
Devin Devasquez


Holiday Cheer

It’s Hard to believe another year is almost gone huh? Seems this year flew by faster than the speed of light. Nevertheless, we hope you all had some great holiday cheer with your family and friends. Ours was spent in Lake Arrowhead with Creason, Calee and Creason’s boyfriend. We were lucky to have some snow, enough for them to go sleighing and make up a snowman. It was just the way I wanted it this holiday, spent quietly with just family. Since this year was jammed with a lot of change for us and a lot of travel, it was nice to just relax. I wasn’t in the mood to throw any parties like I usually do and I just didn’t have the energy to get into doing a tree and all the shopping. We went to only a few parties. Our holiday cheer was knowing that the ones closest to us were near and dear and that we had their love and support. DevRonn

What Kind of Holiday Cheer did you have?

What I do love about this time of the year is how everyone else celebrates. Seems each and every family has certain traditions and different ways of celebrating. What”s yours? Did your holiday cheer include a certain type of food or unique ritual? Please share it with us. I use to love to go to midnight mass, as I was raised Catholic, but over the years that changed and I just couldn’t stay up that late anymore. Do you open presents on Christmas eve or Christmas morning with your family? Is there a certain kind of drink that is traditional besides eggnog? Personally, I love eggnog cappuccinos now! Whatever your traditions are with holiday cheer, we hope this holiday was one of the most memorable ones ever.Christmas Dinner

Summing Up The Year With Holiday Cheer!

Looking back at 2012, it’s a year I know we won’t forget for so many reasons. What are the things you’ll remember most? I know for me just the fact that we were in 2012 was so surreal. I mean 2012 seemed so futuristic. Maybe it’s because I was born in the 60s and it felt like yesterday was 1986, but 2012 will always remain a turning point for us. It was the year of change. Creason graduated from high school, Ronn quit B&B, we survived an 8 car accident and Obama got re-elected. Our holiday cheer consisted of a small elite group of friends singing Christmas carols and eating the traditional turkey, stuffing and cranberries. Many of us thought the world would end on 12/21/12 and instead we look forward to a new beginning in 2013 with anticipation and dreams of a brighter future , one of hope, peace and love. I for one am excited about 2013 and since it’s just around the corner now will say with great holiday cheer, Happy New Year!!Singing Christmas Carols

Here Comes Santa Claus

With only four days left to do your Christmas shopping and we don’t want to forget to leave out the milk and cookies, the jolly old man with big red bag will be coming down your chimney on Christmas eve, hopefully with lots of goodies for you! You can sing, Here Comes Santa Claus, Here Comes Santa Claus and wish yourself a Merry little Christmas with Jingle Bells along the way.  I got to the see the man myself and told him what I wanted already. Not sure if I will get it, but it was good to sit on his knee and tell him anyway.  All I know is that I find myself singing, Here comes Santa Claus, Here comes Santa Claus and I feel so happy knowing that he’s getting things ready with his elves wrapping all those presents for all the good boys and girls. Are you one of them? Have you been naughty or nice?



Here Comes Santa Claus

Santa told me that he would have a talk with Ronn about a few things I’ve been asking for, can’t tell you what they are because I don’t want to jinx it. All I know is that I’ve been checking my list and making sure I have those cookies out for him. I hope he doesn’t hold it against me that I didn’t put up a tree this year. Are you getting excited? I know I am!  If you have any last minute gifts to give here are a few suggestions:

True Age, Timeless Beauty




Devin's Kickass Cajun Seasoning
Devin’s Kickass Cajun SeasoningPlayer CD

 Here comes Santa Claus

Just in case you don’t get what you want this year from Santa, dont be disappointed, due to the economy, money could be tight for him too. I mean the man has a lot on his plate you know.





411 The Movie Revealed



We are in the process of putting together the website for which is the first feature film Ronn will be starring in and producing. The script has been tailored for him and has a “Jagged Edge” meets “Basic Instinct” erotic mystery to it.

Ronn will be playing the role of James Ivory,star of the hottest action series on television and there will even be PLAYER music from the new upcoming CD, “Too Many Reasons” in the soundtrack. The website will feature behind the scenes clips and music videos from the movie that will be shot in February.

I think you guys will really get to see Ronnbo in action with even some karate moves in this film. But, there is still so much to do with casting, crew and locations before we are set to film. This movie has all the elements that Ronn has always wanted to perform and I promise I will keep you posted on the progress with lots of updates throughout the making 411 the movie.


IMG_2295I really do love Christmas and of course presents,who doesn’t unless you really are a scrooge. Most of the time I like to shop online because it’s just so quick and  easy. One of my favorite places to shop is on Amazon. It seems everything you can possibly want is there. It’s a great way to send out of town relatives something they will love and treasure. Online shopping can eliminate the hassle of driving, parking and waiting in lines. However,  this year I personally just did not have the time or energy to get into Christmas due to playing catch up from that car accident we had at the end of the summer. I got so behind on way too many things to even think about Christmas, so I’m keeping it simple with gift cards. Another thing I love to do with my girlfriends is what I call, Potluck. All the girls bring a wrapped gift along with a dish and we eat, drink and play a game called, “White Elephant.” This is always fun because each girl picks a number out of a hat and then picks a present from under the tree to open. As the other girls eye her present to maybe steal it or pick a present to open for themselves. The game can get very funny depending on how many girls you have playing and the stealing can sometimes become out of hand if someone isn’t there to supervise. Nevertheless, it’s a fun way to do Christmas presents if you have a large family. Ebay is another great place to find interesting deals on just about everything and sites like cafepress and zazzle have hundreds of items you can personalize with your family’s photos or even your pet’s. E-cards are also a quick and easy way to say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or whatever else you want to say with your own spin.  Then of course there are all those holiday parties that keeps us all so busy this time of the year. So whatever you plans are this Christmas I hope you don’t stress over it all and use some of these tips to make things a little easier this holidays season!


Player had a good time playing at the first annual Canada Fest in Palm Springs. There were alot of food and clothing vendors, as well as a fashion show that I participated in, along with my pals Robin Krasny and Eden Ayers. Player’s very own webmistress Patti Meyers came all the way from New Jersey to party with us. Before  their concert,  A funny thing happen to Ronn after I left him alone in the hotel room before I went to get ready for the fashion show. Apparently, Ronn was putting the room service trays outside our door and locked himself out in his underwear! He said he luckily found a bellman that helped him back inside the room and the guy  was trying not to laugh. Can you imagine if he had been naked?

Given that Player is getting more and more in demand for gigs all over the place I came up with a cool idea of starting a fan club for them and along with Eden, Patti and Robin we will launch, “The Player Angels.” You can join us and have your photo featured on the Player website. Details are coming soon, but your membership gets you a sexy Player T-shirt like ours, a Free photo of the band and 10% off future merchandise, as well as, chances to win prizes and back stage passes. As a member you will know FIRST when and where they are playing next! So join us for the next concert, maybe in your city and be a “PLAYER ANGEL!”

The universe has always shown me how truly blessed I am in various ways over my entire life. If you are paying attention and are living on the right path things, people and gifts show up unexpectedly. Some may say they’re coincidences, but I know better. I have been writing a book that I’m truly passionate about for the past three years and to my surprise it’s been published by my dear friend Viki Winterton who is a best selling author and publisher to many best selling, inspirational authors of today such as, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and Neale Donald Walsh. All who have greatly inspired many many people with their words of wisdom. I’m so honored and flattered to be in their company and share this with you now.51bgXWYWhiL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-71,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_ “True Age, Timeless Beauty” is a guide to “Finding The Fountain of Youth and All That You Desire in Life. It’s a book on how to keep your life in balance and how to stay there so that you can not only turn back the clock and look your best, but truly live a life that is of prosperity and abundance in every way. True Age, Timeless Beauty  will help you achieve all the dreams that you desire in the areas of Health, Wealth, Love, Career and Home. I put my heart and soul into this book and share my own personal journey on how I’ve achieved it and how you can too. The ebook is now available on Amazon and the printed version is coming soon. It is my Christmas gift to all of you!

