We had a wonderful weekend spent with several friends we hadn’t seen in a while, such as Katherine Kelly Lang. I was happy to cook a fun dinner for her and our young talented writer/director Ivan Silvestrini who is the writer/director of the acclaimed webseries, “Stuck.” Ivan is developing the perfect project for Ronn and Kelly to star in and just completed his first feature film, “Come Non Detto” a comedy about a gay guy who has a hard time coming out with his parents. We think Ivan is a sheer talent and a wonderful person and really enjoyed the film.
So I think good vibrations are in order for Ronn and Kelly to reunite in a say a romantic comedy? Then Ronn and I attended the birthday party of producer David McKenzie at the Staple center for a hockey game that was held in a private suite. It was such a lovely evening and so nice to see one of my favorite gal pals, Kira Reed Lorsch. We met English actor, Gregg Sulkin who starred in the Disney series, “Wizards of Waverly Place” as Selena Gomez’ boyfriend.
Ronn is getting ready to read a script for a 10 hour mini series that he will be working on with David McKenzie which I will give you details on soon. But what I can tell you is that this will be a terrific, amazing project that you will surely love and you will get to see Ronn on TV again soon! In addition to trying to finish the “Sail Rock” tour, Player will now do a possible tour in Finland this January.
So as you can see, there are good vibrations everywhere with music, movies and television projects in the works. We are just trying to find the time to fit it all in before and after the upcoming holidays which is just around the corner. I can’t believe how fast this year is going by! Tomorrow night we ride our Harley’s to the DVD release party premiere of “Easy Rider, The Ride Back” in Marina Del Rey at Bartel’s Harley Davidson. The producer of that film is also the producer/writer of the upcoming “411” movie that Ronn will be directing.
In addition to all of this, Ronn and Peter Beckett did a very cool photo shoot with photographer Christopher Ameruoso in Elvis Presley’s actual sunglasses as part of a cool book of talented stars all wearing Elvis’ glasses, and you all know how much I love Elvis! So I think there will be good vibrations in celebrating all the exciting new upcoming projects and as usual I will keep you posted as they continue to evolve, but in the meantime enjoy the second installment of “Finland’s Game of Emotions.”
I think Prince coined “Jam of the Year” as a song on his “Emancipation” album, but it’s ours now. For some reason, we love rockin out on Mondays. First the Canyon Club for my big 50th birthday and now Labor Day weekend will always be etched in our brain with the Jam of the year. We had REO Speedwagon’s Bryan Hitt on drums and REO’s guitarist Dave Amato rockin in with Player. It was so hot that all we could do was dance our asses off all night long.
It’s not everyday I have tons of people dancing in my garage, but no one could sit still and had to get up and grove to the music. I cooked red beans and rice for my vegetarian friends and a killer gumbo. Ronn grilled chicken and tri tip and others brought tons more food to add to our Player Potluck Jam of the year! This was so good, we may make it an annual event.
Right now it’s almost 4:30 in the afternoon and I’m just now having a cappuccino to wake myself up and function properly. I’ve not partied this much since, well my birthday at the Canyon Club. But, when Player jams no one can sit still. We had a great group of friends old and new come in and out throughout the evening to share in on all the fun. Patrick Warburton brought out cigars and added to the cool vibe. Al Stewart, who is famous for his hit, “Time Passages” and “Year of the Cat” is always a wine expert who happens to look like an executive, but the boy can jam!
Nothing like the fun, positive, loving energy that engulfed our house and made our jam of the year so wonderful. Our kitchen looked like an explosion hit it this morning. Tell me why does everyone love to be in the kitchen at house parties anyway? Oh yeah, food! So with fun friends, great food and music it’s a given that we call this the jam of the year with pride. Notice Peter Beckett on drums! Who knows maybe we may take our Player Jam Parties on the road along with the Player Angels and party in your hometown! More of the fun on Ronn’s Garage coming up!
Summer just isn’t summer for us until we get to experience Hef’s infamous Midsummer Night’s Dream party. It’s always the first Saturday in August and is Playboy’s most beautiful party. Visually stunning because they tent the whole back yard and decorate with tons of flowers to give you the feeling of a tropical paradise. Then they sprinkle in painted ladies to walk around and serve you yummy things to eat. These painted ladies are totally nude except for the body painted lingerie that takes hours to do and are simply, a work of art to look at. It’s really hard not to stare in awe.
These days the Playboy mansion has become much more corporate. Gone are the days when Hef walked around and chatted with his guests while the cameras followed him. Now there are huge lines to go and greet him, while a hot DJ spins music and cirque de solei painted ladies entertain you while your are dancing. There are now lounge chairs everywhere for you sit and watch the array of women walk around in gorgeous lingerie with killer bodies.
So this Playboy mansion party had a great mixture of young and older friends and Playmates. Hef’s sons Cooper and Marston are starting to take things over in promoting the brand that we all know and love to be Playboy and it’s apparent change is delightful. It was fun to see Kendra dancing her cute little butt off with the painted ladies onstage and everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time. I personally think this midsummer party was one of the best. It was also nice for me to have a bit of fun after the emotional week I’ve had losing my beloved, Romeo.
It was also nice to have some of our friends there that were first timers. I was thrilled to be able to bring my gal pals, Tina and Caroline. It’s not as easy to bring the guys up there unless you are a celebrity. So I made a special request for our young Aussie Actors, Brenton Thwaites and Nathanial Buzolic. It was Nathanial’s 30th birthday and so we toasted him big time at midnight with Tequila shots. Brenton just finished the upcoming movie, Maleficent with Angelina Jolie and Nathanial is a series regular on “Vampire Diaries” both look like they could be my sons and so I’ve adopted them as their American mum.
Here’s a toast to Hef and Crystal’s magical midsummer delight! Thanks for having us join in on a superb party!
After fighting major jet lag from our superb trip abroad, Ronn had to take yet another flight to NY for a Player concert. Personally, I don’t think he’s human and tell everyone he’s an alien because jet lag just never gets the best of him! He managed to have an awesome performance in gorgeous Chautauqua, NY with the “Sail Rock” tour. I had to pick him up from the airport to make it in time for a dinner party thrown by actress Allie Mills who plays Pam on B&B.
