
Holiday shopping


IMG_2295I really do love Christmas and of course presents,who doesn’t unless you really are a scrooge. Most of the time I like to shop online because it’s just so quick and  easy. One of my favorite places to shop is on Amazon. It seems everything you can possibly want is there. It’s a great way to send out of town relatives something they will love and treasure. Online shopping can eliminate the hassle of driving, parking and waiting in lines. However,  this year I personally just did not have the time or energy to get into Christmas due to playing catch up from that car accident we had at the end of the summer. I got so behind on way too many things to even think about Christmas, so I’m keeping it simple with gift cards. Another thing I love to do with my girlfriends is what I call, Potluck. All the girls bring a wrapped gift along with a dish and we eat, drink and play a game called, “White Elephant.” This is always fun because each girl picks a number out of a hat and then picks a present from under the tree to open. As the other girls eye her present to maybe steal it or pick a present to open for themselves. The game can get very funny depending on how many girls you have playing and the stealing can sometimes become out of hand if someone isn’t there to supervise. Nevertheless, it’s a fun way to do Christmas presents if you have a large family. Ebay is another great place to find interesting deals on just about everything and sites like cafepress and zazzle have hundreds of items you can personalize with your family’s photos or even your pet’s. E-cards are also a quick and easy way to say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or whatever else you want to say with your own spin.  Then of course there are all those holiday parties that keeps us all so busy this time of the year. So whatever you plans are this Christmas I hope you don’t stress over it all and use some of these tips to make things a little easier this holidays season!