’m back to myself, which I’m optimistically hoping will be this week!In the meantime, I hope you stay in balance physically, mentally and spiritually as we move beyond 2020!
I don’t think any of us will ever forget what we have been doing during the year 2020 because its been a life changing evolution for us all. Many of us have had enlightening blessings in the midst of this chaos. Many of us have turned to wine, music and movies to help us escape. When we are locked down and watching nothing but destruction around us on a daily basis, it can feel scary, uncertain and fearful. However, when you choose to focus on what you can do for yourself in terms of health, well being and love, you fuel creativity. Your energy choice is up to you.
As you know from following us online, we chose to be as creative as possible. We had so much time on our hands and we had to tunnel it somewhere to not go crazy. We first turned to wine, music and movies ourselves. I wanted to focus on staying as healthy as possible, especially since simply going to the supermarket, standing in line, masked and ready was another element to incorporate into our existence. Ronn had a borrowed guitar and focused on the idea of doing cover songs he liked, recording them on his Ipad and shooting and editing little homemade videos to go with them. I would share them with you guys who were craving live music and reminding you all that we are still with you on that one, plus we needed to create some fun for ourselves! I went through putting lots of thought into creating healthy quick and easy vegetarian or pescartarian dishes for lunch and dinners during our Belgium lockdown. This lead to me posting photos on social media and you guys asking for what is now my live youtube cooking show, “Devin’s Kitchen.” See we do pay attention and listen to what you want.
Again, wine, music and movies were becoming more prevalent in our lives. We were in the midst of launching Ronn’s wine, “Moss” before the lockdown. I’m beginning to think he’s more in love with his wine than me these days. It is really that good and we are proud of it and can’t wait to get distribution for it to other countries. We are now exploring these options and hope to have news of other countries soon. Drinking the Moss wine while we were locked down in Belgium was a big treat. Our partners in Italy could only send us a few bottles and we savored them with my quick, healthy meals and having the Moss wine made us miss Italy terribly.
Italy had been locked down way longer than we were in Belgium and we were grieving for what they were enduring during these terrible times. We couldn’t wait to get back to our second home and more Moss wine! It was my great wish we would have the travel ban lifted before my birthday in June. As much as we loved and appreciated Belgium, they didn’t have Moss wine and I could tell Ronn was also really missing our friends and the food in Italy. We were lucky enough that my wish was granted and we arrived just in time to celebrate my birthday and have been focused on achieving the filming of our movie, ‘Surprise Trip.”
“Surprise Trip” is a romantic comedy set in Puglia that brings a New York stock broker to a small Italian town where he falls in love of course. He falls in love with everything Puglia, just as we have. The wine, food, people and culture makes this area of the world something truly special and unique. A piece of heaven on earth. The best organic tasting vegetables, wines, beaches, history and people make up a warm and inviting environment. It’s a very tranquil place to live and perfect for creativity. The weather is very much the same as Los Angeles because its on the Adriatic sea. So doing “Surprise Trip” as the first Devronn produced film is exciting and challenging for us.
I’m sure like many of you, we watched alot of Netflix movies and discovered alot of new series that were well produced and inspiring. Never has there been a more desirable time to submit new and creative ideas to the digital media that seeks new and exciting content. So we are super excited we have arrived to this transition and we are looking forward in sharing this movie with you guys. I will be keeping you informed on social media on the progress of this film and taking you along for the adventure as usual. I don’t think we can get away from wine, music and movies now because it is indeed a part of us in every way no matter where we are. So you can rest assured there will always be wine, music and movies from us. We may have to pre tape the next few weeks of “Ronn’s Garage” due to the filming of the movie. In the meantime, please leave us a comment and let us know how you like the new version of “Baby Come Back.” And if you loved the duet “Dreaming In Color” that is now #1 in Belgium with Ella Luna, let us know know if you want them to do another one together?
Things are now opening up in Europe and life is starting to slowly return to what seems normal. We took the first available flight from Belgium back to Italy so that we could start preparation for our film, “Surprise Trip.” It was strange to see the Brussels airport nearly empty and everyone wearing a required face mask throughout the airport. Face masks were optional in DeHaan where we had been locked down and now that we were in the airport required.
There were limited flights available and although we were confirmed for this flight to Milan, we were placed on standby due to the flight being overbooked. We had only two options, wait several hours to take a flight to Munich and stay overnight there and take the only flight the next morning to Milan or take a train to Paris and take a flight from there, so we opted for the flight to Munich so that we would arrive in time for my birthday. Otherwise, it would be several days later to get another available flight. So a flight that would take a hour and a half took us nearly two days!
By the time we arrived to Bari, we were completed exhausted. Luckily, a beautiful retreat and brand new hotel, San Lorenzo Boutique Hotel and Spa was awaiting our arrival. It would also host the press conference for our film, “Surprise Trip.” Ronn and I were obviously in great need of haircuts and our wonderful dear friend, Tiziana Nistri came to our hotel and spent the whole afternoon on both of us, giving me a brand new sassy look that I love. I then got an amazing massage by Victoria at the San Lorenzo spa that was just want I needed to bring me back to life and we spent a lovely afternoon hanging out poolside enjoying amazing Italian food and Moss rose’ wine.
We woke up to the news that our Bay family won their 5th Emmy for “Outstanding Digital Drama Series” and that was such an unexpected surprise to top off my amazing birthday dinner in Polignano a Mare with one of our wine partners for Moss vino. It felt like a dream to see all our friends again and share a wonderful meal. Life was coming back to what seemed to be somewhat normal, although all restaurant workers were required to wear masks, customers were not. We felt so grateful to just be at a restaurant with people again. Ronn was surprised to hear his brand new duet single, “Dreaming In Color” was already at #15 on the Belgium charts and we were grateful to celebrate all of this good fortune in Puglia with Moss wine!
5th Emmy win
It was sad to see news of people still fighting so much back in America on wearing masks and the confusion on it being required by some states. It was making us even more grateful we were not in the cross hairs of all of the chaos. However, our hearts and prayers were going out to so many friends that were indeed in the thick of it all. Although I was happy to celebrate my birthday with friends in Italy, I still felt a sadness for the loss of a longtime dear friend who had committed suicide.
Steve Bing was one of the first people I met nearly 35 years ago when I first arrived in Hollywood. He was a very tall and down to earth guy with an infectious smile and a big heart. I don’t recall ever seeing Steve in anything but jeans and a t-shirt and many people didn’t know for years that Steve had inherited 600 million dollars when he was only 18 years old from his grandfather. Steve was friends with high profile celebrities like Jimmy Caan and Mick Jagger and had given millions of dollars to the Clinton foundation. I’ll never forget Steve bringing Mick Jagger to my Hawaiian theme birthday party whereas, everyone thought Mick was an impersonator. Steve was a gentle giant of a guy who was loved by many for his generosity and kindness. So it was indeed shocking to hear he would commit suicide by jumping from the 27th floor of his condo. This was a man who seemed to love life to the fullest and it will be hard to have future birthdays without thinking of him.
Steve Bing & Me
I know many people are feeling the pain and suffering from being isolated and alone. This lockdown was causing much more depression and mental problems than people could imagine. The fear, chaos and depression from isolation was worst than the virus itself. It is for this reason we must pray for our friends and be kind no matter what is going on around us. We are all fighting for our lives here in different ways. We send much love and blessings to America on her birthday today and to our friends for a safe 4th of July.
Since we have just experienced our beloved brother Prince Rogers Nelson’s birthday recently and since this war with Antifa broke out in Minneapolis, I found it fitting to address my feelings on how I would believe Prince would have reacted to seeing all of this. It reminded me of the longest song Prince ever sent to me and I often wondered why he just out of the blue sent this song to me back in the year 2000.
I have many friends that I love dearly who are very liberal minded and they are feeling a lot of anger and hatred for what has been happening in America. Watching all of this unfold from another country that Prince also loved and that adored him in Belgium; I can honestly say I have a different view point. As an American, who loves her country its very sad and painful to watch what seems like complete insanity!
Getting back to that song Prince sent me and why I want to share this with you, I can now understand why he sent me this song. This song called, “The War” had lyrics that said, “The revolution would be colorized” and asked “would you trust your government?” Additional lyrics say, “all the money has been sold.” These lyrics were repeated over and over saying the war would go on and on and basically it would continue if you don’t wake up and stop watching your “Saturday morning cartoons!” That was also a lyric in this long ass song he sent me. I swear this song was about 20 minutes long!