Allie has been generously trying to gather a few cast and crew members together to celebrate both Ronn and Susan Flannery for their work and departure from B&B for nearly a year now! And due to everyone’s schedules this was no easy task! Turns out Allie lives on the beautiful canals of Venice Beach, so coming from Italy this was rather appropriate and much appreciated for us.
We joined other cast members, John McCook and Katherine Kelly Lang, Ian Buchanan, as well as, a few crew members for the best turkey burgers I’ve ever had! I must say Allie sets a gorgeous table and even though Ronn had just flown back from NY and I was still fighting jet lag, we couldn’t have had more fun. It was great to finally see Susan and catch up with friends that are really like family. It was such a beautiful dinner party and we wish we could do this much more often.
It’s so apparent that both Ronn and Susan’s presence is not only missed by fans, but by their cast and crew. So raise your glasses to Allie and her wonderful husband Orson Bean for making this happen finally and a big kiss and thank you Allie for all your hard work in pulling it off![wpvideo l6fyhXLv][wpvideo 18EoGK8t]
It’s been another amazing adventure in the southern part of Sicily here in beautiful Taormina for the prestigious annual film festival. Arriving here was quite an ordeal because Ronn’s luggage was lost the first few days and he had no clothing at all. Thank goodness there was a Taormina film festival t-shirt in his gift bag! Every night has started out with cocktails and photos with some of Europe’s most elite that have gathered to view different films every night in the 2300 year old outdoor theater that holds about 5000 people.
The first night’s premiere of “Man of Steel” honored Russell Crowe with an award for his body of work and featured the cast of the newly released, “Man of Steel” which I must say was amazing to watch in such an outdoor arena. After the screening there was a private elegant dinner held at the roof top of an amazing restaurant. This has been the routine each night as a different star has been honored with an award, including my hubby Ronn who has had a group of young teenage girls following him around since we arrived. They seem to be everywhere and it’s amazing how much they seem to adore my hubby.
It’s become impossible to walk around Taormina with Ronn because he draws a huge crowd for photos and autographs constantly, which he’s very gracious about doing, but it can become rather stifling at times to get from place to place and the crowd seems to get larger and larger with tons of young women!
It was a pleasant surprise to see Prince Albert of Monaco here for a special presentation of his green energy foundation and as a result we have now been invited to Monaco for other interesting appearances that Ronn will be making in the future. Each night has truly been a wonderful beautiful presentation of awards and films both American and Italian that have been followed by the most amazing dinner parties. Tiziana Rocca put on this event and we are proud and honored to have been a part of this wonderful week.
Last night Jeremy Irons was honored and tonight Meg Ryan is being honored, but I felt the need to relax and stay in for the evening. Each night’s dinner is at a different restaurant or hotel around Taormina so it’s easily becoming a very special week for us. We have been meeting some terrific and interesting people from all over the world and there is many wonderful opportunities brewing for Ronn to work in film, as well as, invitations to bring PLAYER to perform in places in and around Europe.
We are still celebrating my birthday and will continue to celebrate with a party being thrown for me next week in Rome by Prince Bassam Omar Salame’, his gorgeous wife and Lamia Khashoggi, one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met. Turns out it was also Prince Salame’s birthday and he wishes to continue to celebrate my big milestone in Rome and also in Monaco later this summer. Needless to say, this is turning into the most amazing birthday ever for me and one I’ll never forget and am truly grateful and blessed to be celebrating with these amazingly beautiful people.
Sadly we have lost one of our guests who was coming in to attend the festival, James Gandolfini, aka Tony Soprano had a sudden apparent heart attack last night in Rome. So a special tribute is being paid to him tonight at the festival.
I was on such a high this past week from the Player concert. It was a night of celebration, love and just plain good fun that was had by all last Monday, as I embraced my dearest, sweetest friends from all over who came to spend that magical day with us. And I’m sooo not exaggerating, it was indeed magical. Many of the beautiful sweet puppies, kittens and dogs found homes. Kim Sill, founder of Shelter Hope Pet Shop had every volunteer working their little tushes off just to celebrate lil ole, me!
So it’s really the truth when I tell you that the Shelter Hope Pet Shop volunteers take what they do way seriously and with pleasure, joy and just plain beauty all around. That was the best damn birthday party a girl my age could ever hope to have and I was never more grateful, loved or celebrated than that evening. My favorite band in the world was singing just for me, okay and you too! No one at Shelter Hope Pet Shop expected what would happen the day after such a wonderful, beautiful event like our Canyon Club concert with Player. I really was on a beautiful high and so to hear the sad news the very next day that one of our sweetest most angelic volunteer Phillis Armstrong passed away of heart failure, was devastating to say the least to, not just me, but everyone.
Phillis touched everyone who met her and no one was as dedicated as she was as a volunteer, lover of animals and just plain good natured and good hearted soul. A sadness was felt even if you only saw a photo of her like this one of her in the green skirt holding that little furry bundle. Phillis embodied what an animal rescue lover truly stands for and her dedication will not be forgotten. We can only follow her example in giving of ourselves and to our society when we give from the heart and soul such as Phillis did in her seemingly short life.
So as Ronn and I take our journey tomorrow and carry Player with us when they join Orleans, Firefall and Christopher Cross in Del Mar, we will also take Phillis as our angel guide to help us continue our magical journey forward with her sweet spirit and the essence of that last magical evening spent with her. Phillis will forever be a part of Player now as we meet more Player Angels around the world, we will always carry our sweet angel Phillis in our hearts.
Mondays will always have a specialness to it now because I’ll never forget how we rocked out on a Monday with Player at the Canyon Club. The event was a great success to say the least. We filled the house and rocked it big time! Shelter Hope Pet Shop was amazing and I want to thank all the volunteers who put in all their time an effort on the decorations, gift bags and red carpet. Kim Sill, founder of Shelter Hope Pet Shop went overboard on an amazing cake that was too delicious and a great time was had by all.