Now that Thanksgiving is out of the way and the leftovers are making us completely lazy the day after, what is store for us? I mean shouldn’t we be hitting the stores for those holiday special savings?

Black Friday awaits and it’s now starting even earlier this year, so hurry and get in line to be the first ones inside those stores so you can fight each other over that sweater for dad! Who came up with this Black Friday anyway and why are we so eager to get to the mall?

I mean do we really want to struggle to find a parking spot? Is it that important to be the first in line that you want to get there by midnight on Thanksgiving? I think the Christmas season is turning into sheer holiday madness now. And it’s apparent that shopaholicism is on the rise even in this economy.

Could it be an epidemic that is on the rise and taking over our country? How is it possible to eat all that turkey and then drag yourselves out to the mall by midnight to stand in line for the doors to open so that you can shop til you drop in droves and fight over items that you can buy throughout the year?

It’s not a concept that I fully understand and want to try and comprehend. Personally, I prefer shopping online and avoiding the malls, the parking and the lines. It’s hard for me to get into the Christmas spirit because of how commercialized things have become. It’s starting to get so contrived and I can’t believe even I’m starting to dread the holiday madness.

As we get older that Christmas list keeps growing and the meaning seems to dissolve a little more each year as the the holiday madness grows into a deeper obsession with buying the biggest and the best gifts to impress everyone including ourselves.

What has happened to the holidays? The madness is taking over more and more each year and it seems like we can barely complete one holiday before the next one takes over. It’s like they are putting out Christmas decor right after Halloween now.

It’s all becoming a meshed up collage of too much food, relatives and money spent on something that keeps us in a vicious cycle that now gives us yet another day called, “Black Friday” to celebrate the kickoff of holiday madness that creeps up on us and makes everyone a little bit crazy.

So before you get out and fall into the pitfall of black Friday, stop and remember why you are doing it? Wouldn’t you rather just chill with your loved ones and eat leftovers, watch football and go to the movies? Maybe after Black Friday there will be White Saturday or Red Sunday to help those who couldn’t shake the darkness.

Although Thanksgiving is an American holiday, the meaning behind it is universal. We in America give thanks for the freedoms our country enjoy today because of what our ancestors fought for.

We try and remember our loved ones and the traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. We create circles of family and friends around dining on the traditions of turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie as the fireplace warms our home and heart to what being alive to celebrate another Thanksgiving means.

Each Thanksgiving that we get to have with our friends and family becomes more precious with each passing year and traditions old and new become revered and passed on for a new generation to carry. This Thanksgiving remember to give to those less fortunate if even a small way and remember all the wonderful things you have to be grateful for.

Today Ronn and I went to the Shelter Hope Pet Shop to celebrate their one year anniversary of saving the lives of so many animals this past year. Many vets and senior citizens have adopted from the Shelter Hope Pet Shop and have found  great therapy and companionship by their adoptions.

We then went to celebrate the birthday of Ronn’s first wife Janet. I happen to adore Jannie as we call her. She is a wonderful, beautiful lady and has known Ronn for almost 40 years.  Many of Ronn’s childhood friends were there and it was a beautiful celebration of lifelong friendship, amazing food and fun company.

That’s really what life is all about, isn’t it? Friendship, food and fun company is something to treasure each and every day. Giving thanks is about sharing who you are and what you love with people you love to be around. And as life gets shorter, that gets more and more precious.

I do know I feel a deep sense of gratitude for each day that I’m healthy and happy and I want to feel that way as much as possible in this lifetime. There is so much to feel grateful for each and every day. Even though some days are maybe not as great at times as others, life is a meant to be joyful and adventurous.

Ronn and I are deeply grateful for all of you who have loved and supported us through huge transitions this year. I for one am grateful for my health and the well-being of my family and friends. We are grateful for the opportunities that are presenting themselves every day with such vigor and excitement. And we are grateful for the love that we share, a love so rare and so deep that it bursting to come out and play.

That’s exactly what we are doing now. Playing, enjoying life and spreading our love and thanks to all of you. Through, music, books, Ronn’s Garage, charity, food and travel we hope you will continue to follow us on this journey called life.


Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning

When Ronn and I developed “Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning” it was for the purpose of helping my home state of Louisiana recover from the devastation of hurricane Katrina. I wanted to give back to hurricane victims in a small way that could someday turn into something huge.

Cookin Cajun

At the same time, I created the cookbook, “Cookin Cajun” as an aid to the spice with some of my favorite dishes that I love to cook all the time. Ronn shot the photos in the cookbook and designed the label for our spice and it’s something we are both very proud of.

I’m so thrilled that so many of you love the product and now I’m happy to have “Cookin Cajun” in ebook form available for only $9.99 to download on your ipad or Kindle just in time for the holidays.

With 80 pages of picture recipes such as, red beans and rice, Jambalaya, Gumbo and chili, you can become a fabulous Cajun chef and Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning is all you will need to impress your guest with amazing Cajun dishes. There’s even a recipe for my Thanksgiving turkey! 

I’ve had lots of experience in throwing all kinds of parties, big and small and have garnered quite a reputation for that, so I also did an ebook on party planning that will give you tips on how to throw the most elegant parties without costing a fortune. This ebook is available for only $5.99 to download also to your computer, ipad or kindle. Many of you have asked me for recipes and I’ve posted many of them here on this blog, but I think you will truly enjoy these ebooks and along with the spice make an impression at your next dinner party.

Remember we give a part of the proceeds to help hurricane victims to Brad Pitt’s charity, “Make It Right” on all our Devronn products and together we can make a difference. We hope to be adding more amazing products such as Ronn’s own salad dressing and BBQ sauce soon to our online store.

There really is nothing like the fresh mountain air to cleanse your mind, body and soul.  We fell in love with Lake Arrowhead a year ago when we came here for a wedding. Since then, it’s become our favorite place to get away, largely due to the four seasons and the fact that it’s only a couple of hours from Los Angeles.

It’s such good fun to hang out with friends in, “The Village” have great wine, a nice fire going and good food of course. Turns out a few of Ronn’s B&B cast mates love Arrowhead also, so we are never at a loss for visiting friends.

Wanda, Ronn & Dawn

We also get in creative mode with writing and editing Ronn’s Garage. I think that’s just something that comes with being nestled in the trees and being surrounded by the majestic mountains. This past weekend gave us a variety of colorful trees as the leaves started turning shades of gold, red and orange.

This was also a creative meeting of the minds concerning an exciting movie project that Ronn is now in the throws of. The next couple weeks will be filled with director meetings, contracts, music, photo shoots, publicity and script revisions that need to be done before we can unveil the movie’s website, which should be by Christmas.

Since this will be Ronn’s first starring role since his exit from B&B, we are all very anxious and excited to share it all with you as soon as possible. However, we must get all these preliminary things done before the unveiling. I think you will be just as excited as we are about this one and there’s a sequel in the works, so we think this will be a perfect role for Ronn. We will be sharing behind the scenes of the making of this movie with you on it’s website and there will be music from Player in there also.

I believe coincidences is God’s way of saying you are on the right path and this weekend gave us a few of them. Turns out the writer of this film that Ronn is doing, also wrote, “Easy Rider, The Ride Back” which stars Michael Nouri and LauraLee Bell. This is a film that hasn’t been released yet that we got a sneak peek of. The coincidence is Michael Nouri’s wife, Vicki Light was my very first agent and she started my career in acting. She got me my all important SAG card, which most of you know now was in a movie scene with Ronn before we were introduced back in 1986. Vicki contacted MS and was very ill, but I am reconnecting with her through a friend that visited us. So I’m thrilled to see her after so many years! Lauralee Bell is Brad Bell’s sister and plays Cricket on Y&R, so it was a surprise to see her in this “Easy Rider” sequel with the writer who is now writing Ronn’s first upcoming starring movie role. Coincidence? I think not.