I look at this picture and I know in my heart that I am one who seeks truth, justice and a peaceful world, which I don’t think is much different from Prince or any of my liberal friends. I think this song Prince sent me two decades ago has profound meaning now. He was a bit of a genius with lyrics about any given decade and was often political in his music expression. However, Prince said he did not vote and did not trust the media or the government before he died. He spoke of chemtrails and harmful effects it washaving on society and how he believed the government manipulated this upon us.
Many of you could view what he said a “conspiracy theory” if you like, however, many so called “conspiracy theories” like Jeffery Epstein and his pedophilia island that was once spoken about a few years ago and yet deemed a “conspiracy theory.” Thus, this term coined by the CIA shortly after JFK’s assassination so society would just learn to believe everything that TV tube said to be fact. And we grew up in the past few decades to believe just that. No way could CNN, or BBC, ABC, CBS or PBS lie to you! You trust them wholeheartedly, along with print publications such as, “The New York Times,” and “Newsweek.” These are trusted, respected and honored resources of news goddamnit!
Well folks I’’m hear to tell ya, as Prince would say, there’s something else. I know its hard for “baby boomers” who are set in their ways, comfortable just turning on the TV and are use to going to their favorite news sources and believe their every word. I understand this way of thinking as I’m close to my 57th birthday and grew up believing this also. However, I have way more experience online and with social media to understand how much and how fast this has and is changing and why. I can see how there is a civil war breaking out in America and what Prince was trying to say in this perpetual war that would go on and on because most people don’t want to miss whatever entertains them on that TV set and have been led to believe in their government and the lies they feed them from that tube. This allows the public to be manipulated through advertising, marketing and the sales of certain political figures and determines how you vote to keep them in power. This is the reason why Pelosi and Biden for example, have been career politicians for decades. I don’t recall ever seeing people fight over being a democrat or republican ever before in my life until now. I grew up a Democrat from the deep south of Louisiana. I was told this is how you vote because they were for the poor people. As I’ve grown up and now live in California,I believe if Prince witnessed what is happening in America today, he would strive to unite not divide us as Americans.
He would not agree with the hatred and butchering of American classic films like, “Gone with the Wind.” I don’t think he would agree to the ongoing violence in the name of a political propaganda. He certainly would not like seeing his hometown destroyed the way its been. Most likely, he would have written a whole album expressing how he felt about it all and it would be up to us to find some love, strength and unity from it.
I’ve learned that I can’t share my views or express my thoughts on Facebook without offending someone based on what I know and have learned. I can see the changes that are happening as we transition from television to the Internet and how powerful politics have become in shaping our world as we once knew it. I have more knowledge and experience online than a lot of people in my age group who may not quite understand yet what is happening. In some ways, its like the transition from radio to TV wherewe had to use our imagination more than visually seeing moving pictures and sound.
Today anyone with a cell phone is the news because we don’t need a reporter to get to a scene and actually come up with a journalist view point based on facts. Nothing is based on facts in television anymore. Their ratings are dying as they are dying from this former life. They cannot compete with this beast of content and competition that is at everyone’s disposal on the Internet.
The target audience of baby boomers who grew up this way are now the target of political propaganda from the content they view which is mainly on television. They live now on Facebook and express themselves mainly on that platform. So I have chosen to spread only love and not fear there in hopes that many of them will wake up and want to understand and have more knowledge. Living in fear, hatred or anger is not healthy or productive in any way, shape or form.
The way I see things is simple, you either are living in love or fear each and everyday. You are either living your life in gratitude and with a passion for what you want to achieve with your life. If you live this way honestly, you can’t have fear, despair or anger because you are too busy enjoying all that your life has to offer. You are spreading as much love, wisdom and creativity to connect with others rather than cause more division. If you live this way, the feeling of love will replace fear and more of that will come to your life.
Prince would be living that way were he alive today. He was also seeking God and striving to be a better person. He made healthy choices to try and keep his body and health in order. Sadly physical pain from all those years of dancing and hip surgery made him dependent on pharmaceutical pain meds that led to his sad and untimely death. Seeing what we have been through with this pandemic lockdown world wide and how much the media manipulated that makes me doubt even more what I seeand hear from mainstream media.
I choose to get my financial and political news from sources like x22report, Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch and OAN network online. I haven’t watched TV or mainstream news sources in over a decade now. I don’t read opinion pieces from printed magazines that are also dying. Hey PLAYBOY even ended after over 60 years recently. That’s a longtime for any publication. Most everyone and everything is now online with a profile, following and opinion.
Prince was a soft spoken, peaceful loving creative soul who expressed himself primarily through his art, which was his music. I choose to do this through my writings and you can take what you wish from it. I intend for my art to be helpful and seek hope that friends and family will unite rather than fight. I think Prince would have tried to do this through a song and so I feel we must seek the power within ourselves to discover more knowledge to manifest the life we want to live. We must strive for peace not a war that will go on and on over politics. These people work for us and its time to take close look at each and every one of them for who they really are and have always been not what the media has led us to believe.
So don’t ask me my opinion on politics if you don’t want to hear my honest assessment of it. Don’t hate me or call me racist if I don’t agree with you and don’t judge me unless you are God because nobody has that right. All you are witnessing is your perception, your opinion and how you choose to react to it. I may choose to not vote like Prince, or I may change my mind at the last minute and choose outside my so called party. That should be my choice alone to make and shouldn’t concern my neighbor or relative and it certainly shouldn’t cause division and discord or make you angry, why? I don’t think Prince would have judged anyone based on who they wanted to vote for, he didn’t care and didn’t even vote. I don’t think every cop is a bad cop or every black man’s life matters more than an Asian man or a Latino man, that makes no sense to me growing up the way I did inAmerica being an ethnic woman from the deep south.
I don’t agree with some of the far left views these days like late term abortion, although I agree with the right to an abortion is a woman’s choice. I’ve since educated myself on both political parties and I really don’t like either party for a variety of reasons, however the financial views of where we were headed and for a one world government agenda for worldwide control does not appeal to me. I do not agree with mandatory vaccines to travel and for mass population control. I have a lot concern for the masses of children that go missing in America alone and what is happening to them and many women who are enslaved in human trafficking and what is being done about it. I think that is a way bigger issue to be concerned about currently that the media does not want you to focus on. Because if you love children, animals, beauty and peace, you will become outraged and have many sleepless nights once you understand the severity of this hidden secret.
This is a turning point in our belief system and this revelation will indeed be biblical in awakening a massive amount of our planet to the truth of what is happening to our youth. Planned parenthood is a part of this along with a massive amount of entertainers and political figures that we grew up thinking we knew. We saw this with Bill Cosby firsthand when he went from “America’s Dad” to serial rapist. Now we are witnessing someone like Prince Andrew trying to avoid testifying on his relationship with Jeffery Epstein. Is is that hard to believe that many political figures such as the Clintons are totally corrupt to the core?
The war will go on and on and the revolution will be colorized to fit only one party, one side and one opinion. This is not America, this is communism and this is dangerous. I implore you all to wake up and seek more knowledge outside your TV sets. Unite instead of fight against America and remember your history so you won’t repeat it.
Many of us have heard there would be a world wide great awakening that would most likely take place in this new decade and I believe it’s at that beginning stage now. Its now a time for many of us to ask hard questions about what is really going on within our governments, health organizations and in all aspects of our world. Its just not good enough to simply believe what we are being told these days, especially by the mainstream media. Why do I say this and believe it’s true? Because there has been so many times now that the press has been caught lying to us. Recently, ABC took footage from a gun range and tried to say we were at war with Syria. CBS took footage from an Italian hospital and tried to pass it off as a NYC hospital. They have lied for years about Russia collusion and ruined innocent people’s lives like, General Flynn for the sheer purpose of covering up the greatest political scandal in the history of America. Still don’t believe me? Research Judicial watch and Tom Fitton who has fought in court recently to uncover those thousands of deleted Hilary Clinton emails from Google, as well as, tons of voter fraud. Now FISA documents are being released that show proof that Russia collusion was indeed done by Hilary Clinton and the FBI, CIA and DOJ covered it up along with the mainstream media. Our taxpaying dollars funded endless investigations to smear a sitting president, which is treason and all to cover up their own corruption. They have been in power for so long that they will do anything to stay there! This has caused great division in America between both political parties, which is deeply disturbing and dangerous.
There is too much disinformation fed to us on television as a trusted source for our news and many of us believe it is fact, when its been a bunch of lies. We rely on big Pharma to give us the proper medication when we are sick and are finding out they really don’t have our best interest at heart. Those of us that are out there researching and seeking the truth because there are many more questions than answers are discovering that the ones we have put our trust in the most have indeed deceived us and are waking up! Today we are the news! We all have cell phones and the ability to share our findings instantly. Just like many of us who began to question whether or not hospitals were the war zones packed with covid-19 patients as projected by the mainstream media, only to find empty hospitals. I highly recommend this documentary on Hollywood and the media as an eye opener to what I’m saying here.