We had REO Speedwagon in the house along, with artist Olivia, Michael Moebius, Katherine Kelly Lang, Winsor Harmon, Allie Mills, Orsen Bean, Adam Gregory, Linda Thompson, Sheree J. Wilson, Renee Tenison, Sean Kanan & Bud Cort all getting down on the dance floor to the music of Player. The band was amazing and the evening couldn’t have turned out better. We raised over $5000 for Shelter Hope Pet Shop and more donations are coming in everyday on behalf of my 50th birthday, so thank you all so much! We can save quite a few animals with this money. Fans flew in from all over the country to see the band and I had my best buddies and most awesome Player Angels on hand to help me as my ladies in waiting. I say that because all my girlfriends spent the weekend with me and they were all waiting on me hand and foot. So they bought me a tiara and made me Queen and they were Princesses. We all decided to wear our Player tank tops and I wore my tiara all night long being the Queen was fun!
My only regret is that some people brought me gifts even though I said, “NO GIFTS!” As a result I put them in my gift bag and at the end of the evening that bag was gone and so were my gifts and my tiara! So the quest to find my tiara and gifts is ongoing here. Anyone who has it and won’t give it back will be beheaded!! Thank you Kira Reed Lorsch for being the best MC ever!
Ronn and I had a weekend full of BBQ, friends and fun. We kicked it off with a small BBQ for some new friends and then went to our neighbor Patrick Warburton’s house to finish off the day. I had a little too much wine and fell asleep most of the evening on the couch while friends like KISS guitarist, Tommy Thayer and his lovely wife Amber took pics of me sleeping!
We then went up to the Playboy mansion to visit Hef and saw “Star Trek, Into the Darkness” and I had a lovely chat with beautiful intelligent women like Monique St. Pierre and Monika Henreid. We topped off our Memorial day weekend with a fun visit with our neighbors Sharyn and Phil who took us to see “The Hangover 3.” So now it’s time to focus on what’s coming up next weekend which kicks off my birthday fund raiser for Shelter Hope Pet Shop.
I have a house full of guests who are staying with us from out of town and PLAYER’s final rehearsals before the big June 3rd event. So my plate will be full of fun this coming weekend with all my beautiful girlfriends to help us celebrate and for such a worthy cause. So if you haven’t purchased a ticket yet to the event please do so, you won’t be disappointed and your ticket is tax deductible to boot! Go to
I was asked to speak at an animal rescue event yesterday that had a Mad Hatter theme. So Alice In Wonderland came out to greet us on the red carpet with friends Regina Russell and Frankie Banali. Sky Valencia put on the event for St. Martin’s charity that helps move homeless neglected animals into no kill shelters until they can find loving happy homes. With over 8 million animals that are put to death each year in the United States alone, it’s facilities like St. Martin that help raise funds to help these innocent creatures find love and affection.
It was also great to see my dear gal pal Donna Spangler there who is always rescuing animals. She has a huge heart of gold and we need more people like her in the world to open their hearts and educate others to over breeding and the over population of pets that are neglected, abandoned and abused. This is part of the reason I wanted to do something to help this great cause for my 50th birthday and teamed up with Shelter Hope Pet Shop to do just that with Player performing on June 3rd. So please know that every little bit helps these poor innocent animals get the help and care they need to survive in this world. I hope you will join us in our quest to bring this staggering numbers down with your support.
I love this time of the year when the flowers are blooming and summer in on the horizon, but it always gets so busy with events, parties, movie screenings and BBQs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining because I love having a full life, it’s just the beginning of being a busy bee and it’s already started for us. Ronn is a busier bee than ever with Player rehearsals for the upcoming June 3rd charity event at the Canyon Club in honor of my big 50th birthday. I have so many girlfriends flying in from Louisiana, Texas, Chicago and New Jersey who are staying with me, so we will have a full house the weekend before to celebrate. We have quite an interesting guest list of people coming to the event, so it should be a terrific evening! Putting together an event like this one is time consuming and requires every detail to be attended to in advance. I want everyone to have an excellent time and have Shelter Hope Pet Shop raise alot of money to save as many animals as possible in the next year. They saved over 400 last year!
In addition to planning this event, I’ve made some changes to the 411 website and haven’t announced Ronn’s leading lady yet because there are some scheduling issues to deal with due to other offers that Ronn has been receiving, and we are trying to fit everything in. Ronn will also be touring this summer with Player for the US Sail Rock tour with other artists such as, Orleans, Christopher Cross, John Ford Coley and Firefall. So he’s is going from one event to touring to filming and there are no breaks in between.
As you know, we are also going to Italy in mid June for the Taormina Film Festival in which he doing a speaking engagement that he must prepare a presentation for. And there’s always Ronn’s Garage to edit and film, so my dear wonderful hubby is a busy busy bee. I’m also working on a new website devoted to everything that women love called, woman to woman. I will feature amazing women in all areas that we women want to see such as fashion, health and beauty. So see I’m a busy bee too, but I also want to try and have some fun! So I think as busy bees it’s going to be a great fun filled summer that I for one am looking forward to and I will try and keep you updated as usual on things as they progress!
Okay this will be one exciting event, not to be missed. PLAYER will perform at the the Canyon Club on June 3rd to celebrate my 50th birthday and all proceeds will go to the Shelter Hope Pet Shop. I wanted to do something big in celebration of my 50 years on this planet and my wish was to have everyone I know to be there with PLAYER performing. I DO NOT want gifts!!
This is my gift having all of you be there with us to celebrate! Tickets are on sale now and there are three levels of seating. The best value is the VIP tables which seat 6 people per table and include open bar and dinner. There are only 11 left as of now and are going for $1200 per table or $200 per person. The next level is at $98 per person in which you must make a dinner reservation. The third level is at $49 and standing room only. This will be an awesome event benefiting the amazing Shelter Hope Pet Shop which has helped rescue so many animals and place them in great homes. It is the only rescue center in a mall and I’m so happy that we can help this great cause. So I advise you to RSVP your tickets sooner rather than later for the best seats.
PLAYER will be performing their classic hits like, “This Time I’m In It For Love” “It’s For You” “Silver Lining” and of course “Baby Come Back.” They will also be performing their new songs from their newly released, “Too Many Reasons.” CD now available on itunes and Amazon. This will be the first major concert of PLAYER in Los Angeles and one that I’m sure will please everyone. So please join in celebrating my 50th birthday and help support the Shelter Hope Pet Shop by joining us on June 3rd at the Canyon Club!! If you can’t make the concert and want to make a tax deductible donation please make checks out to Shelter Hope Pet Shop and send to 1336 Moorpark Rd #326, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. A big kiss and much gratitude!!
