It had been almost two weeks without hubby while he continued his “Sail Rock” tour with Orleans, Firefall, John Ford Coley, Robbie Dupree and Gary Wright. I needed some alone time as I was still grieving losing my Romeo. However, meeting hubby in St. Louis excited me and the thought of continuing on to Finland was something I was looking forward to since I’ve never been there. I had to board an early flight and my morning started off with a series of surprises. The car I ordered to picked me up was upgraded to a stretch limo and the driver, Saloman was amazing. He even offered to stop at Starbucks for my morning cappuccino! I thought he followed my tweets or was just sent from heaven to make my morning brighter. We had a enlightening conversation and got to the airport effortlessly and on time.
It was nice to visit St. Louis and I hadn’t been there is many years. The crowd in the Family arena was enthused about the concert and it seemed that all the talent was having alot of fun so far with this tour. They had just played New Jersey and Indianapolis with great crowds as well. I had a wonderful chat with Christopher Cross who invited us to visit Texas. It’s funny but Ronn was conceived in Texas and has been all over the world, but never to Texas, so I told Chris that we just may take him up on that offer. I’m just happy to see Ronn having fun on this tour and making new friends. It’s just wonderful that he’s so happy and doing what he loves and it’s awesome how positive the fans are responding, not to mention beautiful to witness. So if you haven’t caught a show yet, I highly recommend it!
Robbie Dupree and John Ford Coley kept us all laughing with terrific stories. I promised to give John a copy of one of my books if he gave me his book entitled, “Backstage Pass” because it’s loaded with all these amazing stories. Firefall and Orleans were all a great group of guys having a terrific time and all such talented musicians. So the St. Louis audience seemed to be having a super fun time and even rushed the stage at the end of the concert. We left early the next morning to catch our flight to Finland where Ronn does a mysterious, but cool campaign. More on that when I’m allowed to reveal, but right now I have a gag order and all I can say is that it’s pretty cool. Lots of great video and pics are coming up in the next blog!