In a lot of ways this pandemic has given us the time to reflect on many things and open our eyes to uncovering the truth for ourselves rather than simply taking in what is fed to us on television. I know it’s hard for many to believe that their trusted longtime news sources could be lying to them about important issues. Why on earth would they want to do that? Why shouldn’t we believe them? Why would doctors and scientist give us false information during a time of a worldwide crisis? Why would our most trusted politicians lie and deceive us? Why do they want you to believe only what THEY tell you as truth? Because they believe the majority of the population won’t research for facts, won’t question what they have been told and won’t bother to stand up to them.
Many of these questions can be answered by following the money trail of career politicians that only have their best interest at heart. Learning that most of the media are controlled by only four corporations that are completely bias to the interest of these politicians help to understand their agenda. What is that agenda? To keep the mass population under control and never have them question anything they are told to do. I believe this worldwide crisis has awaken a lot of people up to many questions that deserve answers.
Its become common for those in authority to label you a conspiracy theorist if you dare to question anything they deem as fact. This label was coined by the CIA after the murder of JFK for that reason, so that you wouldn’t question the scenario fed to a naive grieving public for a beloved president. When it fact, it was an inside assassination done by the CIA to eliminate a president that wanted to bring truth to the public about the corruption that was going on inside our own government. Since the murder of JFK, every president we have had in America has been a puppet controlled by a much more sinister entity that was seeking total domination of the world. Don’t believe me? Do your own research and you will see the same names popping up associated with these corporations. Names like George Soros and Bill Gates. Digging in deeper into who these people are you find they are all connected to each other, coincidence? I think not.
To do this they fed us lies through entertainment, waged endless wars to keep us in fear and in debt and slowly infiltrated every aspect of our world from the highest levels for the purpose of controlling our food, medicine and education. This was done for the purpose of depopulation and keeping the control in the hands of a select few powerful families. Many of you have already heard stories of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers who control most of the central banking and have family members placed in other aspects of authority in our world. However, it’s only through your own research and desire to find the truth that you can uncover it fully. The more you discover, the more questions you ask and the more you find the same circle of people are all connected. These things must make you wonder why are all the same people connected and what is their real agenda? Who benefits the most and why? When you start to do this and trace things back to the origins of how they began to take control, its easy to see they do not have our best interest at heart, only their own.
Once you are awake you can never go back to sleep and allow your freedoms to be slowly taken away by these sinister people. There has been so much hidden from us, alternative cures that big pharma doesn’t want you to know about because there is no money for them in curing you! Free energy that was created decades ago that they have kept hidden because they wanted us depended on oil since that was where the money was at for them! Research Tesla and coal fusion. Why do you think oil prices have dropped so much recently? We must educate ourselves and our children and not rely on institutions controlled and funded by people who want to keep our youth uninformed and uneducated to the real truth. You can’t stay silent and behave as your are told and live in fear. You cannot stay divided with those who don’t believe as you do because they are still asleep or living in fear. This is our last hope for humanity to evolve to the next level of consciousness. We must share the knowledge we are discovering with others in hopes that they too start to ask more questions and seek hard cold truth. When the majority of our planet is awake that’s when we can truly evolve to peace on earth and save humanity. We are excited to see this is indeed happening now. Our world as we know is indeed ending, but a new world in being born and that is world we want to leave for future generations. One of peace, love and unity here on earth.
It feels like we are watching a movie right now, one that we are all involved in these days. A thriller nightmare that is really a dream and just can’t be real. Just the thought of the entire world being quarantined for a deadly virus is indeed a scary thought. These past few weeks feels like time is standing still and we are in some kind of time warp in a future that is unknown and unfamiliar to mankind. It is something we have never seen or experience before ever!
2020 will indeed go down in our history books as a turning point in our lives for many different reasons I’m sure. Many would have you believe its the end of the world and nothing but doom and gloom is ahead of us. I personally believe the opposite. We live in a world where we now see everyone’s opinion on everything everyday through social media posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can see from what people choose to post if its coming from a place of fear or love.
Its easier said than done to tell your neighbor who may have a preexisting medical condition to not worry and stay calm. It’s hard to keep those who already don’t have enough food to not panic and hoard too much of things that they may not even need because they just aren’t thinking logically. Thus, the senseless comical hoarding of toilet paper for example. It hard to explain to someone who may have been conditioned to see the worst in life to see that maybe what is coming is the best we could ever imagine.
Out of tragic situations, there is always a silver lining and something to learn and grow from. Nothing stays the same and life is ever changing, but it’s all in how we choose to perceive it and how we choose to live our lives. Time is indeed standing still for our world right now and we are all witness to this incredible moment in our time here on Earth. How are you choosing to perceive it right now? Are you choosing to live in fear and doom and gloom? Can it perhaps be possible and yes anything is indeed possible that we can evolve as a human race to mass awakening of things we never thought were possible?
Let’s just imagine for a moment that everything we have thought to be true was really a lie and everything we thought was a lie was actually true? What if what we are going through was to prepare us to evolve to another phase of life? Right now we are all in the same boat so to speak. We are all trying to stay healthy, cooking more at home and spending quality time with our families. This doesn’t sound so bad actually. We have slowed down the work oriented idea that we must stay so busy doing instead of just being. Some of us are having a hard time with staying still and relaxing into that process. We have been so conditioned that we must constantly be on the go and this has shocked us a bit to be told you can’t now.
Perhaps the rest of this concept can help heal our planet as there aren’t as many cars polluting our environment? I have friends in Italy that have confirmed that the Venice canals have gone crystal clear and fish are coming back into them now. Perhaps this experience will teach us the importance of health, freedom and start to show us what is truth to help us grow into a new way of living.
We are standing still right now in this moment in time for a reason. Looking at from a positive aspect is a choice and I feel a much better alternative than dwelling on the opposite of that. As long as our basic needs are being met during this time period that is all that really matters right now. If we can all strive to do this in our lives, we can be a ripple in a pond for others and this will help us all through this crisis.
What is most important as we can see is health, without it we have nothing. We cannot work, play, socialize or do anything that life offers without health. Health is not just in our bodies, but also our mental and spiritual health is just as important. If we are living in fear as we can see in others right now, then that is not healthy for your mind and may cause you to do irrational things like hoard toilet paper. If you are feeling anxiety over your health it can cause you to become depressed and that isn’t good for your spirit and overall well being. Balance is the key to staying healthy. I believe this and practice it daily and even wrote a book on it.
Attacking, blaming, pointing fingers and spreading fear and negativity is NOT what is needed right now. It will not help this situation at all, in fact all it does is keep fear growing and sets us back from possibly evolving into an unknown territory that could be totally wonderful. I know everyone has an opinion and we can all see them. The world in some ways has gotten smaller. I choose to soak my mind, body and spirit with nothing but healthy thoughts, food and love right now. I suggest you try this and the first step in doing so is to concentrate on your own lives and heal yourself first. This may sound selfish, but its not. It’s actually good for us all because we are all connected in the same boat. You could be an inspiration to someone watching that needs to see it firsthand right now. Focus your thoughts on creativity instead of constant dribble coming from others. If you do have something to say, try to make it positive. Stop bashing and blaming what’s happening on others and start focusing your thoughts on healing yourself during this isolation period. I send you all nothing but healing love and blessings during this timethat is standing still.
It’s been a while since my last blog due to many ups and downs life has been throwing at us recently. In fact, I have been thinking about not blogging at all anymore since most of you prefer livestreams. Then I realized this month marked our 10 year anniversary of this blog. I started this blog when Ronn did the “Dancing with the Stars” in Italy, and wanted it to chronicle our adventures. So I will let you tell me if we should continue with it or not now.
This new decade started out pretty good and then a few dear friends suddenly passed away and put me into a bit of a depression. First there was the Internet buzzing about my longtime dear friend, Julie Strain’s death. I had just returned from Europe and was a bit jet lagged, but something about this just didn’t seem right and I decided to listen to my gut and got in touch with her boyfriend who confirmed this was just not true. Julie, as most of you know has early dementia due to a terrible horseback riding accident in her early 20s that left her with partial amnesia. Julie lost most of her teenage memories and had to relearn a lot of things about her life. Nevertheless, Julie was bigger than life, standing six feet one with a strong personality as a pinup model, actress and photographer, with a legion of fans who love her. Her health has been slowly declining the past few years, and I was one of the few people allowed to see her a couple years ago when I learned of her demise. So it was indeed shocking to hear all over the Internet that she was dead and no one had told me? It was a good thing I listened to my intuition because it was totally false. Many friends had been saying that her death was already listed on Wikipedia and that the Hollywood reporter had printed it, so it must me true. Wrong! Just because its in the news or printed in a magazine does not make it true obviously.