Ronn and I attended “The Bold and Beautiful’s” 26th anniversary party held at The Standard Hotel in Downtown LA. It was in a ping pong sports bar and enticed alot of the cast to challenge each other in ping pong. The party seemed like a high school reunion for us due to the fact that we hadn’t seen the cast in crew for several months. Everyone seemed to miss Ronn and he of coursed missed everyone, so there were constant pictures and hugs throughout the night, so much so that Ronn didn’t even get a chance to eat anything and was starving by the time we drove home. Can we say “In and Out” burger?
It was fun to hang and see friends like Winsor Harmon, Katherine Kelly Lang, Scott Clifton, Jacqueline McInnes Wood and so many crew members that Ronn considers family. So funny how fast time flies as it’s now been over six months since Ronn left the show. A funny video was made spoofing B&B with Mrs. Lee Bell as the star with her little dog, “Joy.” Here’s to wishing “The Bold and The Beautiful” many more years of success and many more parties!
There has been alot going on with Ronn and I for the past few weeks and 2013 has taken off with a bang! Ronn has been busy preparing for his upcoming trip to Italy in which he will be promoting his fashion campaign with Katherine Kelly Lang for Impero Couture. They are launching the commercial on Valentine’s Day. Now if I didn’t love KKL so much myself, I’d be jealous that my husband isn’t spending Valentine’s Day with me and will be in Italy with her on that day. However, I’m not jealous, but happy that the campaign is so elegant and beautiful and it’s a perfect day to launch such a campaign. So hubby and I will celebrate the day before and I will see his cute little butt off to fly into the sunset with his Logan. I know how much you all love that and being a fan, so do I.
I chose not to go this trip because in addition to doing that promotion, Ronn will be traveling alot within Italy to various cities to promote his upcoming Player CD, “Too Many Reasons.” I don’t think this wil be a a fun trip for me to tag along on because he’s going to be on the go constantly. Besides, I have so much on my plate to deal with here at home with real estate now picking up finally and getting things prepared for the 411movie shoot and Ronn’s Garage. We have Ray Parker Jr, Jacquline MacInnes Wood and Rove coming up over the next few months and I’m looking forward to them all visiting us and to cook up something yummy! I’ve been getting all your requests to have Ronn and I cook together and I believe that is a real possibility. There’s even been talk about Ronn and I doing a TV cooking show together, which I would just love.
All that being said, we are absolutely loving life these days. Ronn is more relaxed and feeling creative. He’s writing for his memoir and it’s quite good and very interesting. I’ve told him his life story’s roots are fascinating and should be a book. All the stories he’s told me from his experiences growing up to his days on tour with the band, to 25 years of being Ridge Forrester. It’s something he must write and wants to now. Ronn is also doing the music for the 411movie, so he’s been busy preparing to shoot some music videos that will be in the movie, as well as, theme music for it. And as you know he does everything for Ronn’s Garage, including the editing, so he’s finishing up German pinup artist Michael Moebius now. I can safely say Ronn is also loving life because of all this creativity he now has time for in doing the things he loves the most. This past week we were spending time with our new friends from Monaco and their three adorable little girls, a set of twins who are four years old and the oldest daughter who is six. One of the twins really took to me and we are now best buds. I look forward to seeing them again soon.
Last night we celebrated another birthday with my dear friend writer, producer, director Jeff Franklin. Known for his brilliance in comedic writing, he created the hit syndicated TV series, “Full House” and has been a close friend since I arrived in Hollywood back in 1985. I said my first words on TV written by Jeff when I appeared as Garry Shandling’s fantasy girl on the “Garry Shandling Show.” Jeff created “Full House” shortly after Garry’s show was canceled and is also responsible for writing and directing movies such as the cult classic comedy, “Love Stinks” and “Summer School.” Now Jeff always throws fabulous parties and last night was exceptional with an amazing band, delicious food and beautiful decor in his lovely home filled with exotic fish tanks. He even has baby sharks in one tank and has three of them built into the wall of his house that is one of the most beautiful homes I’ve ever seen. The views are 360 and the house has a bit of history that may freak some people out. It sits on the same site where the Manson murders took place many years ago.
However, Jeff’s great energy and beautiful home has brought nothing but, joy, peace and love to those grounds and his amazing parties have only helped that energy and I believe he too is loving life with another birthday under his belt. Jeff and I have a tradition in that we are both Elvis fans and he has a large Elvis collection. I always try to add to it with something he doesn’t have and have been successful the past couple years with a bubble gum Elvis pack and a mini Elvis lunchbox. He has a Priscilla and Elvis Barbie that I wish I had for my Barbie collection! I’m so thrilled that my book, “True Age, Timeless Beauty: Finding the Fountain of Youth and Everything You Desire is touching lives and I’m happy to be a part of a new book entitled, “Wounded, Survive, Thrive” 101 Women’s Journey’s from Torment to Triumph in which I share my personal story. I hope this book helps many women overcome abuse of any kind and thrive in their lives.
So we hope you too are loving life as much as we have been lately and that the new year is filled with laughter, love and fun times with family and friends because that’s really what life should be don’t you think? Don’t forget to join the PlayerAngels and enter our contest to win a FREE Autographed Player CD! I want to see Player Angels from all over the world flying around and cheering Ronn and the boys on their new journey. Tours are being planned and I will keep you informed as they develop. I am confident you will love the CD as much as I do!
I think it’s safe to say we are all happy the world didn’t end in 2012 and we are finally able to welcome 2013! It feels like this year is promising better things than the previous year, but then again isn’t that the only way we should look at it? Ronn and I spent a lovely New Year’s Eve at the Playboy mansion ringing in the new year as only the Playboy mansion can with old and new friends like actor, Bud Cort known for his role as Harold in the movie, “Harold and Maude.”
It was nice to see Playmate Hope Marie Carlton, who was Miss July 1985. Hope and I were back to back Playmates in the same year and I haven’t seen her in many years. Known for the Andy Sidaris movies, including the one Ronn did entitled, “Hard Ticket To Hawaii, Hope now teaches power yoga in Colorado five days a week and her killer body shows it! ” Since Hef decided to get married yesterday underneath this beautiful archway of flowers, we thought we’d take a photo under the arch as a momento.