Prisoner Ronn & Cop Devin

Costumes have always been festive in Los Angeles when it comes to Halloween. I don’t think any other area of the country goes all out in the costume department, well maybe New Orleans?

Gangster Wally & Prisoner Ronn

So Halloween parties are all over the place the week of Halloween and no one throws a better Halloween party than Hef. It’s his favorite and he goes all out with grave sites, a haunted house and hired actors that dress up as creatures to jump out at you. This Halloween party was the biggest I’ve ever seen. Apparently there were 1500 people invited and massive security.

Dr. Mobius, Cop Dev, Roman friend, Prisoner Ronn

In fact I was upset that they took away my borrowed rhinestone handcuffs that went with my “Capt. Cuff Me” cop outfit!

Prisoner Ronn & Queen of Hearts Alana

Like I was going to do some damage with them? Ronn was dressed as my prisoner of course and what a cute jailbird he was.

In spite of it all we managed to have fun with artist Michael Mobius who was dressed as a doctor. The night before Hef’s party we went down to Hermosa Beach to my girlfriend Alana Curry’s Halloween bash with Wally who dressed as a gangster and Lori who made a great catwoman. A smaller more intimate gathering is always more my style and we all fit our parts well.So trick or treat, we hope your Halloween is fun and safe and no matter how you dress, make sure you play the part well. 

Capt Cuff Me

Gangster Wally & Catwoman Lori
The Groom & Dev

There was a mist in the air over the weekend. One that smelled of rain and gave us a breeziness that said fall was here finally. At least that’s what we thought? Ronn and I anxiously prepared for our love filled weekend.

Don Diamont, Ronn & Adam Gregory
Ronn & Jackie

We were invited to Scott Clifton’s wedding, which promised less drama than one of Liam Spencer’s weddings. And then there was the annual charity event, “The Love Ride.”

But first we kicked off our weekend with Scott and his bride Nicole’s outdoor setting nestled in the woods with a babbling water fall. They recited their reasons why their love was perfect underneath a gigantic tree and tea lights. Their vows were filled with humor and adoration that told us all they were meant to be in so many ways.

We felt honored to be a part of it and it was lovely to see some of B&B’s cast such as, John McCook, Jacquline MacInnes Wood, Kim Matula, Don Diamont and Adam Gregory.  Scott and Nicole were in true wedding bliss as we dined on Prime Rib and Salmon in the indoor/outdoor setting.

I chatted most of the evening with Jackie aka Steffy who will be an upcoming guest on Ronn’s Garage. That girl is always amazing me and don’t let the good looks fool ya, she’s one smart cookie! Jackie loves, “Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning” and can’t wait to cook something Cajun with me since one of her beaus is from Baton Rouge!


Ronn and I had to get up early the next day for the annual, “Love Ride” and hop on his Harley hoping it wouldn’t rain. It seems there is this love/hate thing for rain. We wish for it in southern California, but only when we’re not driving in it, especially on a motorcycle! Lucky for us it was a very pleasant ride to the Harley dealership in Glendale where the ride takes place.

Antonio, Ronn, Winsor & Lorenzo

More hunky B&B cast members were on hand like, Winsor Harmon, Lorenzo Lamas, and Antonio Sabato Jr all ready to ride. They joined Jay Leno onstage to kick off the event before a massive crowd as Lorenzo sang the Star Spangled Banner.

Wally, Lori, Ronn & Devin

Our pals Wally and Lori Crowder joined us as hundreds of bikes started their journey to the park where the event took place. The sun started to shine as we went back to typical sunny southern California weather and our hopes for fall fell back into a brief faded memory. But the love that filled our weekend will be memories that will last forever.[wpvideo mTTQYzOJ]

Devin & Lori
Ronn & Peter Beckett

“Baby Come Back” has stood the test of time for over 35 years in commercials, movies and TV shows as one of the most recognized songs from the 70’s. It knocked “How Deep Is Your Love” by the Bee Gees  out of number one and remains a classic rock song that most people on the planet know. Written by Peter Beckett and JC Crowley, “Baby Come Back” has a new version on the new PLAYER CD that will be released in February.

Spacemonk aka Johnny English

But for now you can get the new version of “Baby Come Back” along with “Addiction” and “Too Many Reasons” now on itunes. I personally love “Too Many Reasons” which will be the title of the CD and is perfect title to Ronn’s departure from B&B. Many people do not know how talented PLAYER is and what a great songwriter Peter Beckett has always been, but I’m sure this CD will speak volumes about that.

Craig Pilo

Every song is amazing and the three songs that are out now are only a sample of the entire album. So it was only fitting that PLAYER did a music video for the single, “I Will” that will be released in February. It was directed by Devin DeHaven, funny huh? Devin is a Greek hottie who has quite a reputation as a a music director of videos and documentaries. He just did one for Crosby Stills and Nash, so the boys were in good hands. Devin’s wife Anabel did makeup and was so beautiful and sweet that I hope to have her do a shoot for me in the future.

Rob Math

It was a fun and enjoyable day for the band. I always adore seeing Spacemonk(Johnny English) Craig Pilo and Rob Math and the synergy they create together with Peter and Ronn.

Peter & Ronn

A tour is being formulated and more press is coming on the new CD that I’m sure you guys will absolutely love as much as I do. Too bad we all have to wait for the release, but the record company needs time to put their video and press kit together for the worldwide release and tour that is being formulated. In the meantime, Ronn is sifting through numerous offers around the world for movies and TV, so you will be seeing him on your screens in numerous ways soon!

Dev & Lori at the Tuscan villa

The past few days spent with our Italian friends who are very much family to us felt so surreal.  Our last days in the gorgeous countryside of Tuscany was set in a quaint “Eco-chic” Boutique farm , TENUTA CHIUDENDONE . Our host was Francesco Cavallini, owner of Emilio Cavallini who has been the premier fashion tights company to many designers all over the world since 1972. We got to tour the factory where they make them and was given so many designs to take home. Lori was in sheer pantyhose heaven and Francesco’s father is a true artist in the unique world of fashion tights.

Lori, Dev & Isabella
Lori, Ronn & Dev
Ombu, Francesco, Dev, Ronn & Isabella
Francesco & Ronn

We were treated to the finest  Tuscan wines at a wonderful wine tasting compliments of, Varramista Winery  and then the highlight of our trip there was a visit to the local supermarket with Ronn. I wanted Francesco and his girlfriend Isabella to show me how to cook a whole fish Tuscan style, so we stopped at the market and even the butcher wanted a picture with Ronn! Lori and I laughed so hard at the reaction from everyone,  including grandmothers and children who seemed to be drawn to Ronn for photos. I will show you guys what I learned about cooking a whole Sea Bass later on Ronn’s Garage. We traveled Saturday by train back to Rome for our final two days in Italy so that we could spend some quality time with the lovely Laura Biagiotti and my Italian sister Lavinia.They always make us feel so at home at the Biagiotti Castle. We topped off our evening with champagne at the Biagiotti boutique. Katherine Kelly Lang joined us and then went back to the castle for an amazing home cooked dinner with Laura. It was such a pleasure to introduce KKL to Laura and turns out, it was a special holiday for Italy was honoring St. Raffelle. The moon was so bright and full that we all felt the aura of excitement and anticipation deep into the night as a flutter of rain drops softly kissed us. Soon a pouring rain storm washed away the smoldering heat and humidity of the summer, and a change of season seemed to happen before our eyes with the breeziness of fall that is so welcomed now.  I started to feel a bit of a cold coming on so I decided to rest in between lunch and dinner on Sunday. Ronn and Lavinia went for a walk and to my surprise, Ronn came back with a perfectly small heart shaped rock he found on the Biagiotti property from their afternoon stroll. I was so amazed and surprised to get this from him and took it as an omen to all the wonderful things that are happening in our lives now.

