It’s been non-stop parties since we returned from Australia in celebration of the holidays. As always, it’s the busiest time of the year and I was not prepared at all for it. However, it was nice to catch up with so many friends that we have missed, since we have been traveling so much. I was very grateful for all the holiday festivities that so many wonderful friends included us in. I think as you get older there are just so many more friends to share and visit with, especially during the holidays. Isn’t that really what the holidays are all about?
We enjoyed Christmas Eve with my pal Tina Hillstrom who always entertains in style. Our Christmas day was a quiet one spent with our girls and I cooked a turkey breast, some stuffing and glazed carrots for our family dinner. It’s so rare these days to have the girls sit down to a dinner with us. Their lives are filled with their friends and their own activities that doesn’t include their parents. We did manage to attend a couple of parties with them and it was lovely to just have them around. We celebrated my friend Sandra Taylor’s birthday and saw Ronn’s upcoming 411 co-star Angie Everhart.
Now as we prepare to ring in a brand new year, I am optimistic it will bring us great blessings. As always, I tend to set goals toward the things I want and gratitude for the things we have already. This has always been my pattern and I highly recommend it. The universe has a way of balancing things out when you think this way. All of us are still going through trying times no matter who you are or where you live. We all have economics and politics to deal with.
Our wish for you is for nothing but health, happiness and prosperity in 2015! So enjoy all the holiday festivities and remember to always be grateful first and foremost for all the blessings you already have!
Looked beautiful! Wish you and Ronn a wonderful New Year. You are right– health (comes first!), happiness and prosperity is all that is important.
You both look so well…wishing you both a very Happy New Year xx
You both look beautiful! Wish you a wonderful 2015. Lots of Love from Italy
So very much enjoyed this last blog You looked like you had a very good time and I feel very blessed to get to come here and share some of it with you and your family. Ronn & You and the Girls look great . It is a Beautiful tree too so nicely decorated . Reminds me Victorian days lovely . Have to consider that theme next year my self. I hope the rest of the Holiday season brings you many blessings and yes we all have issues we deal with all the time . But all the blessings we have and are going to have bestowed on us by God out weighs anything life can bring our way. I firmly believe in trying to keep my head up and never take for granted what i already have right in front of my nose. Devin you gave me some great advice a little while back to remind myself to love me first thanks for that. Give Ronn & the girls a hug and also your friend Tina when you see her she is one of my favs and such a great woman tell her i admire her too. hugs Beth.
Hi Ronn and Devin! I wish u two all the best and successufl in new year!!! Love u both very much and am very grateful for yr freidnship. (((bighug))) from Slovakia
with love Kat
Love seeing your blog.Thanks so much for including others in your family celebrations.We all have so much to be grateful for in 2014 and 2015.
You 2 are such Fashionistas Always looking great. If you ever decide to do over your wedding vows We @GanD Studios would love to dress-U-up
Peace Love & Sweet Dreams