Ronn has so many interesting projects on the horizon starting with the new Player CD that will be released in February. I am so excited about that and I believe you will understand what I mean soon. So as a celebration we will have a Devronn contest to win an autographed CD of Player’s “Too Many Reasons” to a lucky DevRonn subscriber. I will be emailing subscribers with details of what is required to win soon. But you must subscribe to this blog to be eligible to win!
We hope you had a wonderful New Year’s eve and that all your goals for the new year are prosperous and joyful. I will continue to update you on what’s coming up in this exciting new year. Welcome 2013!
I really do love Christmas and of course presents,who doesn’t unless you really are a scrooge. Most of the time I like to shop online because it’s just so quick and easy. One of my favorite places to shop is on Amazon. It seems everything you can possibly want is there. It’s a great way to send out of town relatives something they will love and treasure. Online shopping can eliminate the hassle of driving, parking and waiting in lines. However, this year I personally just did not have the time or energy to get into Christmas due to playing catch up from that car accident we had at the end of the summer. I got so behind on way too many things to even think about Christmas, so I’m keeping it simple with gift cards. Another thing I love to do with my girlfriends is what I call, Potluck. All the girls bring a wrapped gift along with a dish and we eat, drink and play a game called, “White Elephant.” This is always fun because each girl picks a number out of a hat and then picks a present from under the tree to open. As the other girls eye her present to maybe steal it or pick a present to open for themselves. The game can get very funny depending on how many girls you have playing and the stealing can sometimes become out of hand if someone isn’t there to supervise. Nevertheless, it’s a fun way to do Christmas presents if you have a large family. Ebay is another great place to find interesting deals on just about everything and sites like cafepressandzazzle have hundreds of items you can personalize with your family’s photos or even your pet’s. E-cards are also a quick and easy way to say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or whatever else you want to say with your own spin. Then of course there are all those holiday parties that keeps us all so busy this time of the year. So whatever you plans are this Christmas I hope you don’t stress over it all and use some of these tips to make things a little easier this holidays season!
Costumes have always been festive in Los Angeles when it comes to Halloween. I don’t think any other area of the country goes all out in the costume department, well maybe New Orleans?
Gangster Wally & Prisoner Ronn
So Halloween parties are all over the place the week of Halloween and no one throws a better Halloween party than Hef. It’s his favorite and he goes all out with grave sites, a haunted house and hired actors that dress up as creatures to jump out at you. This Halloween party was the biggest I’ve ever seen. Apparently there were 1500 people invited and massive security.
Dr. Mobius, Cop Dev, Roman friend, Prisoner Ronn
In fact I was upset that they took away my borrowed rhinestone handcuffs that went with my “Capt. Cuff Me” cop outfit!
Prisoner Ronn & Queen of Hearts Alana
Like I was going to do some damage with them? Ronn was dressed as my prisoner of course and what a cute jailbird he was.
In spite of it all we managed to have fun with artist Michael Mobius who was dressed as a doctor. The night before Hef’s party we went down to Hermosa Beach to my girlfriend Alana Curry’s Halloween bash with Wally who dressed as a gangster and Lori who made a great catwoman. A smaller more intimate gathering is always more my style and we all fit our parts well.So trick or treat, we hope your Halloween is fun and safe and no matter how you dress, make sure you play the part well.
The past few days spent with our Italian friends who are very much family to us felt so surreal. Our last days in the gorgeous countryside of Tuscany was set in a quaint “Eco-chic” Boutique farm , TENUTA CHIUDENDONE .Our host was Francesco Cavallini, owner of Emilio Cavalliniwho has been the premier fashion tights company to many designers all over the world since 1972. We got to tour the factory where they make them and was given so many designs to take home. Lori was in sheer pantyhose heaven and Francesco’s father is a true artist in the unique world of fashion tights.
Lori, Dev & IsabellaLori, Ronn & DevOmbu, Francesco, Dev, Ronn & IsabellaFrancesco & Ronn
We were treated to the finest Tuscan wines at a wonderful wine tasting compliments of, Varramista Winery and then the highlight of our trip there was a visit to the local supermarket with Ronn. I wanted Francesco and his girlfriend Isabella to show me how to cook a whole fish Tuscan style, so we stopped at the market and even the butcher wanted a picture with Ronn! Lori and I laughed so hard at the reaction from everyone, including grandmothers and children who seemed to be drawn to Ronn for photos. I will show you guys what I learned about cooking a whole Sea Bass later on Ronn’s Garage. We traveled Saturday by train back to Rome for our final two days in Italy so that we could spend some quality time with the lovely Laura Biagiotti and my Italian sister Lavinia.They always make us feel so at home at the Biagiotti Castle. We topped off our evening with champagne at the Biagiotti boutique. Katherine Kelly Lang joined us and then went back to the castle for an amazing home cooked dinner with Laura. It was such a pleasure to introduce KKL to Laura and turns out, it was a special holiday for Italy was honoring St. Raffelle. The moon was so bright and full that we all felt the aura of excitement and anticipation deep into the night as a flutter of rain drops softly kissed us. Soon a pouring rain storm washed away the smoldering heat and humidity of the summer, and a change of season seemed to happen before our eyes with the breeziness of fall that is so welcomed now. I started to feel a bit of a cold coming on so I decided to rest in between lunch and dinner on Sunday. Ronn and Lavinia went for a walk and to my surprise, Ronn came back with a perfectly small heart shaped rock he found on the Biagiotti property from their afternoon stroll. I was so amazed and surprised to get this from him and took it as an omen to all the wonderful things that are happening in our lives now.
My Heart shaped Rocks
It’s my gratitude rock, a symbol of our rock solid love that has conquered so much in the past few months. As some you may remember, Ronn found a large heart shaped rock walking on the beach in Malibu a few years ago, so now I have that one next to me in our bedroom and this little one with me at all times. I showed Laura the rock and she said with great flair, “Now, let’s go find a Picasso at the flea market!” Because I admire so much Laura’s wisdom, knowledge and sixth sense, I knew our trip to the flea market was something special she wanted to share with us. And there I found the cutest outfit in the latest fashionable color of deep green for this fall that I will can’t wait to wear with pride. Lavinia wanted to take us to the wedding of chef Filippo La Mantia and his bride, Stefania, which was hailed the most elite party in Rome, and such a glamourous end to our awesome trip. Lori and I got dressed up for the party and made quite an entrance with Ronn, who epitomized Rock Star.
