As most of you know, Carly, who I celebrated my birthday with was hospitalized a couple days after our celebration and nearly died. She was in a diabetic coma for a while and only responded to “Baby Come Back,” ironically because her last fondest memory was singing it with PLAYER at our jam party. We are thrilled Carly is back with us after such a scary incident and look forward to having her sing that song again with the band as soon as she’s is out of the hospital and able. Life is so fragile and as time goes on becomes even more precious. Just to wake up each and every day is indeed a gift and a blessing that we should never take for granted. Ronn and I spent the 4th of July weekend attending parties at the Playboy mansion seeing old friends and making new ones at the home of fashion designer, Sue Wong and REO Speedwagon’s drummer, Brian Hitt. It was so great to have a fun weekend to enjoy ourselves and Ronn wanted to see as many friends as possible before the Rock The Yacht Tour with PLAYER, Little River Band and Ambrosia starts on the east coast.
We relished having such a fun weekend and decided to also take some quality alone time in the mountains together. It was then that I learned that my co-star of the 80’s high school movie, “Can’t Buy Me Love” had passed away at age 43 only days before her own birthday. I was in total shock and disbelief because Amanda Peterson was just too young to possibly be gone. My first thought was this was an Internet hoax. However, the sad reality of the truth set in when I saw it displayed by so many magazines and news outlets.
I thought back to the precious time I worked with this sweet amazing girl who was only 16 when we met. “Can’t Buy Me Love” was shot on location in Tuscon, Arizona for nearly a month in early 1987. It was my first speaking role in a film and most of cast was younger than me. I remember the first scene we shot was when Cindy and Ronald break up in front of everyone at school and she slaps him. Amanda was so great, such a calm and seasoned actress. I was in awe of her instantly. We could all feel that this film was going to be a hit, so it was no surprise that Disney picked it up and got the rights to the Beatles’ song, “Can’t Buy Me Love,” changing the title of the film to be that and also making it a summer sleeper hit in 1987.
Thoughout the years, I have been asked if there would ever be a “Can’t Buy Me Love” reunion or sequel, but Patrick Dempsey and Seth Green were just too busy and Amanda retired from acting many years ago, so that was never meant to be. Yet, that film was forever etched in many teenager’s minds as part of their youth. The film just resonated with so many. I have had many moments in my career that I have been proud of and this one is one of my fondest memories. Amanda Peterson will live on in our hearts and “Can’t Buy Me Love” will go on to become a classic high school film with an awesome message; that most people can relate to almost three decades later! So with love and light we send our dear Mandy to be with the angels because that’s who she was and where she is now.
Devin, I’m so sorry for your loss of friend, Mandy. So young! Hard to think about. On a lighter note, Carly is one lucky young lady…it could have been worse…good to hear that she’ll be ok. I know Ronn’s music is capable of lifting all spirits.
Well, I’m going to the coast again to celebrate my birthday this weekend. So ready to go have some sun and fun. Wish you and PLAYER were there at the same time.
Love ya, Lilian
Devin, Im very sorry for lost of yr friend. Im also glad to hear those good news about Carly. Sure PLAYER will have fun on their tour, wish u and the guys will come to eauropean tour. Love u all. Sending (((bighug))) PS: Thanks for lovely and fun chats with u.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend Devin.
Too young to die! Thank you for your kind words again about Carly.
You and Ronn…there are no words to describe how wonderful you both are and the joy you have brought to Carly and her life. She really adores you both so much! Ronn was so comforting to her and kind about wanting to learn more about diabetes at the hospital. You were so great about keeping her spirits up.
You came to see her not once but twice!! When she responded to us playing her “Baby Come Back” I really knew she would be okay. She responded to you both and as you know remembered you by her bedside later.
You lit up her world when you came to see her and she is so excited about getting to sing again soon with the band and Ronn!
Thank you again!
It was fun seeing you guys the other day. Bryan and Cindi are great, aren’t they? See you in New York!
Yes really nice and fun, look forward to having them come up and jam with us maybe in Arrowhead when we get back from NYC!
Coming to NYC when where Please Show 7 tell
I’m so glad Carlyn is alright now. I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend Amanda. I hope you enjoy your time away.
Hi there My RED WHITE & BLUE friends & fans I am tardy with the reply But I read blog postings & show up every now & then All the best to all
btw I am now on fb as Lana Russell Feel free to request my friendship I will accept you all