Julie Strain
Shortly after recovering from that, another dear friend really did pass away and I was deeply saddened and shocked by his death. Artist, Jon Hul’s sudden death from a stroke at age 62 threw me into a bit of a deep depression. Jon had such a vibrant, joyful personality and had done many paintings of me over the past twenty years we had been friends. He was also a great drummer and had attended many of our jam parties and played music with Ronn and the boys who all loved him. I simply couldn’t put into words how much Jon Hul meant to me and at that time was too overwhelmed with emotion to even try. We had barely returned home and I felt like life was throwing too much emotion my way to process all at once.
Jon’s death wasn’t sudden for his family, they had been hoping he would survive this, as he was in ICU for nearly a month and all through the holiday season. In fact, he had his stroke the day we had left for Europe and his daughter was trying to get in touch with me and I had no idea because I was traveling so much. I felt crushed to have not known of their struggles during the holidays and what they must have been going through.
Jon Hul
Ronn went through losing a few friends that he was also close to and this put us both into a bit of a funk. He lost a high school friend and then soon afterwards learned of the tragic death of actor Orson Bean. Orson was the husband of his “Bold and Beautiful” co-star Alley Mills. He was hit by two cars crossing the street! Then there was dearly beloved, Lee Philip Bell who was the co-creator of “The Young and The Restless” and “The Bold and The Beautiful.” Her death really did feel like the end of an era for Ronn. I can’t tell you how many times he would say he wanted to see her and have lunch with her over the years, but somehow that never seemed possible given our travels, her health and other circumstances. However, she was in his heart and mind and the desire was there.
Orson BeanLee Phillip Bell
Life throws us curve balls in all areas leaving us living sometimes in fear instead of love. How we deal with this isn’t so easy at times. Sometimes other things make our deepest desires difficult to achieve. Maybe we feel like reaching out, but fear creeps in? Relationships can be difficult at times and emotions can put us in moods that we often can’t cope with ourselves, much less want to put on others. I believe in trying to live mostly in love rather than fear. Its not always easy to train your mind to turn off the fear of immortality, the fear of losing someone your love or the general fear that everyday life poses. The reality is always up to how you choose to perceive life. How you choose to live it and how you choose to handle your emotions.
Most of you know how much I believe in balance. This is the essence of what my book, “True Age, Timeless Beauty” was all about. Many of you who have read that little book touched me with comments on how much that book helped get your life in balance and as you know I’m writing the follow up to that book, “True Wisdom, Timeless Spirit” that I intend to give to you all for free! This is all about keeping life in balance when shit is being thrown at you and fear starts to creep in. It’s about getting through the ups and downs life throws at you like the death of loved ones and the crisis’ that may hit you from time to time in every area of life. How do you pick yourself up and go on? How do you deal with the fear of a health crisis? This is the essence of what life is all about and helping each other through life’s struggles is what’s really important. If I can do a little part in helping you with that then this ultimately helps us all for we are all in this together anyway, right?
It’s been a week since we have been home after being in Italy for the past six months. And the longest time we have ever been away from home. These past months have been extremely busy and productive for us, as well as, fun! We have fallin in love with beautiful Italy more than ever! How could you not? Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, that’s more apparent to us since we have experienced so many regions from the north to the south on this trip. Italy has had a love affair with Ronn for over 30 years. He did his first movie in Sicily and “The Bold and The Beautiful” was extremely popular there. It’s become apparent, that Italy’s love for Ronn has only grown and spending this time in Italy has made this very obvious. So we are falling in love all over again with each other and with Italy.
We also celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary and decided to again renew our vows in another part of Italy that both Ronn and I had not experienced before, which was Calabria. I had always dreamed of renewing our vows in Santorini, Greece, but the closer it came to our anniversary, the busier Ronn seemed to be with concerts and press. We also wanted to celebrate with a few Italian friends like his band, “The Men In Black.” And since they had a concert in Calabria, we decided to do our renewal there. Daniela Corti planned this exquisite event so elegantly with my favorite color scheme of lavender and white roses and orchids. All the details were fine tuned with precisely what I asked for and was simple yet elegant in style and decor. Our dear friend, Laura Demola brought us to tears as she officiated our ceremony with a beautiful poem. I couldn’t have asked for anything more beautiful or romantic to celebrate our milestone and we feel like newlyweds all over again!
Ronn’s first concert tour in Italy was such a success that he’s been invited to come back in December to do a few symphony orchestra holiday concerts. We had planned on staying home this Christmas, but now our time at home is being cut short and the amount of things that we need to do is crammed into just a few weeks. As most you know, I believe balance is the key to sustaining a stress free life. My book, “True Age, Timeless Beauty” was all about getting life in balance. I’m now working on the follow up to that book entitled, “True Wisdom, Timeless Spirit.” This book is about keeping life in balance and I plan to give it to you for free! Right now, my focus is balancing our home and our health in these few weeks we are home. And as result of this, we have placed our beautiful custom one of a kind Lake Arrowhead home up for auction on November 14. Ronn is even thinking of throwing in his beloved Porsche Panamera!
I think as we get older, a desire for a more simplistic life becomes a priority. We want less things to deal with and more freedom to enjoy our lives. I have become disenchanted with home repairs, tenant complaints, property taxes and all the things that go into owning real estate. I want to change our lives so that we have no ties and more room to spend time as we have been doing in various countries. I also believe change is good and helps the universe guide you to greater things. Ronn performing with a 50 piece symphony orchestra was getting him out of his comfort zone and into a new and exciting adventure that seems to be growing rapidly.
This new change of season is also a major turning point in our lives and I’m already fallin in love again with all the new and exciting things on the horizon. I miss live chatting with all of you and hope to get back to that soon. And Ronn is looking forward to finally rehearsing Ronn Moss’ PLAYER and debuting them soon. The current fires in Santa Clarita prevented the band from rehearsing this week because drummer, Jimmy Carnelli had to evacuate. We know how anxious you are to see them perform in the USA and we are too! In the meantime, we will continue to keep you posted on all the new and exciting things coming for you to fall in love again with too!
It’s been an amazing summer with Ronn touring all over Italy for his “USA Meets Italy” concert debut. We have been enjoying the beauty and uniqueness that only Italy has to offer in each region of this gorgeous country. Needless to say, my Italian has improved and I can get by with basics at a restaurant and in everyday life and even speak with people who only speak Italian with basic introductory conversation.
Spending quality time in Italy has been an amazing adventure with both culture and food from each region. We have spent quite a bit of time in our home base of Puglia and we have fallen in love with the food and wine of this region. The weather in Puglia reminds us of being home because its close to the sea, so there is usually a breeze happening and its much cooler than parts of Italy that are not close to the sea, which can be unbearable in the summertime.
Ronn and Paolo Rossi at LaCapannina
Ronn has had concerts in the Tuscan region and their food and wine is just as amazing, but completely different. The Tuscan region is more meat oriented and ironically the last time we ate meat was “steak florentine” in Tuscany, which was amazing; however we stopped eating meat completely, but still eat fish, so the Puglia region is more seafood oriented and better for us.
Our recent journey to Forte Dei Marmi was truly memorable. Ronn had a concert at one of the oldest and most prestigious clubs, “LaCapannina” built in the 1920’s where artists like Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles and Gloria Gaynor have performed. Forte Dei Marmi is also the home of Andrea Bocelli, who we had the pleasure of meeting at his annual midsummer gala event on his private beach at “Alpemare” where he also had a concert that included performances with his 21 year old son, Matteo.
Ronn performing at LaCapannina
Ronn was asked to sing a song and chose to sing the infamous Ed Sheeran song “Perfect.” Matteo also did a duet of this song with his father singing the English part of it and so he decided to do his father’s part in Italian for the first time with Ronn. This was totally spontaneous and unrehearsed, but so heartfelt and under the most gorgeous full moon made it even more romantic and enchanting.