Lavinia, Eleonora & RonnDev, Eleonora, Ronn & Lori
There we met some of the most prestigious people in Rome, including ballerina, Eleonora Abbagnato. Lavinia grew up watching Eleonora dance and to meet her was an honor, especially since I’ve never seen a ballet. So she invited me to see her dance in Paris! Being at this party was like seeing a fashion show of the most beautiful people, each designer dress prettier than the next and the most delicious food. It was hard to move because everyone was coming to meet Ronn for photos, but Lori and I watched the whole scene in awe of every minute. Lavinia was so proud to introduce Ronn to everyone there and thus put a thrilling end to another memorable trip in our second home. This change of season is looking very promising and bright, so I’m sure another trip to Italy will be happening very soon!
Since Ronn and I had a week of hell due to that horrific accident, we needed to have a little fun and see some of our friends at the Playboy’s Midsummer Night Dreams party. I had so many horrible bruises that I borrowed a black gown to wear this year and felt boring compared to some of the gorgeous lingerie outfits. I can’t wear high heals at all due to my hip problem, which was a bummer.And there was no way I could dance, but we managed to have fun just seeing friends like Playmates Barbara Moore, Sandra Taylor and Serria.
Mark Roesler & his wife Stacy
German Artist Michael Mobius was back in town with his 3D camera and this year the decor at the mansion was amazing, but things are really changing. Half the party was dressed in their PJs and half in black tie due to corporation changes. The food was yummy as usual, but there were not a lot of Playmates or friends we saw there this year, which was sad. Hef doesn’t stay at the parties as long anymore, but CeeLo Green performed and we managed to have a good time in spite of all the pain we had been suffering because it was good to get out of the house.Then yesterday was the big Aerosmith concert at the Hollywood Bowl that drummer Joey Kramer invited Ronn to months ago and Ronn completely forgot about it.
Johnny Depp and Devin
He’s been having lapses of memory loss lately since the accident. I hope it doesn’t last much longer because he goes back to work at B&B tomorrow. Since we missed the concert, we did make the after party compliments of Joey Kramer and his wife Linda.
Jim Carrey in 3D
We took Creason, Calee and their friend Selena to the Aerosmith after party that was held at the restaurant, “The Pink Taco” and got to meet Johnny Depp, Steve Tyler and Jim Carrey. The girls were thrilled, but I ended up in bed all day in pain with my hip from standing around a little too much.
Steven Tyler and Ronn
However, I was also happy to finally meet Johnny Depp especially and he was such a sweetheart. Will be nice to see him around town in Hollywood again. We are still waiting on the doctor to give Ronn his MRI results and I’m hoping he is back to normal soon. We did find out that we will be getting a new truck to replace our damaged one soon. However these two events were good medicine for a hellish week and we are still in total gratitude that we had some fun this weekend.
Now that Summer is here we are celebrating outdoors with friends and you know what that means? Lots of“Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning” to share at your BBQs. Speaking of BBQs, we have a few that are coming up with friends this weekend to celebrate Ronn getting his purple belt in karate and my now belated birthday. Since I wanted a quiet birthday this year, Ronn and I spent it alone in Lake Arrowhead being creative. I started working on a new novel and he worked on the upcoming Ronn’s Garage that I know you guys will absolutely love. It features a part of the jam party we had with friends like Joel Berliner, Peter Beckett and Player, along with surprise guest Ray Parker Jr on drums. I think it shows how much fun Ronn and the boys have in the garage. Then of course we have behind the scenes of the Puglia B&B shoot and peaks of the the press that Ronn and Peter did in Italy. We end this month’s Ronn’s Garage with our personal surprise, our wedding vow renewal in Puglia.
Robin Krasny & Lavinia Biagiotti
It was so romantic at the Borgo Egnazia Villa and I had teased Ronn about how many times he’s been married to Brooke so much that he and I spontaneously decided to renew our vows there. Since we had some of our Italian family visiting the B&B set like German artist, Michael Mobius and fashion designer, Lavinia Biagiotti we thought it would be perfect to have them celebrate with us. Our dear friend Robin Krasny, of Robin and Eddy officiated our ceremony and sang as I walked down a gorgeous staircase for our sunset vows. The owner of the beautiful “Borgo Egnazia” resort and spa provided us with a harpist and his mother made our wedding cake! My wedding dress was a gift from Laura Biagiotti who provided all of our wardrobe. It was an absolute dream and I didn’t plan any of it, which if you know me, know is very weird for me. The flowers were also a gift from Aldo and Camilla who own the Borgo Egnazia and Ronn’s Italian manager, Gianluca was in attendance, helped arrange an amazing dinner for us. Ronn and I have always wanted a wedding in Italy, so this couldn’t have been more romantic or special and to have it be so spontaneous was wonderful for me to experience. Now we have the 4th of July bash at the Playboy mansion coming up and then Ronn will be on vacation from B&B until August. We have been asked to be guests on Marie Osmond’s new talk show next month and have some other exciting projects in the works to share with you later as they develop. We think it’s going to a be a fabulous summer and we plan on having fun. So have a safe and happy 4th to you all and we hope you’re having a great summer too!