My Heart shaped Rocks

It’s my gratitude rock, a symbol of our rock solid love that has conquered so much in the past few months. As some you may remember, Ronn found a large heart shaped rock walking on the beach in Malibu a few years ago, so now I have that one next to me in our bedroom and this little one with me at all times. I showed Laura the rock and she said with great flair, “Now, let’s go find a Picasso at the flea market!” Because I admire so much Laura’s wisdom, knowledge and sixth sense, I knew our trip to the flea market was something special she wanted to share with us. And there I found the cutest outfit in the latest fashionable color of deep green for this fall that I will can’t wait to wear with pride. Lavinia wanted to take us to the wedding of chef Filippo La Mantia and his bride, Stefania, which was hailed the most elite party in Rome, and such a glamourous end to our  awesome trip. Lori and I got dressed up for the party and made quite an entrance with Ronn, who epitomized Rock Star.

Lavinia, Eleonora & Ronn
Dev, Eleonora, Ronn & Lori

There we met some of the most prestigious people in Rome, including ballerina, Eleonora Abbagnato.  Lavinia grew up watching Eleonora dance and to meet her was an honor, especially since I’ve never seen a ballet. So she invited me to see her dance in Paris! Being at this party was like seeing a fashion show of the most beautiful people, each designer dress prettier than the next and the most delicious food. It was hard to move because everyone was coming to meet Ronn for photos, but Lori and I watched the whole scene in awe of every minute. Lavinia was so proud to introduce Ronn to everyone there and thus put a thrilling end to another memorable trip in our second home. This change of season is looking very promising and bright, so I’m sure another trip to Italy will be happening very soon!

Lori, Dev, Ronn, Lavinia

We spent a lovely afternoon with Lavinia Biagiotti and Katherine Kelly Lang, who gave me the most beautiful kaftan, literally off her back!

KKL’s Kaftans

Love those girls so much and am grateful to have such friends. Lori was in awe of all the shopping available in the center of Rome, so the whole day was great, although quite hot. Last night we arrived by train from Rome to Florence, which was cooler and rainy and then drove by car to stay with our friends Isabella and Francesco at his bed and breakfast farm. We are in our own spacious apartment surrounded by what seems to be vivid green vineyards. So peaceful and relaxing, it’s just what Ronn needs right now.

Lori & her white truffle pasta

We had dinner at the “Rosso Antico Osteria Moderna” restaurant, which was our best meal so far. I was so impressed with the white truffle sauce that I had to see the kitchen and get the recipe from the chef Claudio Buglioni. Apparently, the rare white truffle is only found in this area and they must be found by special trained dogs because they are deep in the ground. The rare white truffle is very expensive and only in season between September and November. If you haven’t tasted white truffle, it’s delicious and has a distinct taste and smell. This region supplies all the white truffles to exclusive areas of the world from this tiny area and the competition to find white truffle can be fierce because it can make the person who finds it very wealthy.

Claudio & Dev

I find Tuscan food to be some of the very best food in the world and have always adored this part of Italy because of it. Last time Ronn and I were here, we brought the kids and stayed with Ronn’s dance partner on “Ballando Con Le Stelle” Sara DiViara, so we hope to see her today. In the meantime, the quest to find a giant white truffle may be on our agenda.  They have offered to have Ronn as the guest star for the annual, “White Truffle Fair” in November, so we may be back then.


Can’t believe we have only a couple more days left of our trip before heading home. Tomorrow we head back to Rome to visit the castle of Laura and Lavinia Biagiotti. I always look forward to the wonderful talks I have with Laura. I can listen to her all day talk about history, art and her rare finds at flea markets, which she is taking us to on Sunday before we attend a wedding. So our trip is nice and relaxing now and the memories are truly special because everyone makes us feel so at home. It’s funny because every time we come to visit, I have to bring more spices to give to friends that are addicted to it like we are, especially Laura’s cooks. I’m looking forward to perhaps doing a Ronn’s Garage segment from the castle with Lavinia!

It feels like a dream being here on the most beautiful Island of Capri. I didn’t even know much about this area except that most of the elite come here to vacation and it’s one of the most unique places to visit. So being here feels surreal right now because we are still a bit tired from the trek here. No one is as tired as Ronn. He is like the energizer bunny who can keep going till his battery needs charging again, which is now. He always handles everything and everyone so gracefully and professionally and it’s sometimes hard for me to keep up with his pace. Between interviews, fans wanting photos, shootings and dinners, he hardly ever stops when visiting Italy. So it’s a rarity to just relax and enjoy. I’m watching my friend Lori embrace the whole experience with child-like eyes and wonder.  It’s a beautiful present for me to share this with someone like her. Ronn is so loved here and it was great to see him reunite with Katherine Kelly Lang. She’s always so sweet and fun to be around. They started the commercial shoot today very early, so it was bit of day for them both. So much so, that we are staying in and not going to dinner tonight. Just want to chill in our room and relax so that he’s fresh for tomorrow.  The Biagiotti fashion show yesterday was truly amazing and we loved the whole collection! Bright vintage 60’s colors and fun flowing prints made it so special and right up my alley. We went behind the scenes and watched Laura choose some of the models the day before the fashion show and it was an education to watch how much preparation goes into doing a collection for 15 minutes on the runway. Now Laura and Lavinia will start working for the next few months to prepare for the fall fashion show in March. As you know, Ronn and KKL did an appearance in Naples the night before so poor Ronn got no sleep and manage to fly back to Milan for the Biagiotti fashion show before Lori and I joined him and flew right back to Naples.  Getting to Capri, we had to take this hydrofoil boat for 45 minutes and I felt a bit nauseous.  Needless to say, after dinner with the clients for the commercial shoot, we were all dead tired. Then Ronn had to start today with only 3 hours of sleep. He and KKL are re-enacting a scene from Jackie O and Aristotle Onassis’ honeymoon here in Capri. They were in a million dollar wooden boat on some rough waters today filming.  Ronn is playing a dashing boatman that catches Kelly’s eye during chance meetings and there is someone else playing Aristotle. So it’s a very cute and interesting campaign that I am excited to see. Tomorrow is our 3 year wedding anniversary, so it’s extra special that we are just here in the same spot that so many interesting people have vacationed and enjoyed for centuries, including ancient Romans. I feel blessed to have had a second wedding a few months ago in gorgeous Puglia and now to experience our original anniversary in  Capri is unique and special. And we are so grateful to be here to celebrate our special day and I’m so proud of my husband and embracing every moment of our short time here. 

It’s very sad to see that Ronn’s ex has come on a social forum, such as twitter, to spew hatred towards the father of her children and me. I’ve always had a difficult time with her because she would put me down every chance she got and constantly talked behind our backs to the kids. We never did that to her with them. Ronn and I provide a beautiful home, and even had horses at one time, for Creason, which was her dream.

I’ve have spent years picking the kids up from school and making sure they had healthy meals prepared. I’ve never tried to be their mom, because they already had one, and I’ve never touted myself as ‘super step-mom’ as she proclaims I do. As most of you know, I barely speak about the kids in my blogs because of her. She made it clear that they didn’t want to be talked about online, which is fine and we honor that! 

But, NOW, all of sudden, she’s newly online with a blog and a twitter account, talking about what horrible parents we are!  It can only be to boost her own ego. Anyone who knows us, KNOWS how devoted Ronn is as a father, and this recent public outburst of hers is full of downright lies that I can’t sit back and allow the public to gobble up like it is gospel.  Far from it! 

In my opinion, she is using the internet abusively, and for years, she didn’t even use it, as she swore it off…(hmmm… until Ronn left B and B and she was told that she needed to cough up her share of some bills that Ronn and her are supposed to legally share, half and half, for the children.)   She is using the internet and the fact that she once was married to Ronn to spread her lies, but with a vicious bitterness and resentment that I just can’t sit here and take anymore! And God knows, I’ve tried! 

Ronn has paid her ridiculous amounts of money for years, and yet, she still complains to the kids as if she’s poor, and that Ronn is cheap.  She has on more than one occasion criticized our beautiful home, with green envy.  The home, that with my love and support, Ronn and I were able to provide for our girls, one they are proud of, and one they love, and obviously, where they prefer to be! 