Coincidentally, Ronn’s guitarist Marcello and drummer Eugenio were asked to play with Bocelli that evening after their stellar performance at the “LaCapannina.” So it seemed like the stars were lining up for Ronn to sing and many people have indeed been curious to see him perform, which is why we have started this world tour in Italy. Ronn had a concert lined up to do with his band, “The Bad” in Estonia the following week and the day before Bocelli’s concert there, so there were several coincidences leading up to meeting and collaborating with Borcelli on many new things now for the future. Turns out, Bocelli is a big soccer fan and legendary soccer player, Paolo Rossi came to Ronn’s concert and Bocelli wanted to meet him. It was really ironic that Paolo and Bocelli lived a few blocks away from each other in Forte Dei Marmi, but had never met. This led to another spontaneous jam session with Andrea playing piano and all of them singing together, while visiting Bocelli at his home. These coincidences have made our visit to Forte Dei Marmi truly memorable and there is no doubt we will be going back now next summer for another concert at the “LaCapannina.” Ronn has a concert in Perugia in mid September and a symphony orchestra concert in Puglia that we are looking forward to in a couple weeks. There are also plans for a concert in Sicily around our 10 year anniversary at the end of September, so our adventure isn’t over quite yet!
I know it’s been a while since I’ve blogged and that’s because of all the traveling we have been doing the past few months, along with poor Internet connections. It’s been quite a whirlwind with all the preparations that have gone into the tour production of the “USA Meets Italy” concerts, but they have launched with great success.
In between concerts, the crew must breakdown the production to set up in other parts of Italy, while Ronn does press and appearances in between. So many more dates are currently being added throughout Italy, some with the full production and some in romantic acoustic settings throughout the 21 regions of Italy. The response has been overwhelming great that we are now adding more dates for next summer!
As most of you know, Ronn has had quite a unique love affair with Italy for over 30 years and this is the first time they are getting to see him perform live in concert as a musician and singer. As a result of the success, we are remaining in Italy for an extensive period of time to move to different regions with this production comfortably from the northern part of Tuscany to the southern part of Puglia, where we are based for the tour and down to Sicily.
Needless to say, my Italian is improving daily and we are loving every minute of being in our seconda casa of Italia. Ronn is working on new music and singing new classic songs in Italian and we are working on upcoming film and TV projects for next year in between concert dates. You can stay on top of those things by going to his website. So we are indeed keeping busy, but also having fun seeing many new parts of Italy. It’s been quite a journey revealing more of Ronn for so many fans who knew him only as Ridge and not as a musician. We are looking forward to sharing many more surprises with music and acting projects as they are rapidly developing. Check out the new Ronn Moss’ PLAYER official website for all the latest with music gigs and for the debut of Ronn Moss’ PLAYER this fall!
Starting over in a brand new year and its already flying by at sonic type speed, or at least it feels this way. We seem to be saying hello and goodbye to so many friends these days. Some due to the amount of traveling we have been experiencing, others due to their time with us on planet earth. It seems time is moving faster than ever, maybe its because we are growing older and trying to cram so much into each and every day that we have? Or maybe its because we are experiencing new adventures and its just time to say goodbye to some people and hello to new people?
Like many fans of Kristoff St. John, I was sad to hear of his untimely passing. He was a lovely man and very much loved by so many. He was just too young to die so suddenly. I was a big fan of Y&R and watched that soap more than any other. It brought back fond memories of watching it with my now deceased mom. So as a fan who grew up watching soaps, I understand what some characters mean to many of you. I think my love of soaps manifested my marrying a major soap star like Ronn and becoming a producer on “The Bay.” I am indeed a true fan at heart of this genre. We grow up watching these characters daily and they become part of our family.
Attending Kristoff’s memorial was surreal for me because I was reunited with a longtime dear friend, a friend I had not seen in nearly two decades. In fact, the last time I talked to Kristoff was about this friend because someone told me she had died and that broke my heart. We had parted on strange terms and there were things left unsaid, things that we both didn’t understand after being so close for so long. So in a strange way, Kristoff brought us back together today and that’s a beautiful thing. His passing reminds us that we should tell the people we love that we love them today because tomorrow is not promised.
Ronn and I have been traveling alot lately to Europe because he was preparing an extensive music tour for the first time there. There was never time before now to stay in Europe and rehearse with a band to prepare for this type of tour before because he was so tied to the studios of CBS for his role as “Ridge Forrester” on B&B. The kids were growing up and now that they are off on their own, we are finally free to do all the things we wanted to do, but couldn’t. As most of you already know, Ronn is loved around the world and simply adored in Italy. So it was fitting to start this tour there. Saying hello to many fans throughout Italy as he prepared for the debut of this summer tour. I was lucky to have spent alot of time on the “Purple Rain” tour with Prince, but I never knew firsthand what goes into preparing for something of this magnitude before now. There is the production of lights and the stage, along with visuals and technicians that takes a live show on the road. It isn’t much different from a theatrical production, but a lot more intense in terms of sound of course.
Jawn Star & Ronn Moss
Ronn is enjoying the process of going back to his musical roots and gearing up to show a side of himself that the Italians haven’t seen. I am extremely excited for whats ahead this summer! It seems many of you are excited also. He is also releasing a new single next month in Italy called “Quando Quando.” Tomorrow we take off to Australia for the next month for an acoustic type of tour with Jawn Star. Speaking of Jawn Star, his “Beatle” band, ‘The Long and Winding Road” just added former “Cars” guitarist, Elliot Easton to their lineup. Jawn Star was in “PLAYER” for 10 years and now is gearing up for “Ronn Moss’ PLAYER” that will start touring later this year. The boys were celebrating Ronn’s birthday and REO Speedwagon guitarist, Dave Amato’s birthday this weekend with a jam party. Dave was also PLAYER’s guitarist at one time and a longtime friend who has celebrated many birthdays with Ronn since they are one day apart. We now look forward to so much more later this fall when we debut Ronn Moss’ PLAYER.
Dave Amato & Ronn
I think saying hello or goodbye to anything means a fresh start to something on the horizon. You can’t travel any path unless you are willing to say goodbye to something in order to say hello to something new. So whether they are tears of joy, sorrow or anticipation, hello or goodbye shall be a part of the road ahead for all of us.
On our last day of 2018, we are in such gratitude for so many blessings, primarily the fact that Ronn will be regrouping his band PLAYER with a new lineup, as Ronn Moss’ PLAYER after prevailing in the trademark battle concerning the name. It’s so great to see how excited so many of you are that he will be performing with Jawn Star and Jimmy Carnelli again in addition to a new guitarist in 2019!
There are new social media pages for Ronn Moss’ PLAYER so you guys can follow the progress of when and where they will be, so please check them out on InstagramFacebook and Twitter. Ronn will have a new Ronn Moss’ PLAYER website coming out soon, but first we are finishing up a brand new Ronn Moss website to kick off all the tour dates coming for Italy, Australia and Europe. Since Ronn is so booked up overseas, it will be a while before he can debut this band with a proper tour. In the meantime, we can have fun keeping you guessing on who the newest member of this lineup is and tease you with snippets of what’s coming!
Ronn Moss PLAYERRonn Moss and Jawn Star
Ronn Moss PLAYER will combine Ronn’s favorite classic rock songs in addition to PLAYER songs and will give you the same harmonies and blue-eye soulful music that they are known for. This is an amazing lineup of musicians because all of them sing and play multiple instruments. Thank you guys so much for sticking by us through this transition, it really meant a lot to know how much you cared for what Ronn had to go through. But we know that these types of things only make us stronger and even better than before. The most important thing is that a wrongful thing was corrected and as we move into 2019, we do it with pure joy and excitement of all the good things we know it will bring now. Wishing you all a blessed New Year!
Another year has flown by in a flash and so much has been going on in the world of DevRonn here. We have been dividing our time between Los Angeles and Europe lately, as Ronn has been preparing for his worldwide music tour in 2019! This is going to be one awesome tour and we will kick it off down under in Australia starting in March! Tour dates for Europe will be posted in mid February after Ronn makes an appearance in Sanremo with a few major surprises! We are again spending Christmas in Rome, but coming back home for NYE.
Merry Christmas from DevRonn
Many of you know Ronn’s band “PLAYER” has been in a dispute over the trademark and that has finally settled, which has been a total victory for us moving into 2019. Ronn will form his own version of “PLAYER,” as to not confuse fans and it will be Ronn Moss’ PLAYER to tour later in 2019, due to his already hectic tour schedule worldwide. Jawn Star and Jimmy Carnelli will rejoin him and we are adding a new surprise to this killer lineup that will be doing PLAYER songs, as well as, classic rock favorites!
Ronn and Jimmy Carnelli on DrumsRonn and Jawn Star tour OZ again!
