I can’t believe spring is here already, seems this year is flying by so fast! I love spring, seeing all the flowers bloom and preparing for the warmth that summer will bring. It makes me want to entertain and so we are having our first party of spring this Sunday to kick off the new season of “Game of Thrones.” Peter Beckett got us hooked on that series and I promised I’d kick it off with a nice shindig of a party.
So I’m cooking some Cajun grub and having a few friends over who are also die hard “Game of Throne” fanatics to drink some ale and see who gets the ax in the first episode. We are also springing forward with so many new and exciting projects. Seems many countries are missing seeing Ronn on their TV sets since he’s no longer Ridge Forrester and we are formulating new and interesting things on a daily basis with many different countries.
Player is excited to do a tour in Australia this November and 13 shows are now locked down with more being added that could take us into New Zealand for December. There will also be new Player merchandise available especially for this “Too Many Reasons” tour and I couldn’t be more excited, so Player Angels get ready to rock! I visited Melbourne back in 2005 when Ronn did the berry juice commercial, so this will be a such a treat for me to explore OZ and really spend some quality time there. The new “Man On Fire” music video with previews from the upcoming 411movie will be released soon so you can get more excited about the upcoming tour!
There is also a movie in the works with Italy’s best comedy writers who is tailoring a script especially for Ronn. I can’t tell you details on that yet, but it’s going to be quite comical and I will also be in it. We have a TV show in the works for Finland and South Africa and there is a possibility of a campaign in the Netherlands. However it’s all being formulated so I can’t give you dates of when we will be in those places just yet.
Player is also making an appearance on a popular TV show next week and I can’t tell you what show just yet, but I know you will be excited and will give you details as soon as I’m allowed. They are also looking forward to singing, “Tracks of My Tears” to honor the one and only Smokey Robinson at the House of Blues April 26. This will be a killer show that will include, Taylor Dane and Chaka Khan among others that will make this an exciting televised event to benefit the “Thalians.“
Ronn is joining the cast of the Emmy nominated webseries, “The Bay” next week when they introduce a new character to the drama. We are also putting the finishing touches on our audio book, “My Husband’s A Dog, My Wife’s A Bitch” and I’m so pleased you are laughing and enjoying the printed version and Ebook. We are planning to release a book of Ronn’s photography in the future and I’ve been encouraging him to continue writing his autobiography. Ronn has led an amazing life growing up in Hollywood and has some incredible stories to tell from his life so this is a must. But as you know, he’s rather slow and moves at his own pace, so that won’t be for a while. In the meantime, as we spring forward into these upcoming exciting projects taking us on a new adventure, that maybe we will be visiting you real soon!
Awesome news Devin Ronn Peter
HI Ronn and Devin
This sounds pretty cool. Many great things for u 2. Im very happy for my fav couple.Love yr chats with us and looking forward all new devronn projects in future.
Hi Dev-Ronn
I have not had time to be online recently to read anything. But the first chance I got I’m here with you to see what’s new with you guys. Springtime in Sweden is a very busy time for us over here. All sought of business have to be taken care off.
However, I like the title of that Bitch/Dog book. Going to put it on my bucket list,,for sure.
Happy Spring to you both
I bet it’s gorgeous in Sweden, we were coming there for a wedding in July, but it got postponed for next year in New York. I hope to visit your beautiful country one of these days, have never been there.
Yes Devin, it is beautiful in Sweden during the Spring & Summer Seasons. I live in Lund,,but often visit the other cities and surrounded countries. My place of birth is St. Petersburg Russia. Not exactly as scenic as Sweden, but it has some beautiful architectural sights.
Please give me an heads up when you decide to visit. I am friends with two sisters (Dana & Holly) who are also fans of you & Ronn and they own hotels, restaurants and nightclubs all over the land. They will surely hook you up..lol
Only thing Dana went back to visit her parents in The Grand Cayman from December. And she got a bad case of “homesick for the islands” and have not returned,,yet.
I am going to post some “spring views” from here on my Google page. Take a look & Take Care of you & Ronn.
Love from Swetlana
Great News Devin,such a big schedule…look forward to hearing everything xx
So nice that spring is here. Just hope we don’t get those notorious “april showers” And so nice of you guys to share your thoughts & ideas with us fans.
All the best for the season
Happy Spring is in the air over there in California. Us folks still waiting for it to show up North & East of America. Whew!!! We are just sick of the gloomy days. Come next winter..I am gonna make sure I wake up somewhere sunshine is glowing. Other than that life is good.
Great to hear about the DevRonn plans. You guys know how to live & love in every season
HI Devin
I am springing forward into your country next week…from Down Under… First stop NY..to attend a Baby Baptism. Actually its 2 babies (twin boys). Then I am coming to LA.
What you got planned so I can finally meet you & Ronn. My dates for Cali visit are between 4/29-5/13.