It been a while since I’ve been able to blog because I had computer issues and had no choice but to learn to be without constant communication with the world here for a few weeks! Yes I have my Ipad and phone, but I’m just not able to do some things that I’m use to doing, such as the blog on them. I think the universe wanted to make me do without such constant instant communication to the entire world for a while, so that I could truly focus on other things that needed my attention fully. One of those things has been my new little love that I adopted from the Shelter Hope Pet Shop, Prince!
Prince is my little tea cup Chorkie who some think it the smallest dog they have ever seen. He is only 2 pounds and is fully grown at two years old. A Chorkie is half Chihuahua, half Yorkie and his owners sadly passed away in a car accident about a month ago, so the family dropped him and his big mutt brother, Chester off to the Shelter Hope Pet Shop for adoption. Many of you know how much I love to do to help save our animals and my girlfriend Kim Sill, who started Shelter Hope Pet Shop is the poster child for saving as many as she can. Kim produced the documentary, “Saved In America” and told me all about this amazing little Prince on my recent birthday. As many of you know, I lost my Shih-tzu, Romeo three years ago and just didn’t want to take on the life-time responsibility of another pet because of the amount of traveling Ronn and I do these days. However, when Kim described the story of how she acquired Prince and his personality, I just had to meet him! Turns out we were a match and he’s been such a joy of love and tranquility that the whole family adores! Ronn, Creason and Calee all love the little guy and I decided to change his name from Spencer to Prince because he reminded me so much of the rock star, Prince. His personality is so quiet, yet he is full of energy and so smart for such a little dog. He also so sweet and lovable and sleeps with Ronn and I, but he’s also quite possessive already of me and barks when Ronn kisses me, which I must Periscope soon because it’s quite funny to watch!
So my summer has been flying by with dog day afternoons, doggie play dates and doggie cuddling as I’ve been bonding with my new little guy. I’ve also had to shift my attention to real estate this summer, as we are trying to consolidate and simplify our lives by selling off homes in order to down size and get rid of things we aren’t using or don’t need. I’m a firm believer in doing this yearly in all areas of life because sometimes having less is actually more. It’s a sense of freedom from too many issues that need to be addressed that take up time you could be spending with family. As we get older, it’s important to spend more quality time with friends and family because each and every day becomes more and more precious.
So this summer hasn’t been as social as we are use to because we have had to shift our priorities to focus on new additions to the family, changes in our lives and more quality time with each other. I guess having the computer problems was good for me because it has forced me to put more energy and intimacy at home. Summer has also brought us two more Emmys to add to our home as producers on “The Bay,” which is launching on Amazon Prime next month! If you have an Amazon Prime account you will be able to catch new digitally remastered season one of fourteen episodes and binge into Bayhem! We couldn’t be more proud and excited for you guys to join in on all the exciting things coming up for “The Bay” this fall when the new season two is launched before Christmas! “The Bay” will also be available in Germany, Austria, Japan, UK/Ireland and China. Unfortunately, we do not have distribution in other areas yet and you will not be able to view episodes on the website anymore. We will be adding more countries as we get distribution in those countries. We will also be shooting more episodes this fall and I will keep you guys posted with behind the scene Periscopes from the set!
In the meantime, I hope your summer breeze is making you feel fine and that life is treating you well with all the love and joy that life has to offer. It’s really the most important thing we can have and the feeling of love and joy will make all things possible even the impossible.