Many other projects are now forming, including a romantic comedy film we are producing that Ronn will star in and film in Italy next May and another epic TV series for Amazon Prime that we are co-executive producers on and super excited about. This is a political drama that will be a very serious series. We also have “The Bay The Series” airing its forth season on Amazon next week and we so thrilled to see the scenes we were co-executive producers on that was shot in Belgium last year. So there are many DevRonn projects to look forward to in 2019 and beyond! Considering all the chaos in our world today, we look forward to a quiet holiday season filled with the love of good friends and family that we are so thankful to have healthy and thriving into this new year full of promise and hope. On that note, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
It’s been going on four months that we have been in Europe preparing an extensive summer music tour. Ronn has never had the time or a proper tour facilitated in Europe before now. Many fans are just learning that he was a musician way before he was Ridge Forrester! So time is what was needed to rehearse and prepare for what we know will be an amazing summer tour in Europe for 2019!
Ronn now has an amazing Italian band, a Belgium band and soon he will form his own version of Player in the states. Right now the Belgium band is called, “The Bad and The Beautiful” due to Italian/Belgium drummer, Fabrizio Muto, who was a former president of the Hell’s Angels, hence the name of the band becoming, “The Bad and The Beautiful.” Concerts are now forming for Spain and Greece with this band for next year in addition to his Italian band’s extensive tour of Italy.
Ronn also has another tour of Australia with Jawn Star scheduled for March 2019 and we are developing a romantic comedy film that Ronn will star in next year! We have been tossing many movie projects around the past few years that Ronn wants to do and hasn’t had the time to develop, due to touring and his focus on music, but now he will indeed start acting on these movie projects, which will also include his music that we will be producing. In addition to movies and music, there is the debut of the fourth season of “The Bay” coming soon to Amazon Prime that includes the shows shot in Belgium that we were co- executive producers on last year! To keep up with Ronn’s touring schedule please track him on Reverbnation or Bandsintown, as well as, his website!
We have traveled many times to Italy and seen many beautiful cities, but Castiglione del Lago really stands out as a magical, almost fairy tale like in its vibe, with a real castle to boot! The first thing you notice is the majestic castle that is in the center of this little town overlooking a beautiful lake and situated outside of Perugia, Italy. Just getting the pronunciation correct in saying Castiglione del Lago gives you the sense you are really in the heart of Italy. This city is in the region of Umbria, known for some of the best Italian wines.
Castiglione del Lago immediately felt like home to us when we met third generation native, Mario Barbini who welcomed us with open arms into his beautifully restored 500 year old Palazzo Barbini apartments. Our two bedroom apartment was spacious, charming and had a beautiful view of the city and a private terrace. It also had the cutest kitchen that I was dying to cook in, but we were kept so busy with amazing dinners and lunches that I simply didn’t have time! Ronn went to Castiglione del Lago to prepare the songs he would be doing for his first ever Italian music tour set for summer 2019. The music director lives in Castiglione del Lago and so we needed to be near his studio to go over all the music for the tour production, which required daily recordings and computer insertions for the video editor to coordinate and for the band to prepare to rehearse later next month with Ronn.
However, it didn’t feel like work at all for Ronn because we were having such a great time in between his creative process. The two weeks spent in Castiglione del Lago flew by and will forever be ingrained in our minds as one of the most special and unique places we have visited. We also took some time to visit another charming city nearby called, Assisi before checking out the seaside of Abruzzo. Ronn made some rare personal appearances in these areas to meet with as many fans as possible and to check out possible venues for the tour. It’s hard to believe we have now been in Europe for two months as this time has flown by so fast, and we are now relaxing in our beautiful Rome Loft situated in the center of Rome. We can’t recommend this place enough for anyone traveling to see the sights of Rome, as its a perfect location to walk just about everywhere. We will now head to Belgium for a few appearances and preparation with Ronn’s “Bad and Beautiful” band for the next couple weeks before heading back to Italy for band rehearsals and more surprises to share later!
It’s so nice to be back in Amsterdam after spending a few days in Glasgow, Scotland. As most of you know, I was invited by the Burnt Church Film Club to make an appearance there for the film I did over 30 years ago called, “Society.” If you haven’t seen that film then you may not know what a following it has had for being one of the strangest movie ever made! Brian Yuzna, who wrote the film “Honey I Shrunk The Kids” and directed the critically acclaimed film, “Re-Animator” directed me in this film “Society” which has since become quite a cult classic around the world.
This was my first time visiting Scotland and it fell on our wedding anniversary, so two great excuses to say yes to this offer. Ronn loves a colder climate and it was a nice change from the heat we have been experiencing in Italy this past month. Now that we are back in Amsterdam, its starting to really feel like fall and I love seeing that the leaves are starting to change into all their fall colors. Life is ever changing and personally I love seeing things change and morphing into other interesting things that hopefully helps us all grow as human beings. Traveling is quite an experience because we are constantly seeing the changes of different cultures, foods and accents and this is what I love most about traveling. So I must say that Scotland was quite a quirky, but interesting experience just for the sheer fact that they drive on the opposite side of the street, speak with a distinct accent and have a much colder climate than I’m use to. The people were really down to earth and friendly also.
However, I’m more European at heart and look forward to the next couple months in Belgium and Italy where Ronn is doing many personal appearances and preparing for a much bigger music tour than we had planned. It’s been obvious that many fans miss seeing Ronn daily on television and for millions of fans he will always be their “Ridge.” So the requests for meet and greets have been getting overwhelming. Seems everyone now wants us to visit their country and meet Ronn and sometimes me and Prince. This is why we also said yes to an invite to make an appearance in Dortmund, Germany this Sunday, September 30th. More appearances are now scheduled for Belgium and Italy in between the rehearsals for Ronn’s music tour that will now take place next summer! Ronn is directing and starring in a commercial campaign with LooknLike for Belgium that will include some exclusive meet and greet acoustic concerts in October and November. And Ronn’s new merchandise line will also launch his own cologne. You can find info out on all of thishere.
This first meet and greet concert will be on October 7 and others will follow in early November. Other changes include a much bigger preparation for the “My Baby’s Back” world tour with band rehearsals in Italy in mid October and November, along with press appearances, as this will be a big production to present the first Ronn Moss music tour for Europe! We are also excited to announce “Ronn’s Garage” is coming back finally! We are shooting a new version in Amsterdam with a very exciting guest to kick it off again! Life always brings us new and interesting things to share with you guys and we love sharing our lives with you, so I know you will love the new “Ronn’s Garage” concept that we are producing from Europe!
Just as there are life’s changes, there are also challenges and some of those challenges involve things from our past. In Ronn’s case, it’s been his battle with Peter Beckett and Player, of which most of you know he has filed a lawsuit against for his infringement on the trademark name. Seems Peter Beckett has tried to steal the name of band for himself and Ronn had no choice but to file this lawsuit. I’m happy to announce we have prevailed in their attempt to dismiss our suit and a date has been set for the trial. No one, including the judge thinks of Peter Beckett alone as Player and I’m quite sure we will prevail in this dispute. It’s sad that egos and greed can ruin things once beautiful, but sometimes the universe gives you these curve balls for a good reason. These challenges become life lessons and enable growth and sometimes bigger and better things comes as a result. I believe this is true with Ronn as a musician because many of you have been asking for Ronn to sing more instead of just playing bass and doing “Baby Come Back,” as he’s been doing with Peter in concerts these past few years since leaving “The Bold and The Beautiful.” So many of you will get that wish now and see a lot more of just Ronn Moss singing all over the world!
Other challenges have included the world’s view of Ronn as “Ridge Forrester.” We can see the emotions from so many of you around the world that sincerely miss Ronn as that character he played so well for so long. He was part of your family and you miss him dearly and this is why he will always be “Ridge” to so many of you around the world. However, Brad Bell made the choice of recasting Ridge and he now wants you to accept this. Because of this change, and the fact that Ronn has moved back to music and other challenges like his role on our multiple Emmy winning Amazon series, “The Bay” as John Blackwell, it’s become obvious that Bell does not even want Ronn in photos with Katherine Kelly Lang. Many of you have been asking why Ronn took out Kelly in the photo advertising his first personal appearance in Germany, so I felt that it should be addressed. He did that because Kelly was upset over it, which really made no sense to us? It’s nearly impossible to think of “The Bold and The Beautiful” for millions of fans in so many countries and not think of Ronn with Kelly? It’s also rightfully part of his resume’ and will always be a huge credit for him and it’s the way many of you still think of him. We have discovered that Belgium and Holland are binge watching ‘The Bold and the Beautiful” from the beginning because you miss Ronn so much and many of you have personally told us how much you dislike the current show. I understand the fantasy of wanting to see him back in that role, but it’s quite obvious that Bell has made a choice and that’s the way it is and will remain. He seems to want to now erase the memory of Ronn from the canvas and wants you to accept seeing Kelly with this new Ridge and we believe this is why Kelly was asked to say something to Ronn about this photo. Its pretty near impossible to erase 25 years of memories for millions of people and the petty ego of someone to dictate something like this is pretty disgusting not to mention impossible. Can you imagine having every co-star you have done movies or television scenes with asking you to not use their photo to promote yourself in a personal appearance?
