
Life changes


I know it’s been a while since I’ve done a blog and I apologize, but there just hasn’t been much time to do alot of the things I’ve been use to doing. As Ronn and I celebrated our seven year wedding anniversary, it seems life is passing by so very fast and changing even faster. All the talk about politics, ISIS, our environment, the economy, and all the in your face corruption that is just too bad to ignore is getting even more prevalent  Our world has gotten smaller because of social media and the fact that news is so instantaneous due to our advanced technology. It seems to make our world spin even faster and time to move at a different speed like we are running on empty. It seems like mankind has really lost his mind in so many ways. You start to wonder if you are trapped in a bad nightmare and if you will ever wake up?

wedding photo

I’ve always been a positive and optimistic person. It’s how I’ve survived a horrible basically non-existent childhood of abuse and foster homes and I truly believe in the power of your mind and focusing your thoughts on good rather than bad things in life. That’s why I do not watch the news and read about what’s happening instead of obsessing about all the negativity around us. I realize it’s always been there for as long as mankind has been here. It’s just instantaneously in your face 24/7 now. That’s why it’s so important for mankind to wake up and start monitoring their thoughts and feelings. It’s important that we live in love and not a fear based world.

Santa Cruz Sunset

I believe balance is the key to everything here and the only way to keep balance in all areas of life is by being able to feel and think rationally and optimistically about life’s journey. That’s the reason I wrote the book, “True Age, Timeless Beauty” to help people find balance and understand that your thoughts and feelings go hand in hand in manifesting your future destiny or turning back time if you so desire. The power to change things in within you! We cannot control others only ourselves and we must start working together as a united species if we are to have any real growth and enough positive change to overcome the negatives.


It is surely possible to do if we collectively decide to do it! Stop fighting to be right and start working for the good of all concern, which is our whole world. Stop thinking its their problem and not ours because at the end of the day we are all living on this planet together as one species called human beings. I guess I’m just venting a bit in writing this particular blog? Maybe it’s because the season is changing? The election for a new president is around the corner and more changes will surely come as a result of whoever is elected. Right now I wish everyone who take the time to stop and the hatred over just about everything and anything and look at the our world a little more lovingly for all the beauty it offers. Maybe by doing this, your thoughts and feelings may change and we can then all collectively start healing the wounds of so many.



It’s been over a week and a half since hubby left for Italy and even though I miss him terribly, I love being alone. I always get so much done and haven’t stopped since he left spring cleaning my closet. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time, but never having the time to devote to doing. Getting rid of things you don’t use or need for others to enjoy tells the universe you are ready for new exciting things to come into your life. I devoted a chapter on “Home” in my book, “True Age, Timeless Beauty.” It’s something I’ve been doing all my life and being a Cancer, my home is very much where most of my energy is. Cooking, entertaining and spending quality time with the family and intimate time with hubby is what’s important to me. “Home is where the heart” is, I’m sure you’ve heard that before. 

True Age, Timeless Beauty

I’m  also happy that I got our taxes off to the accountant. That is something I hate to do, as I’m sure most of you do too. But I find doing the mundane things you hate doing a little bit each day will get those tasks out of the way in record time. I love what i call, “Time Management” and budgeting my time to have free quality time with hubby by getting these things out of the way. I hate waiting until the last minute to scramble to do such things. Procrastination has been an issue with all of us from time to time I’m sure, but I feel it holds you back from moving forward in life to get into such habits. So when I put my mind into doing something, I just do it!  This time spent alone has also given me the chance to catch up with some of my friends and spend quality time together, so I’ve not been bored one second. 

Devin's Closet

I try to be in gratitude each and every day for whatever life throws at me because it’s always a learning experience for growth. This is also explained in my book, “True Age, Timeless Beauty.” Everything starts with gratitude. Be grateful for what you have not what you don’t is what I try to live by. I’m am at a period in life that I don’t feel I want or need anything and wish to get rid of most of the things I have accumulated over the past years. I want to simplify my life and not have so many things to deal with anymore. I love life to be in balanced in every area so that the universe can bring me to that next level of growth. Letting go of the old things only tells the universe that you are ready for new ones and it’s the period between the old and the new that’s most exciting. The transition into the exciting new unknown has always challenged and thrilled me because I can feel my growth happening and welcome it.

So I’m excited to welcome the new things that I know are coming into our lives soon and I’m grateful for the old things that have been there to get me to the point I am thus far in this game called, “Life.”