It’s been over a week that we have been in our beloved second home, Italy. As always, we feel the love instantly especially with Ronn, as he has always had a big love affair with beautiful Italia. It seems since, “Ballando con le Stelle” he is more recognized as Ronn instead of Ridge, which is quite nice. After all of the press he did for his PLAYER album with Peter Beckett, we celebrated the release of Lavinia Biagiotti’s book, which is a cute and colorful book that displays tips on fashion. Lavinia is like my sister and she and her mom, Laura always makes us feel at home with them. I’m happy to announce that I will be helping them bring back the beloved fragrance, “Venezia” to America. The fragrance has many fans and requests in America and right now isn’t currently distributed there. I love the smell and right away started getting compliments since I’ve been wearing it. Jacqueline MacInnes-Wood who plays Steffy on B&B fell in love with it instantly also. So we are excited to relaunch “Venezia” in the US now. Since we have said goodbye to our friends in Rome, we are now in beautiful Puglia among the olive groves, which feels like heaven. There is an amazing spa that I’m looking forward to trying and the food has been spectacular. Seems like the vegetables are so fresh and flavorful that is all I want to eat right now. The seafood is also amazing and so is the wine. Needless to say we never go hungry in Italia. The B&B shoot is going very well, quite relaxing with gorgeous days and beautiful nights spent with the cast and crew. There are more of our Italian friends coming later this week to visit with us and Ronn and Katherine Kelly Lang are shooting a cute and funny commercial at the end of the week. Italia is always busy for Ronn with shoots, press and trying to fit so much in with friends in such a short period of time. But, we love Italia and their culture and really do think of it as our second home. A home we hope to spend more and more time in future years.
Easter has always been one of my favorite times of the year because it marks the blooming of flowers, spring fashion and new beginnings. There is a freshness in the air and after a cold winter, it’s a welcomed change that makes us smile. This Easter was the first time in eight years that Ronn and I have been apart. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z9YsvpW_Uk] Even though I’ve missed him dearly, I’ve so enjoyed the quiet stillness of our home all to myself. Good Friday I attended a fun party hosted by Michelle Stafford at her gorgeous home that she has decided to sell. I hung out with Nadia Bjorlin, Brandon Beemer and Christian LeBlanc which always spells out, “Good Time.” Then I had a fabulous dinner cooked by renowned drummer, Frankie Banali and his gorgeous fiance’ Regina Russell. Meanwhile, Ronn flew to Rome for an appearance on a new dance show called, “Ballando Con Te” and spent Easter with Laura and Lavinia Biagiotti. I decided to spend Easter with my neighbor Sue who cooked up a fabulous spread of prime rib and turkey. Her daughter Danielle made some bunny rabbits treats, as we hung out and enjoyed a gorgeous day spent by the pool. So I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Easter. And even though Ronn was missed here at home, he is returning today with many stories from our Italian family I’m sure.
Ronn’s Garage is finally here! We are both excited to have you cook with me at home, watch Ronn interview celebrity guests and even come to some of our parties! Ronn has been working diligently on this for a few months now and his first celebrity guest is Lorenzo Lamas. In “Ronn’s Garage” you get to see Ronn being Ronn and having a great time. In this first video, Ronn chose to do all the filming and editing himself to kind of set the tone for future shows and you all know what a perfectionist he is so it can only get better with time. There is so much more he wants to bring to Ronn’s Garage with each and every show. Lorenzo was such a great guest that he has a two part show. In the first show you get a better look at his sense of humor and how down to earth he really is. In part two you will get to see Lorenzo sing with Ronn and cook with me! Ronn’s Garage is a place to really get to see Ronn at home doing what he loves to do, playing music and having fun with his friends. I’m happy also to share some of my recipes and entertain you with some of our jam parties. So we hope you enjoy “Ronn’s Garage” and let us know what you think. You may access “Ronn’s Garage” also in Spanish, Italian, French and German by going directly to Ronn’s Garage URL and click on the flags at the top of the “Ronn’s Garage” home page. “Ronn’s Garage” is also on Ronn’s Website shortly. I think “Ronn’s Garage” will be a chance to really get to know Ronn and have some fun!
On August 23, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and devastated that region with 175 mph winds that left over 1836 people dead and cost over $100 billion dollars in damages. Many people lost their homes and relocated. This was one of the deadliest and costliest natural disasters in US history. Since then many people have been able to return to their home town thanks to the efforts of the “Make It Right” foundation and Brad Pitt’s passion for New Orleans. The first star studded fund raiser for “Make It Right” was hosted in New Orleans by Brad Pitt, Randy Jackson and Ellen DeGeneres. They showed us the progress that is being made with Green energy efficient homes that has enabled many native Louisianians to return home. This amazing technology has helped many other displaced people all over the world with these kinds of homes and I’m happy to be a part of this with “Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning.” It seems the region is coming back and will be stronger and better as time goes on. We are very proud to have participated in the first gala for “Make It Right.” All the performances by Sheryl Crow, Rhianna, Snoop Dog, Seal and Kanye West were amazing and the show will be broadcast later. The gala was totally first class and one of the most fun charity events we have ever attended. Ronn chatted with Portia DeRossi as I re connected with Sean Penn and Randy Jackson, who is from my home town of Baton Rouge. We had the best Cajun food prepared by Emeril and surprise appearances by Football hero Drew Brees and Dr. Drai. There was an open bar and the party went on all night long, so needless to say we didn’t want to miss any of it. By the end of the evening, Ronn was hanging with Jamie Foxx and Rhianna, while I partied with my home girls. One of my first college roommates came to visit me from Baton Rouge. We had not seen each other in 24 years! But that’s okay, because those are my life long friends that I cherish and we know it doesn’t matter if we don’t see each other, we are always there in each other’s heart. That’s how we are in Louisiana. If you are a friend, you are family and the passage of time just doesn’t matter. It made me so proud to see how much New Orleans loves Ronn as walked around the French Quarter listening to Jazz, stopping for Beignets and eating lots of gumbo. The culture is still there and the pride of Louisiana is still there, hell it’s a miracle that the French Quarter is still there! When Katrina hit New Orleans I cried and I wanted to do something to help rebuild it, thus “Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning” was born. I’m happy to see there are others that feel as passionate about New Orleans as me and it’s amazing to the see the progress when we all do a little bit to help. We now have several people helping us get our spice into restaurants and supermarkets. It made us so happy to be able to donated 1000 spices to the gala’s gift bags and we helped to raise over $14,000! That was small compared to other sponsors like Google, but we will most certainly be back next year bigger and better. Thank you to everyone who helped and participated. We are the spice that’s “Making It Right” in New Orleans so please spread the word and help us to continue.[wpvideo J1rs8eC0]