Actors have credits from a body of work that they have done in film and television and it is from these credits that promoters take photos and videos to promote them. “The Bold and the Beautiful” seem to have no problem using Ronn for their benefit like that have obviously been doing with the use of these videos on DVD, but it’s going to be nearly impossible to erase the thousands of photos and videos of Ronn as Ridge Forrester that’s on the Internet and in the minds of so many fans around the world. Ronn did not make this promo for this upcoming German appearance, the promoter of that event did, but Kelly said she didn’t like it, so Ronn took her out of the promo as quickly as he could and vowed to never let that happen again. She claimed it wasn’t personal and that she should have been asked, but we suspect this was directly coming from Brad Bell. I’ve always been honest about my feelings regard him and how they treated Ronn and this is why I’m addressing it again now. This was truly the most petty uncalled for request and simply sad to hear coming from Kelly herself. Ronn did take it personally, how could he not? He worked nearly half his life on that show, did countless photos and content for it and they want to now dictate whether a photo is used in a meet and greet promo can be used by a promoter who does nothing but these kinds of things for hundreds of film and television stars? I’ll just let you guys talk about how you feel about that one! Personally I think karma is setting in big time here and what goes up must also come down and soon the world can decide for itself on both of these challenges from Ronn’s past.
We all make choices in life that take us on journeys and carves the roads that marks the path in our lives. Our choice is to move forward with the wonderful new path we have carved for our lives and continue to be happy and healthy in our minds, bodies and spirits. Our choice is to be positive in spite of the challenges and to stay focused on all the wonderful new opportunities we have in front of us. Our choice is to set the past free and move into the future with the hope that we can all learn to love and support each other. I am actually looking forward now to these next couple of months in Europe and I hope to meet many of you along our journey!
Verona has always been one of those fantasy places to visit on my bucket list and finally we had the time and the opportunity to explore it! Ronn was invited to go to the Venice Film Festival gala and since Verona was only an hour and half train ride away, we decided to visit what Shakespeare depicted in “Romeo and Juliet” for our own eyes to see. The things we are discovering about Verona has made us fall in love all over again in a city that is as charming as it’s name.
I didn’t realize Verona was so close to Venezia, Rome, Firenze and Milan, all of which are only a couple of hours away by train. What we love so far about Verona is most all of the city is within walking distance to the charming center and gives off an essence of a smaller version of Rome, especially with the beautiful Arena displayed for operas and concerts. This experience of exploring Verona was a spontaneous one due to the fact that Ronn is in the midst of planning out his world tour of Europe in a much bigger way that we originally expected. We were not suppose to arrive in Europe until the end of September, but due to the invite to the Venice Film Festival, we decided to come early and have a bit of fun in between.
This city is warm and cozy with all the charm and vibe you would expect from hearing its name. It makes you wonder if Romeo and Juliet really did exist and so a visit to Juliet’s house is a must see for fantasy and lovers to take photos on Juliet’s balcony, write their names on a wall entrance and even a letter via email to Juliet. As we wandered the streets of Verona, many people stopped Ronn for photos and we were invited to try the restaurant of one longtime fan.
“Il Banco Prosciutteria” was simply an amazing experience. So far it was the best meal we have had in Verona! The presentation was unique and the restaurant also has a downstairs private room and outdoor seating. We are planning to go to dinner there again soon! “Angelucci’s” was an awesome place for pizza that had a unique array of toppings and “Perbacco” was a very simple family style restaurant that gave you a preset menu which included wine, water and coffee. This place had the greatest value for the homestyle food it served.
Ronn and I really are loving Verona, it reminds us of a quieter version of Rome. So far we have met some really nice people, made new friends, had some wonderful meals and saw a concert of “Pink Floyd Legend” in the beautiful outdoor Roman theater. We look forward to seeing an opera someday in the gorgeous arena and its been quite an experience to walk around all the shops with Ronn. He seems to be loved in Verona and we are falling in love with its magic also.
We have been so crazy busy these past few weeks since we arrived back home from Italy due to the release of Ronn’s highly anticipated solo album, “My Baby’s Back.” And we have been finalizing all the dates that will soon be posted for his first European solo tour, as well as, the release of a new music video! Summer seems to always fly by with the blink of an eye and we are so excited about the upcoming tour, but also trying to finalize repairs on our house, which is why I have not been as social recently. There is always a ton of things to do before leaving again. If you have not heard the new album, you can give it a listen on itunes, Amazon, Pandora, Spotify, Deezer or where ever you love to listen to your music. One of my favorite songs is the tribute to the late David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” that Jawn Star does with Ronn and they will be performing this one in concert as well!
Some of the tour dates include, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Estonia with more dates and television appearances coming soon that I will post on his website. We are also thrilled to announce another Australia tour is scheduled for March 2019 and those dates will also be posted online also by the end of August. Mr John Blackwell will shoot season 4 of “The Bay” for Amazon Prime and Ronn included his version of the theme song, “Devil’s Bride” on his new album and will sing that in concert as well. You can also visit Ronn’s music page here to listen to this song and some of the new album. Let us know what you think about the new music and The Bay by dropping us a comment here or on Amazon.
Our first stop in early September will be at the Venice Film Festival gala, which will be a star studded event and as always, a pleasure to see one of our favorite cities in Italy, Venice. For those fans of my movie, “Society,” I am making a personal appearance in Scotland in late September and will post details on that soon. I will try to keep you updated along the way with the concert schedule as dates will all be posted soon online in hopes of seeing many of you in person! We are finalizing things and will soon launch the Ronn Moss merchandise line, including his own fragrance and scarves that will be available at the concerts and online this fall, along with more surprises!
It’s always a treat to visit one of our favorite countries, Italia, which really is our “seconda casa,” as we love to say. As always, the food, hospitality and warmth of this country is truly nothing less than spectacular. And Italy has had a beautiful love affair with Ronn for decades. It has been six years since we visited the region of Puglia. The last time we were there, we renewed our wedding vows because it was so romantic, so being back there was like another honeymoon for us. We spent time relaxing by Fasano beach at the Canne Bianche hotel and spa for a few days and even though the weather was a bit rainy, we couldn’t have been happier.
I have enjoyed their wonderful spa and had a four hand massage, which was incredible! Nothing like two massage therapists giving you a massage at the same time! The “Pepper Aroma Peeling” scrub left my body silky soft and the staff was fantastic. Ronn did a great appearance for their annual car racing event and from there we headed over to stay a couple days at the beautiful “Masseria Torre Cocarro.” We both experienced an olive oil massage and a grotto like pool. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it to the “Borgo Egnazia” where we renewed our vows in 2012 on this visit, but hope to return to Puglia again soon.
We then headed to see friends like Gina Lollobrigida in Rome and celebrated my big 55th birthday with Lavinia Biagiotti. As always, the food at the Marco Simone Golf Restaurant is incredible and the hospitality we experience at the Biagiotti castle is like home for us. We then made our way to Florence to catch up with American friends, Wayne and Rhonda Nelson. Wayne is the lead singer in the American version of “Little River Band.” We had an amazing dinner at one of the oldest restaurants, “Il Paiolo” in the center of Florence and also caught up with Ronn’s ‘Ballando Con Le Stelle” dance partner, Sara DiViara and her family. It was great to see them and experience a Florentine steak at the “Trattoria Dall Oste” which is a must when visiting Florence.
We then continued on to the countryside of Tuscany to visit the “Tenuta Chiudendone” vineyard and see our dear friends Isabella and Francesco who just had a new baby boy. Prince was a bit jealous of me holding the baby and we had fun doing a cooking class after picking vegetables from their garden. Its always a wonderful peaceful experience at the “Tenuta Chiudendone.”
We are also excited about some new opportunities we are planning to produce for next year just for Italy! In the meantime, we are truly in gratitude for this scrumptious treat we are experiencing so far. Our last weekend journey continued in Amsterdam for a few days of meetings for Ronn’s upcoming European tour, which will start in Belgium and the Netherlands this fall. Ronn has a new song and music video dedicated to our love for Italy coming soon, along with new Ronn Moss merchandise for his tour, which will include his own signature fragrance line, scarves, T-shirts and a new CD! A cover story on Ronn for Primo magazine in Belgium talks about all the exciting upcoming plans!
