I love this time of the year when the flowers are blooming and summer in on the horizon, but it always gets so busy with events, parties, movie screenings and BBQs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining because I love having a full life, it’s just the beginning of being a busy bee and it’s already started for us. Ronn is a busier bee than ever with Player rehearsals for the upcoming June 3rd charity event at the Canyon Club in honor of my big 50th birthday. I have so many girlfriends flying in from Louisiana, Texas, Chicago and New Jersey who are staying with me, so we will have a full house the weekend before to celebrate. We have quite an interesting guest list of people coming to the event, so it should be a terrific evening! Putting together an event like this one is time consuming and requires every detail to be attended to in advance. I want everyone to have an excellent time and have Shelter Hope Pet Shop raise alot of money to save as many animals as possible in the next year. They saved over 400 last year!
In addition to planning this event, I’ve made some changes to the 411 website and haven’t announced Ronn’s leading lady yet because there are some scheduling issues to deal with due to other offers that Ronn has been receiving, and we are trying to fit everything in. Ronn will also be touring this summer with Player for the US Sail Rock tour with other artists such as, Orleans, Christopher Cross, John Ford Coley and Firefall. So he’s is going from one event to touring to filming and there are no breaks in between.
As you know, we are also going to Italy in mid June for the Taormina Film Festival in which he doing a speaking engagement that he must prepare a presentation for. And there’s always Ronn’s Garage to edit and film, so my dear wonderful hubby is a busy busy bee. I’m also working on a new website devoted to everything that women love called, woman to woman. I will feature amazing women in all areas that we women want to see such as fashion, health and beauty. So see I’m a busy bee too, but I also want to try and have some fun! So I think as busy bees it’s going to be a great fun filled summer that I for one am looking forward to and I will try and keep you updated as usual on things as they progress!
I always say, “As crazy busy as I am, I always find time to be a friend”! This must be why I have most of my friends from age 3-45 & going strong.
It seems like very busy summer for DevRonn!
Im happy to say that Ronn made best desicion when he left Bold last year. It opened many opportunities for him and Im excited about it. Wish him and u Devin all the best.
thanks Katherine, I agree he couldn’t be happier and it’s very exciting for him to have the freedom and choices to do other things.
hey devin..i too want to know the status on interview with Ronn & Martha..a’Yea” OR a No’ will be nice instead of us fans..hanging on
I’ve replied that he is interested and to have someone contact me to set it up and I’ve not gotten that. Please have them email me at missjune85@yahoo.com and I’ll set it up.
Hi you two. Full plates for the summer. I’m sure you wouldn’t want it any other way. Looking forward to seeing the results here as they come along. I know, Devin, that means you’ll be just as busy. (Kind of like a BBQ, somebody else has to do more than just flip the meat, haha!) Lots of pics and videos, please.
Love you, Lilian
Hi Devin & Ronn
Thanks for the update. Its very much appreciated. I too have been busy as a bee…as its ‘WEDDING SEASON’..and everyone at my company is shocked we are booked & busy with “nuptials” until August,,
Absolutely…no..time..for….leisure..so Adios….I will read what you write every chance I get
Hi Devin
How Busy can you ‘Bee’?
A few weeks ago I saw where you posted..that you were excited about the possibility of Ronn being on The Muzicheadz Show…and that was it..So what’s goin on? Is “he” in..or out? Just remind Ronn he has a huge fan=base Down Under..so please do not disappoint. 🙂
One Love 2..U..both
I’ll say you are one Busy Lil Bee … You are so creative!! You are amazing. I’m totally behind in keeping up with all but you really did have an awesome birthday month! Love this picture of you. Wishing you all the best. Since I’ll not be traveling to Italy physically, seeing Italy through your pictures is a wonderful thing. To have such compassion for all and to be able to pass that on, is such a great thing. Live Laugh Love = you’ve got it all going on, Devin!