She still gets child support that we doubt ever gets to the kids, because she has been living off it with her husband, the one who she left Ronn for, and who has been enjoying the spoils their divorce from her having ‘married well’ (as she would say) as much as anyone! And, he certainly doesn’t make as much as she needs, because getting half of Ronn’s money wasn’t even enough for her!  One of the reasons she left Ronn was because she was so jealous of his fame, and I know that sounds stupid, but Fans would push her aside to get close to Ronn, and she couldn’t stand that she never got the attention.

Ronn tried to include her in projects he was a part of AND was even the one who asked Bill Bell if he would consider her for the role of Ashley on Y&R.  She has lied and cheated so much over the years, I’m not sure she would know the truth if it slapped her in the face! And now, she’s trying to slander the father of her children, in public, no less, which is not only extremely tacky, but I think it makes her look more pathetic than ever, and so insanely jealous of our happiness.

When I met Ronn, his mother-in-law was still living with him, as she was even shocked at what she was putting him through and not happy about it, so she stayed to help Ronn with the children. Cheating on Ronn with 4 different men that she admitted to having affairs with, and then taking more than half of his money, life savings, and pension to go live with her boyfriend and travel the world does not speak well of her character. 

Meanwhile, Ronn works to provide the best private schools and everything he can for his girls, including teaching them humility and responsibility around money and fame.  She never thought he’d ever marry again.  She never thought he would ever be THIS happy!  She never realized that someone would come along who would love him so much and support his dreams.  She never could.  And she is bitter that I do support and love him, and that I realize my dreams co-exist with Ronn’s and create energy and happiness.  My dreams and Ronn’s dreams align and we are powerful together. 

All she has done is try to compete with Ronn and especially, with me, be sneaky and underhanded and backstabbing in public which I find so distasteful and repulsive.  But, what’s worse to me is, she has used her kids as weapons for years to torture Ronn and twist him on the vine and squeeze him for as much as she could get.  All along, she was the one who cheated.  She was the one who left him feeling so rightfully betrayed.  And because Ronn is a healer and a powerful warrior, he did just that! 

He healed his broken heart.  He learned to trust again.  He opened up to Love even after her black heart tried to snuff his own light out! When I came along, and it was during Ronn’s healing process, she thought I was trying to get a piece of Ronn’s money, (because that’s how SHE thinks!)  She bashed me to everyone, including the girls, but soon she found, cause I TOLD HER that I didn’t NEED what was left of Ronn’s money because I owned my own home already and had my own success in 25 years of branding myself. 

She doesn’t want to believe that I am capable and smart and loving.  In fact, she would rather insult me, throw horrible lies about both of us to the feeding public, and create a sad name for herself while doing so.  Believe it or not, she is so competitive for attention and the spotlight that she attempts to compete with me, which is ridiculous, and frankly, something only a jealous person would do. 

She wants everyone to think she has all the answers, that she is the bereft and unjustly paid ex-wife of a soap star who has worked his ass off for 25 years to provide not only for her but for their two beautiful daughters.  We gave Creason a very nice car and paid for the costly insurance for it.  We also told Creason she could sell the car for her college if she’d like. I suggested Creason go to a community college first and get a job, as neither of us felt she was ready to be on her own, especially since she doesn’t even know what she wants to study in school. We also think that getting a job and learning about responsibility and money, like everybody else on the planet, would be good for her self-understanding and how the world works. 

But, rather than tell the truth, The Ex would prefer to lie about Ronn in public, blabbering her lying lips saying Ronn didn’t contribute a thing to Creason’s college, which is bullshit, and, of course, twisting reality to fit her needs. AGAIN.  He saved for 15 years for both girls’ college funds, and had to it give her ten years ago in the divorce, reminding her that that money was for their college tuition.  He has provided for their every need, yet because we refused to bend over once again to do things the way She wanted us to do them, suddenly, that makes us bad parents?? Yeah right!!! 

Using your children as weapons to extort money from your ex is not exactly the way to show what a great mom you are! She took more trips than a travel agent off the money Ronn gave her!!  Of course, he never had the time to do things like that since he was the one to work and pay the bills. Only when the alimony ran out did she finally marry her live-in boyfriend. Now she’s faced with the fact that Creason has grown up, reached the agreed upon legal age for her child support to end and now she only has one more under-age child to collect on, so she does everything she can do to nickel and dime us.  She can’t stand that we are so happy and Ronn is free of her on almost every level!  Her own desperate ego is now online with a blog and twitter to primarily air her dirty laundry of lies and to abuse the man who is the father of her two kids and the woman who has taken care of them all when she cleaved the family into fragments with her cheating and lies. 

She doesn’t even appreciate the love that these kids have from me.  She could have gotten a true witch as a step-mom for her kids, one that only wanted Ronn and not a family.  But, I’ve treated these girls as if they were my own family from the start. She loves to call me a porn star and say I’m not a mom because I’ve never actually given birth!  Can you believe that!  How many adoptive parents would bitch-slap her for that kind of remark!? 

It’s very sad that her jealousy has resorted to this kind of pettiness. It can really only be jealousy, don’t you think?  Why else would someone say these kinds of boldfaced cruelties and lies in public, unless they wanted attention/fans/some kind of pay off!  Let’s see… how long have Ronn and I had a blog for our fans and been online here?  Have we EVER talked down about her in any of them?  Have we ever taken our private hell that she puts us through out into the public domain and waved it around for commentary or for attention?!?!  I think not! 

I don’t need to defend myself because my positive energy and uplifting blogs speak for themselves. I’ve been married to my amazing husband, twice, in the past three years! We have been together for 8 years now, but her delusional, ‘its-all-about-me,’ mentality would like to you to believe he’s hung up on her because she left him?  That’s ludicrous!  And an insult to her, now, husband! Very cruel to him!  And yet funny, because Ronn is so grateful she left him, he knows his life is a million times better because she DID leave, and he’s so happy because he is thriving in a loving home and new life that we created together! He truly wishes he didn’t have to deal with her at all. 

There was only one friend that decided not to take sides after the divorce and she alienated even her, even after this friend, on many occasions defended her to me.   She abused the only mutual friend who really loved her. That’s just plain sad!  But, that’s what she does.  She manipulates and twists.  She is false to your face and says things behind your back.  There are many people who know her who say that exact thing: that she is fake, not-trustworthy, and has to get the last word, with a biting sarcasm that she prides herself on.  And, tell me, what pay off is she getting from throwing mud at Ronn and I on the internet!??  Why, could it possibly be because Ronn is getting so much publicity from leaving B&B that she thinks she deserves half of THAT, too, maybe to sell some of her books? Could it be that she can’t STAND that Ronn is getting publicity and it’s the only way she can think of to capitalize on her imagined ‘share’ of the attention?  Could it be that she knows her money tree is quickly drying up, coming to the end of its very long season, and she has to do something, anything, to try and milk the money cow for as long as she can. Could it be that she is jealous, desperate and acting out like a child? 

Coming up with a few lies, inflammatory fiction, and an angle to twist the truth is nothing new to her.  Believe me, we’ve dealt with it for years! Whatever her reasons, she’s only hurting herself.  And in the end, jealousy is an evil companion, courting disaster in all kinds of places.  I’m not going to let her poison all the good that Ronn and I have created, nor all the goodness in my heart, even though it is challenging to keep my mouth shut when I hear people come back to me and tell me what she’s is up to in her blogs.  When all is said and done, Ronn has chosen to take the high road, as usual, and his ex has clearly chosen the lie road.  I had to let you all know what we have been dealing with so that I hopefully don’t have to go here again.  People who live in jealousy are always very unhappy.