I was born in Louisiana and remember doing the pledge allegiance to the American flag in grade school. I remember feeling proud to be an American, home of the brave, land of the free. Growing up poor in the deep south, I dreamed of my future and knew that being an American meant I had the freedom to make dreams a reality. I must admit I really didn’t know or care much about politics. It meant nothing to me and I didn’t know what being a Democrat or a Republican meant?
I was told we were Democrats because they were for the poor people and that I should vote Democrat, if I even cared to vote. I felt confused about politics very much the same way I felt confused about religion growing up Catholic. I wanted to make up my own mind and not be told what I should or shouldn’t do and that’s exactly how I’ve lived my life so far. Being American meant I had a choice as a free woman in a this patriotic land of the free and the home of the brave. Men and women died to fight for the freedom I have today and being an American meant being proud of those freedoms.
Freedom of speech, the right to bear arms and my choice in an election was my American right. In the past, I have voted for both parties in elections and didn’t consider myself dominate of any political party. I didn’t consider myself only Catholic either. I explored other religions, other countries and cultures and other points of views to come to my own conclusions as to what I believed in.I left myself open to explore other opinions in conversations even if I disagreed because that’s what makes us all unique.
I left the deep south of Louisiana because I saw the hypocrisy in many people and I was curious about the rest of the world. Today it seems like everything I left in Louisiana is being magnified worldwide as the left verses the right in political debates continue over an election? Families and lifelong friends are at each other’s throats on their point of views and waging war against each other? No longer are kids pledging allegiance to the American flag and the news media spews hatred and negativity daily to fuel the ongoing war in America.
Today our country celebrates Independence day and it is my wish that we mend our differences and start coming together as one nation, under God, indivisible, and justice for all and start pledging allegiance to our flag by standing together and remembering those who lost their lives in the past fighting for our freedoms today. This is what being an American means to me and what I always thought meant to everyone in America!
It still feels somewhat surreal that “The Bay” has won a forth Emmy as, “Best Digital Drama Series” and that win has broken a record because no other daytime drama has won four times in a row ever! And it was the first time our category was allowed to be viewed with the other remaining daytime dramas because for the past three years they had us only in the Creative Emmys. “The Bay” has grown tremendously over the past few years and our being on Amazon has helped many of our viewers binge watch the past three seasons! Ronn and I have been producers for the past four years and will add two more of these golden beauties to our home now giving the two of us eight Emmys so far!
Our Bay team has truly become part of our family and we couldn’t be more proud and grateful for all our Emmy wins thus far! So what is in store for season four? Well I can tell you that we shot our first remote shoot last year in Belgium, and John Blackwell will become a bit more interesting because we find out more of who he really is and he may even have a love interest. Ronn has been having fun playing John Blackwell because he really is so different from Ridge Forrester, so those of you who are missing seeing him on television, now is the time to go and binge on “The Bay” and find out what you have been missing!
There were three new categories that opened up this year for digital dramas, Best Director, Best Guest Star, and Best Writing, along with, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Digital Drama. We nearly swept all of these categories with the exception of Best Writing and Best Actress which went to the series, “Zack and Mia.” It seems “The Bay” has been the pioneer in Digital Drama for Daytime and I feel this is the direction all of the remaining network shows are now headed. Many other digital dramas are popping up with other daytime stars in them, but none are as dramatic or cinematic as “The Bay.” It’s easy to see the passion that our executive producer, writer, director and creator, Gregori J. Martin has and why it’s been so successful and we are so proud that he was the first to win Best Director in this new category. Congratulations to Kristos Andrews who took home Best Actor, Jade Harlow for Best Supporting Actress, Eric Nelson for Best Supporting Actor and Patrika Darbo for Best Guest Star and congratulations to all our nominees! This win was truly special for all of us and I think a game changer in digital drama!
It’s strange but I find myself drawn to him in the month of April more than ever since his untimely passing almost two years ago. I know he is still so missed in the hearts of many, especially by the women who loved him. I know personally because I was one of those women. It often makes me chuckle at how Prince could size you up as a woman and know exactly how to seduce you to fall hopelessly madly in love with him. It became art for him to explore you as a total woman, which meant all of Prince’s romances began with real friendship first. Sheila E, Vanity, Susannah Melvoin, Mayte, Manuela, all started out as friends with Prince before ever progressing to the bedroom. Prince needed to get into your head and mind first. I think that’s why he went out of his way to try and impress you by being such a gentleman. And he was indeed the ultimate charmer and seducer.
Prince’s Father Mr. Nelson and his manager Steve Fargnoli and me
Only Prince could rock his unique style that captured your fashion sense and made you want to dress up with him or borrow his clothes. In my case, he would give me many of this clothes to wear because I think he liked seeing me rock his clothes and he loved that everyone wondered who I was because I was wearing them. He got such a kick out of this. I remember asking why couldn’t I talk to his band “The Revolution,” but he wanted me to remain a mystery to everyone. He knew once my Playboy hit the stands that everyone would know, so he seduced me mind, body and soul up until that moment. I remember him looking at my Playboy data sheet when my June 1985 issue hit the newsstands with a big smile on his face seeing that I wrote Prince as my favorite music artist; and that I liked my dream guy to be honest, which is why he broke things off with me to reveal that he was going to be living with someone. That someone was Susannah, whom he was seeing on again off again before he met me and after Vanity left him.
Prince, according to his first wife Mayte, said that there were always one girl coming to Minneapolis and one girl leaving. She came after Carmen Electra in the early 90s. Since I was the mid 80s and during the “Purple Rain” tour, I can now see Prince always had one girl coming and one girl going. I understood that Vanity had jealousy issues about Susan Moonsie, Prince’s first love who was also a part of Vanity 6. Prince also never left any of this girlfriends, lovers, he sort of floated in and out of your life like air or water and the girls ultimately all left him out of suffocation, or out of lack of communication once he decided to move on to someone new that struck his fancy.
Just when you thought you could get even closer he would push you away. His music during any given time in history is like his own autobiography. He wrote songs that were inspired by the women he hung out with at that period and time. “Little Red Corvette” was most certainly written about Vanity. Having intrigued Vanity away from Rick James when he met her at the “American Music Awards” made Vanity a great seduction for Prince. They were mirror images and wild sex to look at in person. I happen to have spent time with Vanity also and can clearly see the ultimate attraction for both them. Vanity and Prince were both way too career oriented and married to their careers more than to each other. That breakup left him heartbroken and Susannah Melvoin picked up those pieces and inspired him to love more.
I inspired him to be honest because I think he wanted me to only remember him the purest form of that fantasy guy. Susannah ultimately left him and Minneapolis. I think Prince meeting me in Chicago and my moving to LA showed him I would never live in Minneapolis, so the way I stayed around his world was under the management of his managers at that time who were handling my acting career. He even had to ultimately seduce Sheila E and get her in his band as his drummer to make her fall in love with him. Only a woman that hung out with Prince can attest to how much he could stimulate all your senses. If you were on his level regarding music like Sheila or dance like Mayte, you were going to have a lot of fun in his world.
Since I was a Playboy model with no singing or dancing aspirations, Prince didn’t know how to fit me into his world. That’s why I was under the umbrella of his manager for my career as an actress was then taking off with movies like, “Can’t Buy Me Love.” I was indeed his friend and he and I both knew we would always want to be friends. That’s why he entrusted me to hang out with his father, Mr. Nelson when going to events like the premiere of “Under The Cherry Moon.” He taught me the art of being cool since I would be the fantasy of so many, it was a necessary art to learn looking back. He knew my being a Playmate would mean many Hollywood directors and producers would want to know me.
Prince inspired all the women in his life to be their best in every area. He wanted his women to be sexy and beautiful at all times, he wanted perfection in music and required it or he would take penalties out in the form of your pay for mistakes. He wanted many of his women to be virgins and that he be your first and someone you would have a hard time getting over. He was very possessive and jealous even when you were no longer with him. That’s why the music he wrote around his relationships are so very important. It tells you right where he was at that time period in his life. Sex was always a big thread in his music, but so were politics, love and God. He wanted to showcase his life and how he loved women through his music.
In honor of Prince this weekend I am offering the kindle version of my memoir, “The Day It Snowed In April” for only .99, so you all have a chance to know my unique story with this amazing iconic musician we all will forever love! It’s so strange that we celebrate his life on the anniversary of his death, but again I don’t feel he’s really gone because his music lives on and his life was indeed so vibrant and full that we should always celebrate him in our hearts. Those of us who had the privilege to know him personally will forever be grateful for these cherished memories.