It’s been a while since my last blog due to many ups and downs life has been throwing at us recently. In fact, I have been thinking about not blogging at all anymore since most of you prefer livestreams. Then I realized this month marked our 10 year anniversary of this blog. I started this blog when Ronn did the “Dancing with the Stars” in Italy, and wanted it to chronicle our adventures. So I will let you tell me if we should continue with it or not now.
This new decade started out pretty good and then a few dear friends suddenly passed away and put me into a bit of a depression. First there was the Internet buzzing about my longtime dear friend, Julie Strain’s death. I had just returned from Europe and was a bit jet lagged, but something about this just didn’t seem right and I decided to listen to my gut and got in touch with her boyfriend who confirmed this was just not true. Julie, as most of you know has early dementia due to a terrible horseback riding accident in her early 20s that left her with partial amnesia. Julie lost most of her teenage memories and had to relearn a lot of things about her life. Nevertheless, Julie was bigger than life, standing six feet one with a strong personality as a pinup model, actress and photographer, with a legion of fans who love her. Her health has been slowly declining the past few years, and I was one of the few people allowed to see her a couple years ago when I learned of her demise. So it was indeed shocking to hear all over the Internet that she was dead and no one had told me? It was a good thing I listened to my intuition because it was totally false. Many friends had been saying that her death was already listed on Wikipedia and that the Hollywood reporter had printed it, so it must me true. Wrong! Just because its in the news or printed in a magazine does not make it true obviously.

Shortly after recovering from that, another dear friend really did pass away and I was deeply saddened and shocked by his death. Artist, Jon Hul’s sudden death from a stroke at age 62 threw me into a bit of a deep depression. Jon had such a vibrant, joyful personality and had done many paintings of me over the past twenty years we had been friends. He was also a great drummer and had attended many of our jam parties and played music with Ronn and the boys who all loved him. I simply couldn’t put into words how much Jon Hul meant to me and at that time was too overwhelmed with emotion to even try. We had barely returned home and I felt like life was throwing too much emotion my way to process all at once.
Jon’s death wasn’t sudden for his family, they had been hoping he would survive this, as he was in ICU for nearly a month and all through the holiday season. In fact, he had his stroke the day we had left for Europe and his daughter was trying to get in touch with me and I had no idea because I was traveling so much. I felt crushed to have not known of their struggles during the holidays and what they must have been going through.

Ronn went through losing a few friends that he was also close to and this put us both into a bit of a funk. He lost a high school friend and then soon afterwards learned of the tragic death of actor Orson Bean. Orson was the husband of his “Bold and Beautiful” co-star Alley Mills. He was hit by two cars crossing the street! Then there was dearly beloved, Lee Philip Bell who was the co-creator of “The Young and The Restless” and “The Bold and The Beautiful.” Her death really did feel like the end of an era for Ronn. I can’t tell you how many times he would say he wanted to see her and have lunch with her over the years, but somehow that never seemed possible given our travels, her health and other circumstances. However, she was in his heart and mind and the desire was there.

Life throws us curve balls in all areas leaving us living sometimes in fear instead of love. How we deal with this isn’t so easy at times. Sometimes other things make our deepest desires difficult to achieve. Maybe we feel like reaching out, but fear creeps in? Relationships can be difficult at times and emotions can put us in moods that we often can’t cope with ourselves, much less want to put on others. I believe in trying to live mostly in love rather than fear. Its not always easy to train your mind to turn off the fear of immortality, the fear of losing someone your love or the general fear that everyday life poses. The reality is always up to how you choose to perceive life. How you choose to live it and how you choose to handle your emotions.
Most of you know how much I believe in balance. This is the essence of what my book, “True Age, Timeless Beauty” was all about. Many of you who have read that little book touched me with comments on how much that book helped get your life in balance and as you know I’m writing the follow up to that book, “True Wisdom, Timeless Spirit” that I intend to give to you all for free! This is all about keeping life in balance when shit is being thrown at you and fear starts to creep in. It’s about getting through the ups and downs life throws at you like the death of loved ones and the crisis’ that may hit you from time to time in every area of life. How do you pick yourself up and go on? How do you deal with the fear of a health crisis? This is the essence of what life is all about and helping each other through life’s struggles is what’s really important. If I can do a little part in helping you with that then this ultimately helps us all for we are all in this together anyway, right?
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Thank you, Thank you Dear Devin. I am in Awe of 2020…I think this could be a Fantastic year…and thats what I’m going for..even with some set backs that have already happened. Gotta Look Forward with Love and Happiness! RIP Mrs Bell..her and her husband were a BIG part of my childhood memories, and amazing times with my grandmother, mother and friends, loving and laughing and following our favorite Soaps for many, many yrs. I love reading your Blogs..I also love the live scopes…I just think sometimes its easier to put into writing thoughts, memories, feelings, etc than on a live scope Just my opinion of course. Love ad Hugs to you, Ronn and Little Man. Have a Fabulous March and April over the pond!!
I read this with tears in my eyes & #Goosebumps
Thoughts are with you both Devin
Much love Jolanda Da Thesta
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Thank you for this blog Devin. The dead of Jon Hul schocked me too. I love his ART such a talented artist and I’m sure he was a wonderful Friend for you and Ronn. My thoughts are with you. It’s hard loosing so many good Friends, realy sad. Hope that 2020 wil bring more happiness. I love the livestreams you know that but I also love to read all ur beautiful blogs, this one is Very emotional. Keep on blogging it’s good to write ur thougts down, I do that too. Looking forward to ur new book and hope all goes well for you guys in this new year. Hugs