When it comes to birthdays, Ronn is not traditional at all. He doesn’t like the fuss and really doesn’t like birthday cake. It’s hard to surprise him because he hates surprises and wants to know what’s going on. This was a big birthday and I wanted to have something extra special for him, but due to his crazy work schedule and the fact that it was also a big birthday for Creason the week before, we just decided to combine them with a low key BBQ and few neighbors and friends. This is just so Ronn and I just gave him exactly what he wanted this year. Our neighbor Sue made a delicious carrot cake, which is the only cake that Ronn likes and our neighbor Bill was awesome on the Grill with his beer can chicken. I cooked up some red beans and rice in honor of Mardi Gras along with some various appetizers. It turned out to be a beautiful sunny day out by the pool and later Peter Beckett and Ronn did some acoustic music in the garage with “Quiet Riot” drummer Frankie Banali joining in. Our dear friend Julian Jackson filmed the whole party and we will have a edit of it to post soon. This really cheered Ronn up from the saddness of so many amazing talents that have passed away recently. Davy Jones, Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson, to name a few have passed way to early for us. It has brought new meaning to every birthday for Ronn. Even though he is in amazing shape and very healthy, he realizes each birthday is another gift and another reason to celebrate still being here. His mom died at age 63 when he was just 18. So for Creason to turn 18 and he 60, hit an emotional milestone for him and the importance for close friends and family around him is all he wanted this birthday. Because Ronn is such a popular guy we cannot simply have one birthday party. We must celebrate all month long with various friends to really let him feel close to those he love and adore. So this is just the first for a few more birthday celebrations. Our friend and Australian artist Brett Livingston Strong who painted Michael Jackson gave Ronn a very special painting of a Geisha girl that Michael Jackson drew. Only two exist and they belong now to Ronn and Michael’s mother Katherine. Today Ronn went to a celebrity party at “The House of Blues” in Hollywood for a live Facebook streaming concert of the “Blues Brothers” celebrating 30 years since John Belushi’s death. I watched the stream from our bedroom in my PJs and really enjoyed it. Ronn hung out with Dan Ackroyd, Jim Belushi, Director John Landis and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. He’s now very excited at the possibility of PLAYER doing a concert like this in the near future. I know for his many International fans that this will be a big treat. Who knows maybe you can join his birthday festivities live with us as we continue to celebrate throughout this month! So I want to personally thank you very much for all your gifts and birthday blessings for our extraordinary Ronn that we all adore so much. I know we would all love to have him around another 60 years!
For the first time Ronn and I watched almost all of the major Oscar nominated movies and our favorite was “The Decendants.” I was surprised it didn’t take home best picture, however we did enjoy “The Artist” very much too. We haven’t seen “Hugo” yet, so that is a must on our list. I thought “Iron Lady” was an okay movie, but loved Meryl Streep’s performance and thought she should indeed win best actress. We loved “The Help” and Octavia Spencer did steal that movie and I also thought she was a sure thing for Best supporting actress. All in all, Billy Crystal was great as a host, he always is. I wasn’t floored by any of the dresses on the red carpet, although Angelina Jolie looked great, she looked rather thin and what was up with the leg thing? Seems she was trying too hard, which in my opinion a more subdued approach is always best. I just think Natalie Portman is adorable and although I love Emma Stone, I hated her dress. We spent our Oscar night at the Playboy mansion, which is always fun because it’s like family there. We have so many terrific friends to catch up with there and the food is always terrific. Think next year we may just have our own Oscar bash!
Valentine’s Day is here and it’s safe to say love is in the air. We saw it firsthand when we attendedthe engagement party of Sean Kanan and his bride to be, Michelle Vega. Sean plays Deacon Sharpe on “The Young and The Restless” and use to play that character on “The Bold and The Beautiful” for years before. It was nice to see Winsor Harmon, Jennifer Finnigan and Kim Matula there to celebrate the lovebirds. We watched a funny rap video that Sean did with Ronn and Josh Morrow called, “I’m A Soap Star.” I think I may have had a bit too much fun because I’m now down for the count with a cold, so I’m resting and trying to get better before Valentine’s day is here. So here’s to all you lovebirds wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day!
Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning is now a part of Brad Pitt’s charity A Night To Make It Right that is helping to rebuild homes in New Orleans. On March 10th, Brad is hosting a star studded gala with Ellen Degeneres for the “Night To Make It Right Gala.” Performers include, Rhianna, Sheryl Crow, Randy Jackson and Seal. We are donating 1000 spices and have helped raise $10,000 so far. So we want to kick this awesome event off with a bang and get you guys involved to help us help New Orleans come back stronger than ever! We know this is just the start of something big and we know how much you love Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning, so now you have a chance to win a case of spices or a ticket to the “Night To Make It Right” after party, or a luncheon with Ronn and I!! The contest will end on Ronn’s birthday March 4th and we will announce the winners on our website that week! You must be responsible for your own transportation to the venue. Just donate $50 to enter to win a case of spices, $100 to win a ticket to the after party or $250 to win a luncheon with us! You may paypal your donations to devronnenterprises@yahoo.com. We will notify you by email and post on our website after March 4, 2012. We are so excited to participate in this awesome event and would love your support.
Ronn and I attended the birthday party of a longtime dear friend of mine, producer, writer, Jeff Franklin. Jeff created the TV series “Full House” with John Stamos and I’ve known Jeff since he was a writer on “The Garry Shandling Show” which was my first appearance on a sitcom.
Ronn, John Stamos and Jeff Franklin
Over the years, Jeff has had some really great parties and is just an overall super nice guy that everyone adores. So we were honored to join the company of singer Bobby Brown, Mike Love of “The Beach Boys” and of course John Stamos who all performed, along with the band, “The Spazmatics.” If you guys haven’t seen The Spazmatics, they are a bunch of guys who dress up as geeks, but sing their asses off on cover songs from the 80s. You just can’t help but get up and dance!
Kato Kailen
Jeff’s home is one of the most spectacular custom homes in Beverly Hills, with amazing views and the food at his place is always to die for! Needless to say, Ronn and I had a blast and didn’t actually get home til the wee hours of the morning. Jeff and I have a little custom with our birthdays over so many years. Since we are both big Elvis fans; I usually give him something to add to the massive Elvis room collection that he has and he usually gives me something from one of my favorite stores, “Nicole Miller.” However, this year Jeff did not want presents and asked that we donate to his favorite charity Operation USA to those who really could use help. So here is to another great birthday party thrown by my awesome friend Jeff! Happy Birthday!!