Like the die hard fans around the world that have watched B&B for a quarter of a century; I was in anticipation of how Ridge Forrester would exit the role Ronn Moss created, and what kind of impact it would have on me, us and all of you. Now I’m not going to say I wasn’t emotional, because I was beyond emotional yesterday during the final wedding scene of Bridge. I knew how passionate you all felt about Bridge and the love you had invested for so many years in them. I even thought Brad Bell did a wonderful job incorporating Tridge memories and flashbacks of all the previous weddings in that episode. Finally it seemed like the B&B we all fell in love with was being honored properly and so many emotions flooded my body. I cried like a baby and even tweeted kudos to Brad Bell for that. Ronn watched it and felt emotional and as you know hung with you throughout the day on Twitter and Facebook with memories, trivia postings and our true feelings about what was going to be the end of an era. Trust me, Ronn is not pulling an Eric Braeden or playing games and making a decision like this one was not sudden, although it seemed that way. Many of you have asked if Brad Bell wrote the final scene that way before Ronn announced his departure, which Brad Bell confirmed he was prepared for in case Ronn decided not to renew his contract. Then when Brad announced so suddenly that he would recast Ridge, Ronn felt hurt and totally disrespected for the 25 years he had given to the B&B brand and it sort of made him feel even more solid about his decision. Respect for that much time given to anything deserves recognition and is more important in the end that sheer dollars and cents. A person needs to feel that in order to continue to be excited about their profession. I think we all stand in agreement that today’s final Ridge moment left a sense of disappointment in us. We felt Ridge/Ronn deserved much much more for what he stood for all these years. We felt cheated and cheapened, and rather angry that he wasn’t given the proper send off after the legacy he created for B&B. The disappointment was felt just as strongly today, as the tears of joy were yesterday when we cried and gave kudos to the raw emotional wedding of Bridge. Today’s final Ridge scene was non existent. It was like he was not important anymore. The focus of the show is clearly centered on Brad’s vision of a younger audience. What I think he’s failed to recognize is that the veteran core four is the heart and soul of B&B, and without it there is nothing to care about. The true love of B&B is lost and the dream is gone. In light of today’s episode, it’s clear to see that we are building a bridge now to a better place and we hope you will join us on Ronn’s Garage, TwitterFacebook and on tour with Player to help us continue to build this bridge to our destiny now. B&B has turned into another show and like a table with four legs to stand, one is now missing. Just know that Ronn is happy to see you understand things a bit clearer and respect his decision to take this new path. This will be a strong powerful bridge that you can help us build and together we can conquer anything.

It was a fun movie night at the Playboy mansion for Ronn and I had the pleasure of introducing Hef to one of his favorite TV stars, Michael C. Hall who plays “Dexter” on the popular Showtime drama. Our dear friend Wally Crowder who is the stunt coordinator on Dexter and his lovely wife Lori joined us in what seemed to be quite a moment for both Michael and Hef. Since Ronn and I saw Hef tweeting about watching Dexter and our friend Wally worked on the show, we thought we’d treat Hef for a change to something we knew he’d enjoy. Michael had never been to the Playboy mansion and was thrilled to meet Hef along with his girlfriend Morgan. I personally gave Michael a tour of the famous Grotto and Hef’s amazing zoo.

Lori and Dev

Then we had a wonderful dinner and it was such a pleasure to get to know the man behind serial killer, “Dexter.” Turns out I’m a little older than Michael and he admitted he saw his first Playboy in 1985 as he turned 14 right before my eyes. It was very cute to see the boy in him.

Ronn, Michael, Wally & Joel


Michael & Hef

Michael was sweet enough to bring Hef a DVD of the latest season of Dexter and Hef in turn presented Michael with the latest issue of Playboy. Hef was so excited to show Michael the very first page of the new issue because it was a 2 page ad for none other than “Dexter.” Needless to say the two of them bonded in a very special way and now Michael is part of the Playboy family. We enjoyed the movie “Lawless” with Shia LeBeauf and I don’t think Dexter is all that bad now. In fact we may end up hanging out with him more often! A special thank you to our wonderful friends Alison and Joel who helped make this all possible. It was beautiful to watch Hef and Dexter gush over each other, who knew?

It’s been quite a transition period for Ronn and I these past few weeks. Since he’s left the show, he’s had more time to devote to the girls. Creason is leaving for college soon, so the little bit of time we see her is rare. School starts next week for Calee and it will be strange for her to not have her big sister this year. So the girls are going through a transition along with us. Ronn always felt like he never had enough time with them because of his dedication to Ridge Forrester. It was nice to see him relax for a change and enjoy watching movies with them without having to cut it short to study a script for work the next day. It was also nice to have him make our daily cappuccinos that you know I so treasure. It’s become our morning ritual. He’s been overwhelmed with offers for various projects, including commercials, appearances and movies. So he wants to take his time in deciding what exactly he wants to do now. We are however visiting our second home of Italia at the end of September when Ronn will reunite with Katherine Kelly Lang for a fashion commercial and appearance. We plan to attend the Laura Biagiotti fashion show in Milan and enjoy some quality time with some of our friends. Ronn and Peter have completed the artwork for the new upcoming release of PLAYER’s album entitled, “Too Many Reasons.” I think that was fitting title to the new journey they are about to embark on soon with a tour that is being formulated now for Europe. It’s a must to see PLAYER in concert if you love their sound, there is no doubt you will LOVE this new CD. You may get the title track now at Itunes to sample for yourself. I know alot of you have been requesting more B&B and PLAYER trivia, so Ronn is aware of this and putting on his thinking cap. He’s told me so many great stories over the years, so I’m sure you will continue to enjoy that on twitter and facebook as they pop into his mind. He’s really having fun on twitter with you guys and understands it much better so it makes him happy to know what you want to see more of. I know you’d like to see more cooking segments with me, so we are planning on doing that as well. Ronn’s Garage is a huge hit with a fast growing audience all over the world and Ronn couldn’t be happier that you enjoy the latest one on our wedding vow renewal in Puglia. This was the most personal Ronn has ever shared publicly and I was so proud of it and him. Since the 25th of this month marks our 3 year wedding anniversary, it’s a beautiful anniversary present for me. I’m so happy you are all getting to know more of who Ronn is now, but I’m truly sorry you are counting down the days to say goodbye to Ridge on September 14th. I’m sure that day will go down in history as the most watched B&B episode. You know I’ll keep you informed on what’s happening and know that Ronn is here for you now more than ever on Twitter, FacebookRonn’s Garage and soon to be in person when Player tours.  Many of you have been asking how we are healing since the accident. I can tell you we both have good and bad days due to lack of sleep primarily. Ronn has 3 fractures in his shoulder and needs to see a surgeon for his opinion. He has trouble with his shoulder and this is making karate impossible right now. I have pain in my right hip and am awaiting an MRI on that area to find out more. We both are moving slowly, but happy and grateful for all your concern and well wishes. Right now for him, it’s “All About YOU.”


