I don’t think any of us will ever forget what we have been doing during the year 2020 because its been a life changing evolution for us all. Many of us have had enlightening blessings in the midst of this chaos. Many of us have turned to wine, music and movies to help us escape. When we are locked down and watching nothing but destruction around us on a daily basis, it can feel scary, uncertain and fearful. However, when you choose to focus on what you can do for yourself in terms of health, well being and love, you fuel creativity. Your energy choice is up to you.

As you know from following us online, we chose to be as creative as possible. We had so much time on our hands and we had to tunnel it somewhere to not go crazy. We first turned to wine, music and movies ourselves. I wanted to focus on staying as healthy as possible, especially since simply going to the supermarket, standing in line, masked and ready was another element to incorporate into our existence. Ronn had a borrowed guitar and focused on the idea of doing cover songs he liked, recording them on his Ipad and shooting and editing little homemade videos to go with them. I would share them with you guys who were craving live music and reminding you all that we are still with you on that one, plus we needed to create some fun for ourselves! I went through putting lots of thought into creating healthy quick and easy vegetarian or pescartarian dishes for lunch and dinners during our Belgium lockdown. This lead to me posting photos on social media and you guys asking for what is now my live youtube cooking show, “Devin’s Kitchen.” See we do pay attention and listen to what you want.

Again, wine, music and movies were becoming more prevalent in our lives. We were in the midst of launching Ronn’s wine, “Moss” before the lockdown. I’m beginning to think he’s more in love with his wine than me these days. It is really that good and we are proud of it and can’t wait to get distribution for it to other countries. We are now exploring these options and hope to have news of other countries soon. Drinking the Moss wine while we were locked down in Belgium was a big treat. Our partners in Italy could only send us a few bottles and we savored them with my quick, healthy meals and having the Moss wine made us miss Italy terribly.

Italy had been locked down way longer than we were in Belgium and we were grieving for what they were enduring during these terrible times. We couldn’t wait to get back to our second home and more Moss wine! It was my great wish we would have the travel ban lifted before my birthday in June. As much as we loved and appreciated Belgium, they didn’t have Moss wine and I could tell Ronn was also really missing our friends and the food in Italy. We were lucky enough that my wish was granted and we arrived just in time to celebrate my birthday and have been focused on achieving the filming of our movie, ‘Surprise Trip.”
“Surprise Trip” is a romantic comedy set in Puglia that brings a New York stock broker to a small Italian town where he falls in love of course. He falls in love with everything Puglia, just as we have. The wine, food, people and culture makes this area of the world something truly special and unique. A piece of heaven on earth. The best organic tasting vegetables, wines, beaches, history and people make up a warm and inviting environment. It’s a very tranquil place to live and perfect for creativity. The weather is very much the same as Los Angeles because its on the Adriatic sea. So doing “Surprise Trip” as the first Devronn produced film is exciting and challenging for us.

I’m sure like many of you, we watched alot of Netflix movies and discovered alot of new series that were well produced and inspiring. Never has there been a more desirable time to submit new and creative ideas to the digital media that seeks new and exciting content. So we are super excited we have arrived to this transition and we are looking forward in sharing this movie with you guys. I will be keeping you informed on social media on the progress of this film and taking you along for the adventure as usual. I don’t think we can get away from wine, music and movies now because it is indeed a part of us in every way no matter where we are. So you can rest assured there will always be wine, music and movies from us. We may have to pre tape the next few weeks of “Ronn’s Garage” due to the filming of the movie. In the meantime, please leave us a comment and let us know how you like the new version of “Baby Come Back.” And if you loved the duet “Dreaming In Color” that is now #1 in Belgium with Ella Luna, let us know know if you want them to do another one together?

I love this interview
Moss wine, music and movies yeahhh ?❤❤❤
Much love Jolanda Da Thesta
Wow….what an exciting time for you guys!! We all need Wine, Wine, and more Wine..just make it MOSS Wine! And yes, Ronn and Ella should do other duets…their voices meld together! Congrats on the Number 1..bring it to the USA please, along with the Wine!