We had an absolute blast at the first annual Heroes Awards Dinner held at the Century Plaza Hotel in Century City. Our amazing and generous friends, The Cusumano Family were honored for their contributions to our wounded vets. Actor/musician Gary Senise from CSI/NY rocked the house with his awesome band and my always life of the party friend, Tina Hillstrom joined us and danced the night away, looking fabulous in her very own, Wannawear line.
Ronn as most of you know, always looks amazing in a tux and I had an excuse to wear an evening gown. Since we recently celebrated Veterans Day, I thought it was fitting to have such a terrific charity event at this time of the year. It reminds us all of how much our troops have sacrificed for our country. We met Nathan who lost both is legs, but still has a wonderful fighting spirit for life. He is a real life, Lt. Dan and it’s a privilege to have met him.
This was the first Heroes awards dinner, but I”m certain not the last and since alot of our troops are starting to come home, it’s important to help integrate them into society and make them feel at home. The Goodwill gala was truly a first class event that I hope with bring joy to our Thankful hearts each and every year by helping our troops. Please visit http://www.goodwillsocal.org/2013-goodwill-gala-for-heroes for more info on how you can help be a part of this worthy cause.
This week Ronn and I are preparing for our first ever autograph show together at the http://www.supermegafest.com/. I did this show many years ago and look forward to seeing alot of our east coast fans. They have a great after party of musical performances and are doing a tribute to the Beatles music, so this should be one fun show! Who knows maybe Ronn will join in? After Boston we will journey back to our second home, Italy where Ronn is doing another campaign with Katherine Kelly Lang. So we won’t be home for Thanksgiving this year, but our hearts are indeed very Thankful for all our blessings. It was also great to do our DevRonn Chat on Livestream with you all before we left for this event. We hope to do these kinds of chats more often!