I can’t tell you all how crazy the past two weeks have been for Ronn and me both, physically and emotionally. It’s not so easy being the wife of the most beloved man that we all have love, fantasized and grown up with. Believe me I’m feeling your love, pain and adoration for my hubby. Now you know why I frickin married him!
What you guys don’t know yet is more of what I do know and that’s Ronn. So as you say goodbye to Ridge and remember I feel ya, you are saying hello to Ronn, someone that you don’t know as well. Ronn has always been extremely private about who he truly is and all you really saw was Ridge and how magical was that?
It’s been magical for me a fan and viewer for the eight years that I’ve been with Ronn. How could I not follow B&B and support my hubby? I was already watching “The Young and The Restless” for years and it was my favorite because my mom use to watch it. I remembered meeting Ronn at a party when I first won “Star Search” and he was just becoming “Ridge Forrester.” So although I didn’t follow the story from day one like a lot of you did, I can see how Ridge has become a personal friend, family member or fantasy guy for many of you. So the loss of that feels like a death. There will be a hole in your heart to lose this everyday ritual that has now been 2 and a half decades. That’s huge folks and around the world, so I feel you!!!! I also feel my husband, his heart, soul and talents of other areas that you don’t know and would never know if all he ever showed you was Ridge! Have you been disappointed for all these years with him thus far?
What makes you think the best is not yet to come? Why do we always jump to the negative side of the situation, why not look at the positives? Let’s see, you now can be with Ronn more here on Ronn’s Garage, onTwitter and Facebook, remember B&B took up way too much of his time before? Try learning and memorizing so much dialogue! Sometimes he was so talked out that he had no interest in talking to me when he got home.
I understood, but wished I had more of him just like you guys do with Ridge. His children would sometimes have to hang out at the set with him just to even see their daddy because he devoted so much time to Ridge. His passion as a musician, father, and friend took a back seat to Ridge for 25 years. That’s a lifetime to devote to anything and do it as well as Ronn played and kept the world hooked on Ridge Forrester.
There is a going to a hole in your heart forever for that, as well as a hole in his heart for the amazing cast and crew he grew to love as a family. It breaks his heart to leave them behind, but sometimes endings are indeed new beginnings that will bring us all even closer. Ronn now has freedom to fly, shine, sing, dance, visit and share more of who he really is as a person and I think you will fall in love all over again, just like I did.
Hell we have been married twice now and it’s only been three years since my last one! We are sharing that with you on this coming episode of Ronn’s Garage and this is very personal coming from Ronn. You will see a side to him that only the cast, crew, myself and his band know already. Just like your voices ringing around the world on his/mine Facebook and Twitter since the news broke. Shows the producers and Hollywood something that you guys have known for 25 years already, Ridge/Ronn is loved and adored by practically the entire planet! It doesn’t matter what it is you just want to see him. And always there’s more to a person that just what you’ve grown to know and love already. I think you’re gonna go on a roller coaster ride now with Ronn Moss that will take you places, Ridge Forrester never would or could. You have already gotten a to know us as a couple due to the wonders of social media, gotta love that! But, now you get to really do that with Ronn and still see him, communicate with him, follow him and be with him on this upcoming exciting journey that we want to take you all on.
Even the die hard 25 year old fan is gonna want to take this journey with us. I promise you once Ronn speaks to you about his feelings you will all understand completely. Our fantasy guy Ridge Forrester will be busy for a while on his honeymoon with his destiny Brooke, while Ronn and Devin hang out with Katherine Kelly Lang in my kitchen cooking! I’m for one am looking forward to cooking with Kelly in ‘Ronn’s Garage” soon. So keep retweeting to your followers your favorite comments on twitter and keep the conversation going on what you want from Ronn now. I think you all can see he’s so much more than Ridge.
However, you must speak up now and you can and will be heard! Facebook his page your likes, comments and shares on what you want from him. He’s listening and loves you all so very much. Anyone who has had the pleasure of meeting Ronn or working with him knows this. I’m just trying to heal our wounds from this car accident and our hearts emotionally from the sad goodbye to Ridge. But you see I’m more excited than anyone for you guys who don’t know Ronn to know and meet him. And I don’t think you will be disappointed, but enlightened to much much more than you could have ever dreamed.

Since Ronn and I had a week of hell due to that horrific accident, we needed to have a little fun and see some of our friends at the Playboy’s Midsummer Night Dreams party. I had so many horrible bruises that I borrowed a black gown to wear this year and felt boring compared to some of the gorgeous lingerie outfits. I can’t wear high heals at all due to my hip problem, which was a bummer.And there was no way I could dance, but we managed to have fun just seeing friends like Playmates Barbara Moore, Sandra Taylor and Serria.

Mark Roesler & his wife Stacy

German Artist Michael Mobius was back in town with his 3D camera and this year the decor at the mansion was amazing, but things are really changing. Half the party was dressed in their PJs and half in black tie due to corporation changes. The food was yummy as usual, but there were not a lot of Playmates or friends we saw there this year, which was sad. Hef doesn’t stay at the parties as long anymore, but CeeLo Green performed and we managed to have a good time in spite of all the pain we had been suffering because it was good to get out of the house.Then yesterday was the big Aerosmith concert at the Hollywood Bowl that drummer Joey Kramer invited Ronn to months ago and Ronn completely forgot about it.

Johnny Depp and Devin

He’s been having lapses of memory loss lately since the accident. I hope it doesn’t last much longer because he goes back to work at B&B tomorrow. Since we missed the concert, we did make the after party compliments of Joey Kramer and his wife Linda.

Jim Carrey in 3D

We took Creason, Calee and their friend Selena to the Aerosmith after party that was held at the restaurant, “The Pink Taco” and got to meet Johnny Depp, Steve Tyler and Jim Carrey. The girls were thrilled, but I ended up in bed all day in pain with my hip from standing around a little too much.

Steven Tyler and Ronn

However, I was also happy to finally meet Johnny Depp especially and he was such a sweetheart. Will be nice to see him around town in Hollywood again. We are still waiting on the doctor to give Ronn his MRI results and I’m hoping he is back to normal soon. We did find out that we will be getting a new truck to replace our damaged one soon. However these two events were good medicine for a hellish week and we are still in total gratitude that we had some fun this weekend. 

As most of you know by now, Ronn and I were in a horrible accident last Friday that involved 8 cars and totaled our brand new truck, which saved our lives.  This close call made us feel so much gratitude for having our lives spared. If we were in any of our other cars there is no doubt we could have been hurt a lot worst. As it stands, Ronn had a cut on his head that was bleeding, as well as a shoulder injury. I had a lot of bruising and the whole right side of my body is stiff, sore and painful. This accident came out of no where and this guy hit two other cars before hitting us and causing us to spin out of control hitting a lamp post that ended up on the hood of our truck. Needless to say, spending most of the night in the ER wasn’t fun. Ronn had never been in a car accident before and we both were rather disoriented and shaken up pretty badly. Because we have received so many calls, emails etc and it’s impossible to answer them all right now. We just wanted to express our sincere thanks for all your concern and update you on things. It could have been a lot worst, but thank God we are slowly recovering here. An angel was clearly watching over us and we are indeed counting our blessings. The pole hit the back door and blew out the glass instead of my door, which was a blessing. The pole didn’t hit the windshield which was a blessing and we didn’t walk out of the Starbucks when that crazy driver ended up on the sidewalk almost going straight into the Starbucks. Several people witnessed the entire accident and so hopefully things will be settled soon. Was funny to have several people asking me if that was “Ridge Forrester” at the scene of the accident. We are now dealing with everything and feeling like someone beat me up isn’t fun right now. So I apologize if I don’t respond to you in my usual manner for the next few days. I still feel like I’m moving in slow motion here.  Again Ronn and I can’t thank you enough for all the love and support.

We are proud of this month’s Ronn’s Garage “Summer Special” that is like 3 shows in one. Since we were in Italy for B&B’s remote shoot and PLAYER’s publicity tour, Ronn decided that he would document the trip. There was a small jam party at our house before we left for Italy, so Ronn included that in the special also and it is the 1st segment. The 2nd segment is the behind the scenes of the B&B shoot and the upcoming 3rd segment is our spontaneous vow renewal in romantic Puglia. We are very happy to see that so many of you are enjoying Ronn’s Garage and stats are showing that it is a huge hit. We welcome your comments and suggestions on making it better with each and every show. Ronn is truly enjoying producing and editing each new show and wants to know what you think. His goal is make the interviews moving and personal, the music fun and to make you feel like you are there with us when we travel. The next upcoming Ronn’s Garage guests will include, Katherine Kelly Lang, Australian artist Brett Livingston Strong and “Quiet Riot” drummer Frankie Banali. So please check out Ronn’s Garage and spread the word that more is coming!

Now that Summer is here we are celebrating outdoors with friends and you know what that means? Lots of“Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning” to share at your BBQs. Speaking of BBQs, we have a few that are coming up with friends this weekend to celebrate Ronn getting his purple belt in karate and my now belated birthday. Since I wanted a quiet birthday this year, Ronn and I spent it alone in Lake Arrowhead being creative. I started working on a new novel and he worked on the upcoming Ronn’s Garage that I know you guys will absolutely love. It features a part of the jam party we had with friends like Joel Berliner, Peter Beckett and Player, along with surprise guest Ray Parker Jr on drums. I think it shows how much fun Ronn and the boys have in the garage. Then of course we have behind the scenes of the Puglia B&B shoot and peaks of the the press that Ronn and Peter did in Italy. We end this month’s Ronn’s Garage with our personal surprise, our wedding vow renewal in Puglia.

Robin Krasny & Lavinia Biagiotti

It was so romantic at the Borgo Egnazia Villa and I had teased Ronn about how many times he’s been married to Brooke so much that he and I spontaneously decided to renew our vows there. Since we had some of our Italian family visiting the B&B set like German artist, Michael Mobius and fashion designer, Lavinia Biagiotti we thought it would be perfect to have them celebrate with us. Our dear friend Robin Krasny, of Robin and Eddy officiated our ceremony and sang as I walked down a gorgeous staircase for our sunset vows. The owner of the beautiful “Borgo Egnazia” resort and spa provided us with a harpist and his mother made our wedding cake! My wedding dress was a gift from Laura Biagiotti who provided all of our wardrobe. It was an absolute dream and I didn’t plan any of it, which if you know me, know is very weird for me. The flowers were also a gift from Aldo and Camilla who own the Borgo Egnazia and Ronn’s Italian manager, Gianluca was in attendance, helped arrange an amazing dinner for us. Ronn and I have always wanted a wedding in Italy, so this couldn’t have been more romantic or special and to have it be so spontaneous was wonderful for me to experience. Now we have the 4th of July bash at the Playboy mansion coming up and then Ronn will be on vacation from B&B until August. We have been asked to be guests on Marie Osmond’s new talk show next month and have some other exciting projects in the works to share with you later as they develop. We think it’s going to a be a fabulous summer and we plan on having fun. So have a safe and happy 4th to you all and we hope you’re having a great summer too!

Ronn and I attend the 3rd annual Celebrity Gun Shoot in Ojai this past weekend. Our friends at Associated Television put on a first class event as always. It was held at the beautiful Ojai Valley Inn and Spa and we were treated to an amazing awards dinner, in which Ronn First Place in the Handguns. I feel like I’ve improved very much since our first year attending. I managed to get several shots in the Sporting Clays and Trap competitions. “Housewives of Orange County” star Peggy and Micah Tanous were on our team again, along with “Falling Skies” newcomer Peter Shinkoda who was a very good marksman just like his TV character. We hung with old team mates Frank Stallone and Robert Carradine and I was happy to see Kira and Bob Lorsch attend for the first time.  Laura McKenzie who is always terrific and her husband David, daughter Elizabeth and their team at Associated Television makes us feel at home and part of their wonderful family unit with all their events and we cherish them dearly. This event benefited the families of the our military and volunteers of the NRA were on hand to make sure we were all safe. I plan to get some practice in before next year!

After spending two weeks in beautiful Italia, it was good to sleep in my own bed. However, the jet lag this time really hit me hard and took a good week to get back on track. I think it’s because we barely recouped from Bora Bora and then took off to Italy. So it feels like we have been traveling for months. I felt disoriented and then had a bit of a health scare when we arrived home. I needed to rest and totally get back to normal. I even made a mistake on a spice order and Ebay order by sending the orders to the wrong people! This is something that I just don’t do and I guess it didn’t help that they both had the same name! Nevertheless this is the time of year that starts to get even busier for Ronn and I. Summer parties, events, charities, award shows, kid related things and friends visiting help make our weekends jam packed. I’m not complaining because we have a fun and full life, it’s just hard to keep up with it all sometimes. And having a quiet day with nothing to do is always rare and appreciated. This past week two of my longtime girlfriends are in town visiting. One from Houston, Laura and one from Chicago, Stacey and both are always fun to catch up with . We find ourselves talking our heads off about old times til the wee hours of the morning and having lots of laughs. It was also my friend Lori’s birthday so we celebrated by taking her limo to the “American Idol Finale” compliments of Aerosmith’s drummer Joey Kramer and his wife Linda. Poor Ronn had a long day at work, so long that he slept in his dressing room due to an early day the next day. So Lori got to be my date and we had a blast with terrific seats right up front and center. Then last night my girlfriend Stacey visiting from Chicago invited us to “The Mint” to see some live music which is always something Ronn likes. Turns out it was a small standing room only venue and Johnny Depp was playing drums! Johnny Depp on Drums is just something you don’t see or expect and I must say he was pretty good! We were with drummer Frankie Banali and his girl Regina Russell so it was a surprise treat for them. As exciting as my week as been so far, it’s not over. We still have the kids coming over today and a couple of BBQ parties to attend so by the time Memorial day is over, I’ll need another few days to recover to get back on track!  Don’t get me wrong, I look forward to each and every day that is spent healthy and enjoying life so that I can blog about it and share it with you!

We are back from Puglia and a bit jet lagged still, but the memories will linger for a while. I had never been to southern Italy and must admit was a bit excited to see this region. We stayed the first few days at the Masseria San Domenico  which was where B&B filmed. The food was absolutely amazing, fresh home grown vegetables were so great that’s all I wanted to eat there. The weather was a lot like LA with sunny warm days and cooler nights. A few miles away from the Masseria San Domenico is another newer hotel called, Borgo Egnazia and both places are owned by the same people. The Borgo Egnazia is so romantic and beautifully decorated with an award winning spa. The cast and crew were made to feel at home at both places since some of the crew were staying at the Borgo Egnazia. We were treated to complimentary massages, facials and body scrubs and the whole atmosphere felt like heaven. Two other location days were spent at this gorgeous little town, Alberobello, where all the homes have cone like roof tops  and the town of Polignano a Mare. Both places were a must to see and the people are so nice. Puglia provides 70% of the world’s olive oil and has so many amazing olive trees everywhere. They also provide 10% of Europe’s wine and pasta. At the end of the B&B shoot, Ronn and I moved over to the Borgo Egnazia to stay in one of the 3 bedroom private villas that had it’s own pool. The villa was like our own private little mansion. We invited some of our European friends like German artist Michael Mobius and designer Lavinia Biagiotti to come and share it with us. Ronn and Katherine Kelly Lang did a commercial in Bari after the B&B shoot was over, so this was an added treat to our final day there. Puglia has become a very special place for us and we will surly return. An upcoming special “Ronn’s Garage” episode will be dedicated to our experiences there, truly a magical place for us! [wpvideo LyQZiAbV]

It’s been over a week that we have been in our beloved second home, Italy. As always, we feel the love instantly especially with Ronn, as he has always had a big love affair with beautiful Italia. It seems since, “Ballando con le Stelle” he is more recognized as Ronn instead of Ridge, which is quite nice. After all of the press he did for his PLAYER album with Peter Beckett, we celebrated the release of Lavinia Biagiotti’s book, which is a cute and colorful book that displays tips on fashion. Lavinia is like my sister and she and her mom, Laura always makes us feel at home with them. I’m happy to announce that I will be helping them bring back the beloved fragrance, “Venezia” to America. The fragrance has many fans and requests in America and right now isn’t currently distributed there. I love the smell and right away started getting compliments since I’ve been wearing it. Jacqueline MacInnes-Wood who plays Steffy on B&B fell in love with it instantly also. So we are excited to relaunch “Venezia” in the US now. Since we have said goodbye to our friends in Rome, we are now in beautiful Puglia among the olive groves, which feels like heaven. There is an amazing spa that I’m looking forward to trying and the food has been spectacular. Seems like the vegetables are so fresh and flavorful that is all I want to eat right now. The seafood is also amazing and so is the wine. Needless to say we never go hungry in Italia. The B&B shoot is going very well, quite relaxing with gorgeous days and beautiful nights spent with the cast and crew. There are more of our Italian friends coming later this week to visit with us and Ronn and Katherine Kelly Lang are shooting a cute and funny commercial at the end of the week. Italia is always busy for Ronn with shoots, press and trying to fit so much in with friends in such a short period of time. But, we love Italia and their culture and really do think of it as our second home. A home we hope to spend more and more time in future years.